Man’s Tinder Addiction Leads Him to Depression; Swiped on 500 Women a Day

How is tinder changing and impacting our mental health? (Image via Pexels/ Cottonbro studio)
How is tinder changing and impacting our mental health? (Image via Pexels/ Cottonbro studio)

The case of Ed Turner, a British man's Tinder addiction, was highlighted by the New York Post.

Ed confessed to his obsession with swiping on 500 women a day on various dating apps, including Tinder and Hinge. Ed confessed that he experienced an intense rush when members of the fairer gender liked his profile. This pursuit led him to obsessively be on dating apps, without the intention of meeting any of the girls.

Turner's case brings to our attention the dark side of dating apps and their impact on people's mental health. Internet addiction has been on the rise and it appears to be the case that Tinder addiction is now on the list as well. The bad news is that as we become more connected digitally, we are also becoming more lonely.

Tinder addiction can be associated with mental health issues. (Image via Unsplash/Yogas design)
Tinder addiction can be associated with mental health issues. (Image via Unsplash/Yogas design)

What Is The Link between Tinder Addiction and Depression?

How is online dating changing our lives? (Image via Vecteezy/Kanokpol Prasankhamphaibun)
How is online dating changing our lives? (Image via Vecteezy/Kanokpol Prasankhamphaibun)

Online dating has completely changed how we connect with others. Swipes have replaced face-to-face interactions and emojis have replaced emotional conversations. Not all online dating is bad and it has helped many find true connections. However, every coin has another side and internet addiction engulfs many, like Turner.

“Those apps affected my entire mood and personality,” Turned reported to i news. Turner found himself living for likes and swipes by his potential matches. When he would be turned down, he would experience intense sadness and despair. Just like any other form of addiction, Turner's brain craved an instant high. Over the long term, he found himself in therapy. Turner has now been diagnosed with depression and borderline personality disorder.

While Turner's case has been highlighted, he is far from being alone. Online dating has left many with a distorted sense of self. Not only has it become a source of social comparison but it also takes a huge toll on people with low self-esteem.

In a world where we speak of popularity in terms of likes and swipes, a lot of us struggle to make it. Not everyone falls prey to addiction, but Tinder and other online dating apps can significantly affect a person's psyche. Anything in excess can have an impact on your emotional health, so swipe right with caution!

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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