Best Alternative of Burpees to Step Up Your Exercise Routine

Burpees are one of the best all-round cardio exercises to do (Image via Pexels @Li Sun)
Burpees are one of the best all-round cardio exercises that you can do (Image via Pexels @Li Sun)

If you are not the biggest fan of burpees, there are many alternatives to burpees that you can opt for in order to get the benefits of burpees. Burpees are one of the best cardio exercises, but if you don't prefer them, you should definitely include alternative of burpees exercises in your cardio routine to workout your entire body.

Burpees are also not advisable for those suffering from lower back pain. Hence, alternative for burpees exercises become essential for these people. As burpees work out both the upper and lower body, the alternatives must be able to do the same. Below, we will discuss two alternative of burpees exercises that you can include in your routine to reap the benefits of burpees.

These two moves are adaptable and can be part of any fitness regimen. You should consult a physician before beginning any new exercise program or if you are experiencing any pain while exercising. Consult a trainer if you have concerns about your form.

Burpees combine movements of both the upper and lower bodies, making them an excellent full-body cardio workout (Image via Unsplash @Minna Hamalainen)
Burpees combine movements of both the upper and lower bodies, making them an excellent full-body cardio workout (Image via Unsplash @Minna Hamalainen)

Best Alternative of Burpees Exercises

The following two exercises are the best alternative of burpees. You can also check out these fat-blasting exercises that are better than burpees.

1) Sprawls

This is one of the best alternative of burpees exercises you can do. Sprawls focus on strengthening your mid and lower body, particularly your legs and abdominals, which are crucial for movement and stability. The lower body movements are very similar to a burpee--sans the jump and push-up phases--and the upper body will also be engaged to maintain stability.

The plank position strengthens the rectus abdominis, lower back, and transverse abdominal muscles in preparation for the jump back. Accelerating the performance of your move can increase your strength and lower body power. As long as you keep your core braced and don't round your spine or hyperextend your lower back, doing a proper squat or lunge spread is safe for your lower back.

However, remember to keep a close eye on your form, and try to avoid landing on the balls of your feet if you suffer from tight hip flexor muscles. You can work on your footwork instead of jumping right away.

Sprawls are a great alternative of burpees that will also be easy on your lower back (Image via Pexels @Maksim Goncharenok)
Sprawls are a great alternative of burpees that will also be easy on your lower back (Image via Pexels @Maksim Goncharenok)

Instructions for performing this alternative of burpees exercise are given below:

  • Get into a push-up position, and give it all you've got to tighten your abs.
  • Jump up and out of your hands, planting your heels just outside the frame.
  • Sit in a squat position with your legs slightly apart and your chest lifted, and then immediately bring both hands in front of your chest.
  • Jump back into a push-up position after putting your hands back on the floor.
  • The motion should be quick and powerful, like a rocking horse.

2) Dumbbell Thrusters

The second alternative of burpees exercise that we are going to discuss is dumbbell thrusters. Dumbbell thrusters involve performing a loaded squat and an overhead press at the same time. The exercise works the upper and lower body, helps build power and strength, and can be quite taxing, making it a good endurance-builder if done in multiple reps.

You should start with just your bodyweight until the exercise feels natural, and then progress to heavier weights. The protection of your lower back depends on the recruitment of your muscles, which will not occur if you do not engage them.

Dumbbell thrusters are another full body alternative exercise to burpees that you can do (Image via Pexels @Andrea Piacquadio)
Dumbbell thrusters are another full body alternative exercise to burpees that you can do (Image via Pexels @Andrea Piacquadio)

Instructions for performing this alternative of burpees exercise are given below:

  • Position your feet so that your shoulders are directly over your hips, and rack the dumbbells high onto your shoulders while keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  • Center yourself and prepare to fight.
  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground and your chest is forward.
  • Make sure your knees don't cave in, and your weight is distributed evenly between your feet.
  • Press up from your heels and abs to stand, hips extended, and dumbbells overhead.
  • To maintain proper spinal alignment, push your head through your arms, and lock out at the top of the movement.
  • Sit back down into your squat position, lowering the weights slowly and deliberately by bending at the knees and elbows.
  • Keep your elbows up as you lower the weights so that you can properly sling them over your shoulders.

You can incorporate these two alternative of burpees exercises in your workout routine to reap their benefits. You can also check out these burpee variation exercises for beginners.

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