9 Super Easy Exercises For Office To Get Energized And Refreshed!

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We all want to get fit. Some of us manage with our tight office schedule, while the rest just dream about working out. However, did people ever tell you about how you could actually do a quick workout in office?

Yes, office workouts are a thing. Obviously, no machines and all, but your body weight comes in handy. And it works! It works wonders! Just adding a brief activity period to your daily routine can help you lose more than 250-300 calories per day.

First, let us take note of a few workout tips that we can do just by simply sitting on our office chair.

1. Neck rotation: simply rotate your neck in a way that first, your chin touches your chest, then your left ear touches you left shoulder, then your head hangs back and lastly your right ear touches you right shoulder. This is one rotation. Do a few of these and repeat for the opposite direction.

2. Shrug: Raise your shoulders upwards and hold for about 3 seconds. Keep your back straight. Drop it back and then repeat.

3. Knee Tucks: Bend your knee and lift one leg up. Pull it towards your chest with the help of your hands. Hold for 4 seconds and relax. Repeat for the other leg.

Apart from these, you MAY increase the number of basic stretches you do. These will not help you lose weight but will definitely help you increase your flexibility and mobility.

Other advanced level exercises that you can invest your time in are mentioned below. These exercises will help you lose weight and increase your fitness level.

1. Stationary Running: This is a super easy exercise and as the name suggests, you need to run or jog but at one place. Stand in an area, which has sufficient space. Set a timer and start jogging. Do not stop in the middle and maintain a good speed.

Also, read 6 Explosive Home Workouts To Hit Every Muscle.


2. Plank: This is an exercise that needs no equipment and is brilliant for your core. You just need to get down on your fours keeping your body straight from your head to your heels. Now slowly keep your forearms on the floor, while maintaining the alignment. Stay in this position for 2 minutes.


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3. Sumo Squats: Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and point your toes at about 45 degrees. Keep your back straight and your arms extended in front of your chest. Slowly, push your butt back and bend your knee to squat down. Go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Get back up and repeat. This exercise works wonders for your butt, glutes, thighs and lower abs.


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4. Tricep Dips: Sit on your chair and keep your palms on the edge, maintaining a firm grip. Slowly step forward so that your butt is in the air. Bend your elbows and extend your legs forward. Slowly, lower your body down to do a dip. Push your self up. That makes up one rep. Repeat. This exercise works on your shoulders and triceps.


5. Leg Raise: Sit on your chair firmly and keep your feet close. Raise both your legs in the air and hold for a few seconds. Do not bend your knees. Lower them down and repeat. This works really well on your abs and legs.


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6. Wall Push Ups: Keep your palms on the wall a little more than shoulder width apart and keep your feet about a foot away from the lower edge of the wall. Keeping your body straight and without bending your knees, push your body forward. Bend your elbows and go as close to the wall as possible. Push yourself back to the initial position and repeat. This works really well for your arms and shoulder.


7. Crunches: Simply lie down on the floor and sit straight. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Keep your hand behind your head and raise your head and shoulder off the ground. Engage your core. Get back down and repeat. This exercise is a must for perfect abs.


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8. Side Lunges: Position both palms on your desk about shoulder-width apart. Push your left leg out and bend your knee to lower yourself to your left. Your right leg needs to be straight. Get back up and repeat for the other side.


9. Knee Tucks: Sit on the chair and keep your palms on the edge. Extend your legs in front of you and in the air. At once, bend your knees and pull them closer to your chest while keeping your back straight. Get back to the initial position and repeat. This is beneficial for your abs and glutes.


Apart from these exercises and stretches, some other changes that you can make in your daily routine include taking the stairs whenever possible, walk to get yourself a glass of water, walk a few steps while you are on the phone etc. Happy working!

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Edited by Mayank Vora