Finding The Right Words: How to talk to someone with Depression?

How to talk to someone with depression? Words are powerful. (Image via Pexels/ Shvets Production)
How to talk to someone with depression? Words are powerful. (Image via Pexels/ Shvets Production)

You could feel helpless and wonder how to talk to someone with depression. One of the most basic ways to help is to learn how to support, comprehend, and assist them in obtaining the resources they require.

The more you understand about depressive disorders, how it affects people, and how they may be taken care of, the more you'll be able to help others.

It's not always simple to know how to talk to someone with depression. Try not to be discouraged by concerns about expressing the "wrong" thing. Too many people suffering from clinical depression feel isolated, which exacerbates their illness. If you're at a loss for words, just say that—and remind your friend you're here for them.

Counselling is talk therapy and the words are carefully thought of and planned. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Counselling is talk therapy and the words are carefully thought of and planned. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

What is Depression?

How do we recognize signs of depression and why is it important to know how to talk to someone with depression. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
How do we recognize signs of depression and why is it important to know how to talk to someone with depression. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

Depression is characterized by poor mood, sadness, and hopelessness. It can also be accompanied by fatigue, negative thinking, and suicidal thoughts. While there are many signs of depression, there are several common traits to be aware of.

Depression signs & symptoms include:

  • Hopelessness and worry about the future
  • Having an inadequate sense of self-worth
  • Lack in motivation
  • Having ideas about death
  • They consider themselves to be a burden

Major depression is among the most prevalent psychological disorders in the world, therefore it's probable that someone you know or love has been afflicted. Knowing how to talk to someone with depression might be a terrific approach to support them.

How to talk to someone with Depression?

How to talk to someone with depression? Try short and sensitive statements. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
How to talk to someone with depression? Try short and sensitive statements. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

The simplest method to start a conversation is to ask your acquaintance whether they are depressed. Don't accuse, shout, shame, or belittle your friend's feelings. Let them know you care and that you are available to talk about it if they wish.

So, how to talk to someone with depression or how to support someone with depression? Below are five things you can say to show them your concern:

1) How can I help you today?

Requesting what you can do for them will truly help them get through the day. Perhaps they aren't eating well, and you can bring them dinner. Perhaps they require a morning call or text to make sure they arrive at work on time.

Providing to do so is a means of letting them know it's okay to seek assistance. Demonstrate your support, look for methods to assist, and remind them that excellent treatments are available.

2) Remind them of their importance

People with clinical depression frequently believe that their lives are meaningless and that no one would notice if they died. If you can honestly tell your friend how much they mean to you and others, they will realize that they are of significance and worth.

3) Highlight the fact that there is hope

Try to add a dash of optimism while talking. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Try to add a dash of optimism while talking. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

You can tell your buddy that they have a legitimate illness while simultaneously comforting them by telling them there is hope, because depression, like any other medical condition, is treatable. Your acquaintance has a very good chance of feeling normal again with the help of medication and therapy.

4) Embrace Them

Silence may be a strong tool for acknowledging the gravity of an episode without contributing to it. If you have a close relationship with someone, physical touch, a hug, or grabbing their hand can be a soothing gesture. Sometimes your presence, rather than your words, is all that is required.

5) Encourage them to Consult a Professional

In learning how to talk to someone with depression, it is often recommended to meet a professional. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
In learning how to talk to someone with depression, it is often recommended to meet a professional. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

If your friend has not yet seen a healthcare provider, urge them to do so and reassure them that seeking help is not inappropriate. Depression is a legitimate and curable mental disorder. If a friend of yours is already visiting a doctor, volunteer to assist with medicine pick-up and keeping appointments on time.

Over a long time, no one truly addressed depression. We're working hard to alter that, and we need to learn the proper way to communicate about depression. You can't help someone who is depressed in any meaningful sense unless you talk to them about it. If you don't feel comfortable talking, it is best to be aware of things not to say to someone with depression.

If you know someone who is depressed, it can be tough to know how to best support them and how to talk to someone with depression.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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