6 Best TRX Exercises to Lose Weight and Build Muscles

(Image via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
Try TRX workouts to achieve your fitness goals (Image via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

TRX exercises tend to be one of the most efficient ways that will not only help you to lose weight and build muscles. The TRX suspension trainer uses your body weight as resistance, eliminating the need to use heavy equipment at the gym.

TRX exercises also help stimulate muscles and build greater upper-body and abdominal strength. These exercises will help in building greater balance in the body along with building muscular endurance.

We have curated a list of the six best TRX exercises to help you build muscle and lose weight if incorporated into your daily workout routine.

TRX Pistol Squats and 5 other Exercises to Lose Weight and Build Muscles

1. TRX Rows

TRX rows are one of the most effective exercises to build muscles without requiring bulky fitness equipment. It will efficiently target the muscles of your posterior chain and upper body, such as rhomboids and lats.


Here's how to do it:

  • Clutch the suspension trainer’s handles in both hands and bring your arms in a straight line with your elbows extended in front of your chest.
  • Place your feet at hip distance apart and roll your shoulders backward.
  • With your core engaged, lean your body back so that it looks in a similar position to that of an upright plank.
  • With your hands apart at chest distance, bring your chest towards the suspension trainer’s handles.
  • Now steadily, reverse the movement to the initial position. Repeat.

2. TRX Incline Press

TRX incline press will help you build muscles by targeting your core, shoulders, and arms, along with building significant upper body strength and overall stability of the body.


Here's how to do it:

  • Anchor your straps to about mid-calf length with a single handle mode.
  • Position your one foot on the foot cradle with the ground opposite the anchor point.
  • Walk to your feet at the back of your anchor point.
  • Position your body into an active plank position.
  • Start with push-up repetitions with your core engaged.

3. TRX Inverted Rows

This is an excellent exercise for beginners to build muscles by recruiting lower and upper body muscles. It will also help in enhancing the overall grip strength.


Here's how to do it:

  • Start by grabbing the suspension trainer's handles in both hands.
  • Bring your body in a manner where your feet are pressed on the floor, back facing the ground, and the body above your knees is parallel to the ground.
  • In this position, your arms should be completely extended over your chest, holding the suspension trainer, and your shoulders should be below your knees.
  • Next, bring your chest towards the handles before returning to the initial position. Repeat.

4. TRX Pistol Squats

TRX pistol squats are a great exercise to burn fat and build greater body strength. This exercise will help you build muscles and provide a complete body workout.


Here's how to do it:

  • Grasp the handles of the suspension trainer with your feet slightly apart and the back erect.
  • Lean your body backward with your upper arms tucked in towards your body.
  • Raise your left foot above as your right foot is pressing on the ground.
  • Squat on your right leg with an engaged core and the left leg extended and hovering above the ground.
  • Go back to the standing position. Alternate sides and repeat.

5. TRX Lunges

TRX lunges is a great functional exercise that will help you build muscles and strength in the lower body.


Here's how to do it:

  • Start by standing tall with your right foot secured to the stirrup and your back erect.
  • Bring your body into the lunge position with your rear leg hovering above the ground and your front knee bent at 90 degrees.
  • Assume the standing position and repeat. Swap sides and repeat the same process.

6. TRX Squats to Fly

TRX squats to fly will provide you with a multitude of benefits besides helping you build muscles - it builds better strength in the upper body, increases core stability, and improves mobility.


Here's how to do it:

  • Grasp the handle of the TRX suspension in both your hands with your feet shoulder distance apart and your back erect.
  • Slowly assume the squat position with an engaged core by driving your hips to the back and bending your knees.
  • Slowly, explode up and bring your arms overhead as you rise. Repeat.

Bottom Line

The TRX exercises listed above are some of the best for building muscles and losing weight. These exercises produce similar results to any resistance training and can be effectively incorporated into your workout routine.

The TRX exercises mentioned above will provide numerous advantages, such as enhancing muscular strength, greater body balance, better muscular endurance, greater activation of the muscles, and more.

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