How can you navigate a mental block and improve your life?

Ever experienced a mental block? How can you get out of it? (Image via Pexels/ Monstera Production)
Ever experienced a mental block? How can you get out of it? (Image via Pexels/Monstera Production)

Mental blocks are common barriers in the decision-making process. Whether it's our personal or professional life, it's common to experience blocks in thinking. However, these blocks can be frustrating to manage at times. The blocks often occur when we get trapped in our thought processes or cognitions.

We end up feeling overwhelmed or anxious about a project, task or experience and are unable to get ourselves to complete it. They can especially pop up just before your project starts, when you have to perform or when you have to answer questions in an interview. It may seem that your mind just shuts off for some time.

What are some common mental block causes?

Mental blocks can be frustrating and challenging to navigate. (Image via Vecteezy/Thanarak Worakandecha)
Mental blocks can be frustrating and challenging to navigate. (Image via Vecteezy/Thanarak Worakandecha)

There are various causes of mental or creative blocks. One of the most common ones is an underlying mental health issue. If you have ever been stressed or felt anxious at home, you know that it can cloud your decision-making process.

Another common factor is unhealthy perfectionism, which makes us fearful of taking risks. It makes us think that the decision we make at the end should be 'perfect.' However, it's next to impossible to make perfect decisions, as they don't exist, which forces us to keep thinking of all the possible thoughts, but we never arrive at a conclusion.

Burnout syndrome can also exhaust our thinking process. Sometimes we think endlessly, exhausting our emotional and cognitive resources. We may assume that by thinking more, we may come closer to conclusions, but that may not always be effective.

How to get over a mental block?

Sometimes not thinking can get you into the thinking mode. (Image via Pexels/Thirdman)
Sometimes not thinking can get you into the thinking mode. (Image via Pexels/Thirdman)

The big question then is: how do we get over mental blocks? There isn't a single way to do that, and different situations may require different responses.

Here are some of the things that you can try when you feel stuck:

#1 Get out or take a break

Sometimes the space we are in stops us from thinking about fresh ideas or newer perspectives.

It can include meeting new people or changing your location for some time. By moving out of the space, you also get to focus on what matters. Rather than feeling stuck in your thoughts, you are able to focus on the end goal.

#2 Perform for yourself

Have you felt that you experience a mental block because you are worried about what the other person does?

Social comparison can also be a major contributor of feeling stuck or mentally blocked. What helps in this situation is performing for yourself. Try to remind yourself that you are trying to do the best for yourself and not for others.

#3 Believe in yourself

The biggest tool for getting out of a cognitive block is believing in yourself. You can be your biggest cheerleader and encourage yourself to try out various options. Engage in positive self-talk, and try to strive for reaching the decision. Avoid belittling yourself if you don't meet the ideal timeline.

Mental blocks can be frustrating to deal with, but they are impediments in your long journey. It means that they are temporary in nature, and you can overcome them. Managing roadblocks is a personal process, and you are free to use your techniques.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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