How to Do Garland Pose (Malasana) In Yoga? Benefits, Tips and Techniques

The garland pose in yoga is a great hip opener posture. (Photo via Instagram/
The garland pose in yoga is a great hip opener posture. (Photo via Instagram/

The garland pose (Malasana), also known as the yogic squat, is a great hip opener pose that helps open and lengthen the hips. It creates more mobility and flexibility in the muscles and makes everyday tasks easier and more convenient.

Doing the garland pose daily helps stretch the groins, ankles and back, and stimulates proper digestion. This pose is considered an advanced yoga posture, as it can be extremely tough to do for people with tight hips.

However, with some props, adjustments and consistency, this asana can be quite beneficial both mentally and physically, provided it's performed with the right form and posture.

How to Do Garland Pose in Yoga?

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how you can perform the malasana.

  • Stand straight on your yoga mat, and place your feet at your mat’s width. Lower your hips down, and bend your knees towards the floor to get into a squat position.
  • Slightly turn your toes out, but do not overdo it. Make sure your thighs are separated wider than your torso.
  • Lean your torso, and try to fit it between your thighs. Press both elbows together against your inner thighs, and bring your palms together in front of you in the Anjali mudra or prayer position. Resist your knee into your elbows, as that will help you lengthen your torso properly.
  • To go deeper into the squat, press your inner thighs firmly against your torso, and reach both arms forward. Swing your arms out to the sides, and press your shins into your armpits.
  • Make sure to keep your spine straight and hips moving towards the mat. Keep your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Stay in this posture for 6-8 breaths, and come out of the pose by straightening your legs.

The Malasana is an excellent way to loosen tight hip muscles and challenge overall balance. Although it might be a bit difficult at first, with practice, your muscles will get strengthened, and you will be able to squat much more easily.

However, to make the pose easier, keep the following tips in mind when performing this asana:

Essential Tips and Techniques

Here are a few tips you must keep in mind when practicing the garland pose in yoga.

  • If squatting is challenging for you, try doing the pose on a chair. Sit straight on the edge of a chair, with your heels on the ground ahead of your knees and thighs positioned at 90 degrees to your torso.
  • Lean your torso between your thighs, and hold the position for a few seconds.
  • If you are unable to bring your heels to the floor, you may do several things to make this work. First of all, turn your toes out a bit more or see if positioning your feet narrower or wider changes anything. If that does not help, simply place a folded blanket under your heels.
  • Do not pull or jerk any movement in this asana. Let the movements be as smooth and slow as possible.
  • Make sure you don’t bounce or move your hips up and down. An incorrect hip posture can overstrain the hip flexors and knees.
  • Shift your weight to your heels throughout the movement.
  • Keep your spine straight, and lengthen the front side of your torso.

Benefits of Doing Garland Pose in Yoga

When it comes to physical benefits, the garland pose in yoga is an amazing asana to include in your yoga session, as it supports and improves several parts of the body and also creates space. This pose strengthens the leg muscles and creates space in the spinal column and lumbar spine. Additionally, it also strengthens and opens the groin and hips.

The garland pose is a very grounding asana. It helps release toxic energy, especially tension, which may be stuck in the legs, hips, and lower back. This pose sculpts the abdominal muscles and enhances the functions of the digestive system while preventing constipation and other gut problems.

The Malasana increases blood circulation, encourages pelvis functions, helps promote sexual energy, and improves focus and balance. This pose is considered particularly important for pregnant women, as it aids in healthy and easy childbirth.


The garland pose is a great yoga asana that you must practice regularly. However, it shouldn't be attempted if you have a lower back or knee injury, as this pose can cause more strain on your muscles. Also, do not force your body into a deeper squat if it feels uncomfortable and painful.

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