Cable chest workouts for stronger and defined pecs

Cable chest workout (Photo via Total Shape/Unsplash)
Cable chest workout (Photo via Unsplash/Total Shape)

A cable chest workout is a routine where all the exercises are performed using the cable pulley machine.

It’s important to have access to the machine and the correct grip to do a cable chest workout. However, if you don’t have access to a cable chest machine, you should try the dumbbell or barbell variation for the exercise to grow and strengthen your pectoral muscles.

Understanding pectoral muscles for cable chest workout

TRX exercises (Photo via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
TRX exercises (Photo via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

Chest muscles are also known as pectoral muscles or pecs. It’s a large group of muscles that are situated in the upper torso. The muscle group has two chest muscles: pectoralis major and pectoralis minor.

The pectoralis major is a fan-shape, large muscle that makes up most of the upper chest. It has two primary functions - moving the arms across the body and bringing the arm forward (pushing or pressing).

The pectoralis minor is the smaller muscle that's located underneath the pectoralis major. Its primary function is to help in shoulder blade stabilization while helping with arm movement.

Some of the most popular compound exercises for the chest are bench press, incline dumbbell press and landmine press. It’s important to develop a strong chest to increase overall upper body strength.

Exercises in a cable chest workout

Cable chest exercises (Photo via Total Shape/Unsplash)
Cable chest exercises (Photo via Total Shape/Unsplash)

The first step to discussing a cable chest workout is learning about cable chest exercises. Here are some cable chest exercises you can do:

Incline Cable fly

  • Adjust the cables above shoulder level.
  • Attach the D-bars to each side. Select a suitable weight
  • Hold the grips with each hand, and step forward
  • Keep one leg in front and bend it from the knees
  • Keep your back leg straight
  • Engage your chest, and bring your arms in front of your chest in a fly motion
  • Hold it for a second before lowering the weight and moving your arms backwards.

Decline cable fly

  • Adjust the cables at the bottom of the machine.
  • Attach the d-bars to each side. Select a suitable weight.
  • Hold the grips with each hand, and step forward
  • Keep one leg in front, and bend it from the knees
  • Keep the back leg straight
  • Engage your chest, and bring your arms in front of your chest
  • Hold it for a second before lowering the weight and moving your arms backwards

Cable chest press

  • Adjust the cables at chest level. Attach the d-bars to it.
  • Set an incline bench at almost 90-degrees in the middle of the two cables.
  • Hold the cables, and sit on the incline bench.
  • Flaring the chest, keep an arch on your lower back, and push the cables forward
  • Ensure to select a suitable weight so that you’re able to complete a set of 8-10 reps.

The two variations of the cable chest press are:

  1. Incline cable chest press: set cables at the top
  2. Decline cable chest press: set cables at the bottom

Single-arm cable chest press

  • Set one side of the cable at chest level. Attach and-bar to it.
  • Hold the bar, and set forward.
  • Keep the other hand across your body for balance
  • Keep the front leg bent from the knees and back leg straight.
  • Engage your pectoral muscles, and push the weight forward
  • Hold it for a second before lowering the weight
  • Repeat at least 10-12 times before switching sides

Cable chest workout: Benefits of strong chest muscles

Benefits of strong pecs (Photo via UnsplashAndrew Valdivia)
Benefits of strong pecs (Photo via UnsplashAndrew Valdivia)

Strong pectoral muscles are essential to develop overall strength.

However, there are quite a few other benefits from a cable chest workout that you should be aware of. Here they are:

Improves upper body strength

As pectoral muscles are an important muscle group for the upper body, it’s important to understand that strong chest muscles mean better upper body strength. They help improve activities like pushing, lifting and pulling.

Better posture

Strong pectoral muscles help in supporting the shoulder blades and spine. That improves overall posture and reduces risk of a hunch.

Boosts athletic performance

When you have upper body strength, sports or athletic activities that include pushing, throwing or punching become easier.

Improves metabolism

A cable chest workout helps Increase muscle tissue. That helps with burning more calories when the body is at rest compared to fat tissues.

Enhances upper body appearance

A developed set of pectoral muscles provide the chest with a better defined and toned appearance.

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