Physics Girl health update: YouTuber ‘SmarterEveryDay’ gives fans an update on Dianna’s current status

Physics Girl Health Update (Image via Youtube Channel)
Physics Girl Health Update (Image via Youtube Channel)

Esteemed YouTuber 'SmarterEveryday,' also known as Dustin, recently shared an informative update about the health status of his friend Dianna, the creative mind behind 'Physics Girl.'

In a detailed video, Dustin narrated the ongoing health difficulties Dianna(Physics Girl) has been battling, resulting from long COVID-19 contracted after her wedding.

YouTuber ‘SmarterEveryDay’ visits Physics Girl, highlighting her fight against long Covid


Dustin initially planned a discreet visit, keen to maintain the personal rather than public nature of their friendship. He recalled previous interactions, such as visiting Dianna's father in Hawaii and attending her talk at Vanderbilt, underlining the shared bond that extends beyond professional realms.

Disturbed by the health updates he was seeing on social media, Dustin decided to pay Dianna aka Physics Girl a visit and extend his support. He acknowledged and appreciated Dianna's husband, Kyle, for his relentless caregiving efforts and meticulous planning aimed at ensuring Dianna's well-being.

During the visit, Dustin recollected various moments spent with Dianna, expressing initial doubts about being able to see her. Upon entering the room, however, he was met with Kyle's dedication and Dianna's positivity, which served as sources of encouragement.

Dustin acknowledged Kyle's commitment to Dianna's care as an example of resilient love. He emphasized the unique depth of their relationship in navigating such challenging circumstances.

Throughout casual exchanges, Dustin reassured Dianna about her Patreon support, indicating that her primary focus should be on her recovery. Echoing the Physics Girl patrons' sentiments, he stressed the non-transactional nature of their support, encouraging Dianna to prioritize her health above content creation.

What is 'Long Covid' and how critical it is?

Long covid can have a significant impact on physical and mental health (Image via Unsplash/ Engin Akyrut)
Long covid can have a significant impact on physical and mental health (Image via Unsplash/ Engin Akyrut)

Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), can have a significant impact on various aspects of our health and wellbeing. It refers to a range of physical and mental health problems that can persist for weeks or even months after the acute phase of the illness has passed.

The symptoms vary widely among individuals, and they may include severe fatigue, difficulty thinking or concentrating (referred to as 'brain fog'), sleep problems, and persistent chest pain or shortness of breath.

Others may experience mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. This condition underscores the importance of taking all necessary precautions to mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19 and prioritizing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to support our immune system.

Impacts physical body as well as takes a huge toll on the mental health

Understanding the toll that long COVID can take on both the body and mind is crucial to highlighting its impact. It's important to note that these symptoms can be both physically debilitating and emotionally draining, making day-to-day life a challenge for those affected. Lingering fatigue can make simple tasks like getting out of bed or carrying on with regular activities feel incredibly difficult.

In some cases, individuals may struggle with long-term respiratory and cardiovascular complications, which may significantly limit their ability to exercise and maintain their overall health. All these factors combined may lead to a decline in one's quality of life.

In summary, Dustin encouraged his viewers to extend their support to Physics Girl on Patreon or Gofundme, providing a direct link for willing contributors. Despite the severe circumstances, the video ended on a hopeful note, spotlighting the strength and determination exhibited by Dianna and Kyle.