Barbell Leg Workout: 6 Exercises to Build Bigger Legs

(Image via Pexels/Victor Freitas)
Barbell leg workouts (Image via Pexels/Victor Freitas)

Leg days are often among the most dreaded parts of a workout regimen, but if you want to build bigger legs and a lower body, they're important.

There are numerous barbell exercises that can engage the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings to help you build bigger legs and greater strength in the lower body.

Best Barbell Exercises to Build Bigger Legs

Here're six barbell leg workouts that can help you develop bigger legs:

1) Barbell Back Squat

It's one of the best barbell exercises if you want to build bigger legs with compound movements. This exercise can work the core, posterior chain, and lower body.


How to do the exercise?

Start in a straight standing position with a barbell across both shoulders, keeping your feet apart. Squat down as usual, with your gaze forward and back upright. At the low point of the exercise, explode upwards by pressing onto your legs and repeat.

2) Romanian Deadlift

It's a great compound exercises that can promote muscle growth. It can also help you build bigger legs by burning the hamstrings and glutes.


How to do the exercise?

Begin the exercise in an upright standing position while clutching the barbell with both hands and holding it at hip level, with your palms angled downward.

Make sure that your shoulder blades are rolled upward and backward, with both knees slightly bent. Bring the bar back to the ground by driving your hips to the back with your head facing the front. Assume a tall standing position by driving your hips back forward. Repeat.

3) Zercher Squat

It's one of the best barbell exercises that can up your workout while also training the core. This exercise can help you build both stronger and bigger legs along with increasing strength in the lower body.


How to do the exercise?

Clutch a barbell between the crooks of both elbows, and secure your arms in front of the barbell for better balance. With an upright posture, perform squats like you usually do. This exercise can be tough, as it works the quads.

4) Barbell Glute Bridge

It has been gaining increasing popularity, as it helps build bigger legs and assist in other exercises, such as deadlifts and squats. This exercise can also enable you to get stronger glutes.


How to do the exercise?

Lie down on the ground with your back flat and a barbell just above your waist. Keep your rear and heels close to each other in a grip wider than shoulder width. Elevate your hips to thrust the barbell towards the ceiling, with your upper back and feet pressing onto the ground. Lower your body back, and repeat.

5) Deadlift

Referred to as the king of lifts, the barbell deadlift works all the muscles and help boost strength. It can enable you to get bigger legs with its classic lift movement and by engaging the glutes and hamstrings.


How to do the exercise?

Begin in an upright standing position with a barbell in front of you. Squat down with good posture, and clutch in both palms with an above-hand grip. Stand back with the weight by pressing onto your heels, keeping your core engaged and chest lifted. Lower the bar back on the floor, and repeat.

6) Barbell Front Squat

It's a popular barbell exercises that can pack significant strength and power in the lower body. This exercise also reduces strain from the lower back and knees.


How to do the exercise?

Begin in an upright standing position while keeping a barbell over the top of the deltoids, with your feet apart wider than hip distance. Clutch the barbell with your elbow pointed to the floor and arms backward while gripping the weight. Perform your usual squats, and repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned barbell leg workouts are amongst the best and most effective for building stronger and bigger legs. These exercises work on all the muscles across the upper and lower body while providing several benefits.

However, before doing these full body barbell exercises, you should start with a few simple warm-up exercises to prep the muscles and boost blood circulation. Warm-exercises before a workout can reduce the chances of muscle pain and injury.

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