Leg Day Essential: How to Perform the Prone Leg Curl Correctly

Prone leg curl must be included in your leg day routine. (Image via Unsplash/ Mark Bertulfo)
Prone leg curl must be included in your leg day routine. (Image via Unsplash/ Mark Bertulfo)

The prone leg curl exercise is a go-to exercise for targeting and strengthening the hamstrings during leg day workouts. This exercise strengthens, stabilizes, and balances the lower body by targeting the muscles at the back of the thighs.

If you do it correctly, you'll build up and strengthen your hamstrings in particular and lower your chance of injury. Here is all you need to know about this amazing exercise.

How to Perform the Prone Leg Curl Properly

The prone leg curl, sometimes referred to as the prone hamstring curl, is a workout that concentrates on the hamstrings. In addition to using a prone leg curl machine, it can also be done using resistance bands or your own weight.

Leg curls can be performed using a resistance band or machine. (Image via Unsplash/ Humphrey Muleba)
Leg curls can be performed using a resistance band or machine. (Image via Unsplash/ Humphrey Muleba)

Here’s how to perform it:

  • Make the prone leg curl machine comfortable for your body.
  • Put your ankles up against the padded lever or roller while lying face down on the machine with your legs straight out in front of you.
  • Ensure your hips are touching the bench and your body is straight.
  • Place your hands on the designated handles or grasp the machine's frame for stability.
  • To maintain a steady position, contract your glute and core muscles.
  • Keep your upper legs and hips firmly pressed on the bench as you bend your knees and bring the lever or roller toward your glutes.
  • As you reach the peak of the action, tighten your hamstrings.
  • Maintain control as you slowly extend your legs back to the beginning position.

Benefits of Prone Leg Curl Exercise

The hamstring group, which includes the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris, is the main muscle targeted in the prone leg curl. The exercise also just slightly activates the gluteus maximus and calf muscles.

Check out the list of benefits:

Strengthening the hamstrings: The main advantage of this exercise is that it specifically strengthens the hamstrings, which are crucial for knee flexion and overall lower body strength.

Muscle balance: It also promotes general lower body stability by strengthening the hamstrings by enhancing muscle balance and posture.

Leg curls enhance lower body stability. (Image via Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio)
Leg curls enhance lower body stability. (Image via Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio)

Sports enhancement: For athletic activities like jogging, jumping, and sprinting, strong hamstrings are crucial. This exercise can lead to improved athletic performance.

Injury prevention: By giving stability and support to the knees and lower back, strengthening the hamstrings can help prevent injuries.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid swinging or relying on momentum to complete the exercise. Keep your attention on smooth motions across the entire range of motion. Keep your upper legs and hips in contact with the bench throughout the workout h. As it decreases the hamstrings' level of engagement, avoid elevating the hips off the bench.

Maintaining a neutral arch in your lower back throughout the workout. Keep your spine from arching or rounding excessively.

You may strengthen and define your hamstrings by including the prone leg curl in your leg day regimen. This will improve the stability and injury prevention of your entire lower body. Keep in mind to use good form, activate the intended muscles, and steer clear of typical faults when performing the exercise.

As always, make sure any new workout program is appropriate for your unique requirements and capabilities by consulting with a fitness expert or healthcare practitioner before beginning. So, get ready to intensify your leg day workouts and reap the rewards of a lower body in good shape.

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