Is Hollow Body hold as effective as other core exercises? Understanding the differences

Hollow body holds strengthen your entire core.
Hollow body holds strengthen your entire core.
Hollow body hold helps you to tighten your core. (Image via Unsplash / Alora Griffiths )
Hollow body hold helps you to tighten your core. (Image via Unsplash / Alora Griffiths )

Hollow body holds are an effective and challenging exercise that can help strengthen the core and improve overall fitness. When it comes to core exercises, there are a multitude of options to choose from. One popular exercise is the hollow body hold, which involves holding a plank position with your entire body. But is this exercise as effective as other core exercises? In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between hollow body hold and other core exercises to understand their effectiveness.

A hollow body hold builds a strong core.  (Image via Pexels/ Mikael Blomkvist)
A hollow body hold builds a strong core. (Image via Pexels/ Mikael Blomkvist)

For fitness, injury prevention, and movement, core strength is essential. In athletics, having a strong core is crucial. It has a big impact on how well you move, jump, hit, throw, or kick an object. It also helps in the prevention of back discomfort and injury.

What is a Hollow Body Hold?

Hollow body holds are a perfect form of isometric exercise.   (Image via Pexels/ Cliffbooth)
Hollow body holds are a perfect form of isometric exercise. (Image via Pexels/ Cliffbooth)

The hollow body hold is an isometric exercise that strengthens your core muscles. Provided you have a safe, correct form, beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts can do this exercise.

What muscles do they work on?

The hollow body hold primarily strengthens your abs, but it also employs other muscles in your trunk (your "core"), including your hip flexors, quadriceps, rectus, transverse abdominals, and internal and external obliques.

How to do a hollow body hold

 The Hollow body hold. (Image via Pexels/ Ketut Subinyato)
The Hollow body hold. (Image via Pexels/ Ketut Subinyato)

There's a right or a wrong way to perform this exercise.

To do it correctly:

  • Start by lying on your back with your arms extended above your head, legs straight out, and feet together.
  • As you exhale, brace your abs by pulling your belly button toward the floor while gently lifting your head and neck off the ground. You may also feel your lower back muscles engage.
  • Keeping your arms straight, lift them off the ground so they're perpendicular to the floor.
  • While inhaling, raise your legs about six inches off the ground.
  • Keep both ends of your body lifted for 30 seconds or as long as you can without losing form.
  • When ready, slowly lower one end at a time until all parts of your body are back on the floor.

How many reps should you do?

Most people will find it challenging to complete one hollow body hold. However, once you gain more experience with this exercise, you may want to work up to 3 sets of 10–20.

Benefits :

The hollow hold is a beginner-friendly exercise that offers lots of benefits for both experienced athletes and the general fitness population.

Hollow body hold for optimal functional strength. (Image via Pexels/ Li sun)
Hollow body hold for optimal functional strength. (Image via Pexels/ Li sun)

Here are just a few of the many advantages of this movement:

Improved back stability: The hollow body hold strengthens your lower back by strengthening your glutes, hip flexors, and abs. When these muscles are evenly developed, they keep your spine in proper alignment so you can avoid stress to your vertebrae and discs—plus it makes your core stronger in general!

Functional strength: A strong core helps you generate powerful movements with your upper and lower body while keeping your spine safe. That's exactly what the hollow hold trains!

A foundation for advanced calisthenics: If you're an experienced athlete who's interested in learning more advanced movements in calisthenics like the human flag or muscle-ups, the hollow hold will help you get there!

Common Mistakes :

With a few tips, you can learn how to perform the hollow hold, a core-strengthening exercise.

Hollow body hold is a foundation for Advanced Calisthenics.   (Image via Pexels/ Tima Miroshnichenko)
Hollow body hold is a foundation for Advanced Calisthenics. (Image via Pexels/ Tima Miroshnichenko)

#1 Prevent pressing your lower back in the ground. The ability to avoid pressing your lower back into the ground is the foundation of this exercise.

To do this, you must keep your core engaged the entire time. If you're experiencing back pain, try bending your knees and holding your arms by your side. This will help relieve the tension in your abdomen.

#2 Keeping your shoulder blades on the floor while doing the hollow body hold. Your shoulder blades need to leave the ground in order to contract your core enough to make it through this move. Remember, there should not be a significant gap between the ground and your body.

#3 Finally, don't fall into the trap of tucking your chin to your chest. This puts additional pressure on your neck and spine.

So, is Hollow body hold as effective as other core exercises?

The answer is that it depends on your goals and what specific muscles you want to target. This is a great exercise for overall core strength and stability, but may not be as effective for targeting specific muscles.

To get the most out of your core workout, it's important to incorporate a variety of exercises that target different core muscles. This can help improve your overall core strength and stability, and help prevent injury.


A hollow body hold is a great exercise for strengthening your midsection, but it can seem intimidating at first. It’s best to hold each hollow hold variation for 30 to 60 seconds, or perform 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise.

Hollow body holds are an effective exercise for building core strength, so they can help you perform better in a variety of fitness-related activities. By trying out some new variations, you may discover further applications and benefits to this traditional exercise. If you can master the hollow body hold, you'll be ready for just about any challenging workout!