6 Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Alcohol Fat in Women

Losing alcohol fat will need a combination of diet and exercise. (Image via Unsplash/Ulvi Safari)
Losing alcohol fat will need a combination of diet and exercise. (Image via Unsplash/Ulvi Safari)

If you have been on a partying high, you probably focused more on having a good time. The bubbly and the food were simply too tempting. The result of the delectable fare with the cheering spirits is the alcohol fat.

Cracking open a beer—or six—is quite easy with the tailgate season in full swing and barbecue season quickly approaching. Having a beer now and then can be entertaining, but over time, all those beers can do serious damage to your physique.

Alcoholic beverages are often combined with fatty sides or meals. It easily leads to weight gain because the body breaks down alcohol into fat that is stored. It typically accumulates in the midsection. Besides the cosmetic reason of unsightly fat, the extra weight may place a strain on your heart and joints. You may feel lethargic, too.

Lose Alcohol Fat with These Exercises

You are mistaken if you think that by stopping beer drinking, your beer belly would go away. It won't. You can get rid of it with the help of these exercises. Go on and practice them regulalry and beer yourself moderately.

1. Jump Squats

The jump squat is a great workout to lose alcohol fat. Jump squats burn more calories so they can be useful in losing fat quickly. Additionally, it enhances balance, fortifies your body, and aids in muscle growth.


Here’s how to do it:

  • First, lower yourself into a squat position with your knees bent and your thighs nearly parallel to the ground.
  • Hands should remain by the sides.
  • Jump up right now and raise your arms above your head.
  • Return to your previous squat stance after landing, then lower your arms.
  • Perform 10-rep for 3 sets.

2. Mountain Climber

The mountain climber is a fantastic cardio and abs exercise to lose alcohol fat. Your core, shoulders, arms, and legs are all being used throughout this workout.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Get into the push-up position to start.
  • Now bend your left knee and bring it up to your chest before returning to the starting position.
  • Restore the right knee to its former position after bringing it closer to the chest.
  • When performing mountain climbers, keep the pace quick.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

3. Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are more effective than many other complex workouts for working the glutes. This exercise helps to lose alcohol fat as well.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin by getting down on all fours and placing your hands and knees beneath your shoulders and hips, respectively.
  • Slowly raise your leg until your thigh is nearly parallel to the floor and maintain a 90-degree angle with your right knee.
  • Squeezing your glutes will cause you to raise your flexed foot towards the ceiling.
  • Your spine should be in a neutral position and remain completely still.
  • Small, controlled motions that use muscle power rather than momentum should be used whenever possible.
  • To finish one rep, go back to the starting position.
  • On the opposite side, repeat. Perform three sets of 25 reps on each side.

4. Bicycle Crunches

Crunches are essential for any abdominal exercise. The abdominal muscles are worked in bicycle crunches, and this helps to lose alcohol fat.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by lying on your back on the floor.
  • Put your feet slightly apart and lock your palms behind your head.
  • Now raise your head and step with your feet.
  • While using your feet to pedal, bring your arm to the opposite knee.
  • Perform 20 repetitions in three sets.

5. Push-Ups

To build your upper body and core, perform push-ups. Additionally, it will strengthen your core muscles, enhance your balance and help you lose alcohol fat. Combining an upper body pushing exercise and a plank strengthens the stabilizing muscles in your core.


Here’s how to do it:

  • With your toes on the ground and your palms under your shoulders, assume the push-up position.
  • Your body should be straight and your core should be tight.
  • Now, flex your elbows and squat down until your chest is almost touching the ground.
  • Hold a straight back. Then, contract your abs and lift yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Do three sets of 10 in each rep.

6. Planks

Planks are fantastic for losing alcohol fat. Along with your core, they target your back, shoulders, chest, and glutes. Additionally, they enhance your posture.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Place your palms beneath your shoulders in a push-up posture, keeping your back straight.
  • After about a minute, relax in this position.
  • Perform three of these.

Key Takeaway

Beer drinking frequently includes consuming high-calorie snacks or fatty meals, which might lead to alcohol fat.

Alcohol fat is stubborn. To avoid or get rid of it, you need to change your diet and incorporate exercise in your lifestyle. The exercises given here will definitely help you get back in shape quickly if done regularly.