Here’s everything you need to know about HPV in men

HPV in men is a sexually transmitted virus (Image by Gaelle Marcel /Unsplash)
HPV in men is a sexually transmitted virus. (Image by Gaelle Marcel /Unsplash)

HPV in men is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, but most are unaware of it.

The human papillomavirus affects the skin and moist thin layers, which includes the private parts on the phallus and other places around that, including the anal area, putting men at risk of getting genital cancer.

In this article, let's find out how we can deal with this virus that can affect our intimacy and find out more about this condition. Let us learn how to fight it, escape it, and educate ourselves, to stop the spread as prevention is better than cure.

HPV Symptoms in Men

An HPV sampling device (Image by Testalize me/Unsplash)
An HPV sampling device (Image by Testalize me/Unsplash)

HPV usually does not show symptoms and some just develop unusual growths, lumps, sores, or warts that may occur on the:

  • Male reproductive organ
  • Testicles
  • Anus
  • Groin
  • Thighs
  • Tongue, and top of the mouth

Condyloma acuminatal or warts are of different shapes and sizes. They might appear as a bump or a group of benign growths in a particular area like the anus, or other intimate areas. These lumps might not cause pain but are uncomfortable.

A person may not be diagnosed with cancer for a year even after having HPV because the changes in the cells with HPV develop very slowly and sometimes our immune system fights it with ease.

HPV symptoms

HPV in men: What are the symptoms (Image by niaid/Unsplash)
HPV in men: What are the symptoms (Image by niaid/Unsplash)

Related to Anal Cancer

  • Discharge, pain, bleeding, or itching of the anus
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes ( anal or groin )
  • Changes in stool or bowel habits

HPV symptoms related to Penile Cancer

  • Change of tissue on the male reproductive organ ( skin thickening, color, or extra buildup of tissue)
  • Growth on the phallus that may bleed, painful or painless sores

Treatments for HPV in men

Get vaccinated instead of getting treatment (Image by freepik)
Get vaccinated instead of getting treatment (Image by freepik)

Sadly, there isn’t any treatment known for HPV in men when there are no symptoms present. But if checked by a health professional they will treat the health issues caused by HPV. When warts are found in the private parts, they can be removed either by prescription creams at home or a health professional can surgically remove or freeze off the warts.

Some health professionals may discourage early treatment of warts because such abnormal growths can sometimes disappear on their own. Anal cancer caused by HPV can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. Ways of treating may depend on the stage of cancer.

HPV is caused in men by direct and intimate contact which makes the virus spread from one person to another easily by oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse. Even if their skin touches that of another, a person infected can spread the virus even if they have no visible symptoms.

Causes that may lead to HPV in men

Having multiple intimate partners can cause HPV in men (Image by Nik Shuliahin/Unsplash)
Having multiple intimate partners can cause HPV in men (Image by Nik Shuliahin/Unsplash)
  • Damaged skin
  • Having multiple partners
  • Age- HPV occurs more often in adolescence or young adulthood
  • Being uncircumcised

There are ways to lower the chances of getting HPV which includes first getting vaccinated because it is safe and effective and can protect you by lowering your chances of getting any kind of STI.

HPV can infect areas a condom cannot cover making it ineffective against HPV. Abstinence is the KEY to preventing HPV transmission. Also, the risk of transmission could be lowered if a person engaged in intercourse only with one person who is not infected and monogamous.

These are the best ways for you to lower the chances of getting HPV. If you already have it, then help prevent its transmission.

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