5 Best Arm Exercises for Women

Best arm exercises for women for strength and definition. (Photo via Scott Webb/Unsplash)
Best arm exercises for women for strength and definition. (Photo via Scott Webb/Unsplash)

Arm exercises hardly take up a significant portion of your workout routine, but they play an extremely important role in your overall journey towards fitness. While aiming to develop a toned and symmetrical physique, you will have to invariably work your arms as part of your workout regime.

Your arms highly dictate what your upper body looks like, and it’s important to not ignore arm exercises at any cost.

Before you begin, remember that your arms have two muscle groups - biceps and triceps. While your biceps have two parts - long head and short head, your triceps have three parts - long head, lateral head, and medial head. It’s imperative that you develop all parts of each muscle group properly to have defined and toned arms.

5 Arm Exercises for Women

The following are certain exercises that you can incorporate into your workout routine, especially on the days you target your arms:

1. Bicep Curl

As mentioned, biceps have two heads - long and short. The bicep curl allows you to target both, depending on your grip. An underhand grip allows you to work on the short head while a semi-supinated grip allows you to work on the long head.

It’s an extremely popular arm exercise, and should never be skipped. You can find the guide for bicep curls here.


2. Hammer Curl

Hammer curls are one of the most popular variations in arm exercises. Hammer curls enable you to target those parts which help the short and long head in representing your biceps.

This specific exercise is great for improving definition and variation and maximizing grip strength. Here is the step-to-step guide for hammer curls.


3. Tricep Extension

Tricep extensions can be single-handed or double-handed. While these are variations in themselves, you can pick whichever works best for you.

Single-handed tricep extensions just help you do the exercise unilaterally, which helps to fix any strength or muscle imbalances between the two triceps.


4. Tricep Pushdown

Tricep pushdowns are the next pick from arm exercises for your routine. You can do pushdowns using various grips such as straight bars, v-bars, ropes, etc.

Ultimately, you should focus on various grips to activate the bigger and smaller muscles in the group. It’s best to develop your triceps from all angles!

5. Dips

Tricep dips can be done using your bodyweight or you can add weight to it. If you’re a beginner, you should focus on doing body weight variation and move to adding weights as you become stronger.

However, arm exercises should include at least one bodyweight movement, and you can use that as a warm-up or a finisher.


Bottom Line

Arm exercises enable you to tone and define your arms. However, at the same time, your diet plays an important role in what the final results will look like.

If you’re working out efficiently, but your diet is not consistent, you will not see proper or steady development.

On the other hand, if you follow the 21/90 rule for your fitness routine, where it takes 21 days to build a habit and 90 days for it to become a lifestyle, you’ll see results much sooner!

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