6 Underrated Exercises for Beginners

Here are the best exercises for beginners! (Image via unsplash/Bastien Plu)
Best exercises for beginners (Image via unsplash/Bastien Plu)

Working out isn't just about staying fit and healthy, it's also a great way to relieve stress and make you feel good. It can also help improve your mood and even boost your energy level.

However, if you're a beginner, choosing the right exercises is important so that you don't get injured or waste time with stuff that doesn't work for your body type. If that sounds like you, fear not. In this article, we will look at a few underrated exercises for beginners who want to start getting fit.

Most Underrated Exercises For Beginners

Here's a look at six such exercises:

#1 Single-leg deadlift

It's a great exercise for beginners, as it works multiple muscles in the core and legs. It also increases balance, which is important for people who're still learning how to move their body.

The single-leg deadlift is done as follows:

  • Start with your feet together, and lift one leg off the floor so that you're standing on one foot.
  • Bend over at the waist while keeping your back straight (you should be able to see a line from your head down through your hips).
  • Reach towards the floor with both hands as far as possible without bending forward at the waist too much (about 30 degrees).
  • Don't let gravity take over; keep pulling upward till you feel a burn in your hamstrings or lower back area.
  • Slowly stand up straight again; switch sides by putting down that lifted foot, and repeat for ten repetitions per side.

#2 One-arm dumbbell row

One-arm dumbbell rows are a great exercise to build the back, biceps, and core. It can be done using many variations – from a regular weight bench to a cable machine (or even holding onto an object for added stability).

For example, if you're using a weight bench:

  • Set up so that your left foot is flat on the floor underneath you for support and balance as needed. Both knees should be bent at 90 degrees and arms hanging down either side of hips/waist level;
  • Bend over till the torso is parallel to the floor while keeping your spine straight
  • Use your right hand to lift the weight by pushing against it while squeezing the shoulder blades together tightly.
  • Slowly bring the weight into the starting position again by lowering the weight back down along the same path but under control. Don't let momentum take over.

#3 Kettlebell swing

The kettlebell swing is a great exercise for beginners, as it strengthens the back and core muscles, which can help you lose weight. It also improves balance and coordination, so you will be better able to perform other exercises as you get stronger.

Like the squat, if you start with too much weight, it's easy to injure yourself. So start with the right amount of weight — one that allows you to complete 12 repetitions without feeling exhausted. You will have no problem completing the full set of 15 reps required by this workout.

To do this exercise:

  • Start by setting up in a squat position.
  • Hold the kettlebell in front of you, and swing forward as you hinge your hips.
  • Bring the weight down again, and repeat.
  • Remember not to round your back during the exercise; keep it arched and flexible.

#4 Barbell front squat

The barbell front squat is a great exercise to do if you're new to weightlifting, as it helps build leg strength and muscle while also improving core stability.

It's performed by holding a barbell in front of the body with an overhand grip and bending at the knees and hips till the upper legs are parallel to the floor. Proceed as follows:

  • Pause for two seconds in this position before returning to standing.
  • To help improve your form, try using lighter weights than usual when starting out or performing fewer repetitions per set.
  • The goal should be proper technique above all else, so don't worry if it takes some time before you can lift heavy enough weights without compromising form.

#5 Standing overhead dumbbell press

The standing overhead dumbbell press is a great exercise for building up the shoulders, chest, and triceps.

If you're new to weightlifting or haven't done this move before, start with one light dumbbell while you get comfortable with the movement before adding more weight.

You can perform this exercise by grabbing the weights and pressing them above your head as you keep your core stable and back arched. Remember to keep your elbows stable, and avoid using your chest and arms during the exercise.


#6 Jumping Jack

Jumping jacks are a good exercise to start with, as they can be done anywhere, and they make you feel like you've accomplished something even if you're just getting started.

They're also the best way to warm up before any other exercise. Just remember: don't let your legs cross over each other. Do it as follows:

  • Jump up, and spread your legs out wide as you're in the air. Your arms should join over your head as you're suspended in the air.
  • Bring them back together as you hit the ground. Repeat for reps.


The aforementioned exercises aren’t the only ones that can help you build strength and muscle. However, they're some of the best for beginners, as they require minimal equipment, take very little time to complete and don’t require much skill.

As with any exercise programme, always check with your doctor before starting a new routine or performing any exercise. If you feel pain at any point while doing these exercises, stop immediately. Remember that this isn't an exhaustive list. There are many other options out there for beginners who want to get started on their fitness journey.

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