Restorative Yoga

Last Modified Nov 29, 2022 13:46 GMT

There's nothing quite like a restorative yoga class. It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day and relax. Restorative yoga is a type of yoga that uses props to support the body to allow the practitioner to experience deep relaxation. It's a very slow and gentle form of yoga, and it's perfect for those who are looking for ways to de-stress. There are a variety of benefits to practising restorative yoga, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and reducing inflammation.

What is restorative yoga?

Restorative yoga is a type of yoga that is focused on relaxation and stress relief. It is a slow and gentle form of yoga that uses props such as blankets and bolsters to support the body to allow the practitioner to relax completely. Restorative yoga is often used as a form of therapy to help with conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

What are the benefits of restorative yoga?

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

Restorative yoga is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. The slow, gentle movements and deep breathing help calm the nervous system.

2. Improves sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, restorative yoga can help. The relaxation techniques used in this type of yoga can promote better sleep.

3. Increases flexibility

Despite the slow pace, restorative yoga can help increase your flexibility. The long-held poses help lengthen and stretch the muscles.

4. Builds strength

Restorative yoga may not seem like a workout, but it helps build strength. The poses help tone the muscles and improve muscular endurance.

5. Reduces pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, restorative yoga may be able to help. Deep stretching and relaxation can help reduce pain and improve your range of motion.

6. Improves concentration

The slow, deliberate movements and deep breathing in restorative yoga can help improve your concentration.

What are some restorative yoga poses?

There is a variety of restorative yoga poses that people can practise, and each one has its unique benefits. Here are some of the most popular restorative yoga poses and the benefits that they offer:

1. Child’s pose: This pose is great for relaxation and stretching out the back and hips. It can also help relieve stress and anxiety.

2. Corpse pose: This pose is all about relaxation. It can help calm the mind and body, and it’s a great pose to practise before bedtime.

3. Legs up the wall pose: This pose is great for relieving tension in the legs and feet. It improves circulation and reduces stress.

4. Cat-cow pose: This pose is a great way to stretch the spine and release tension in the back. It also promotes digestion and relieves stress.

5. Bridge pose: This pose is good for strengthening the back and opening up the chest. It also relieves stress and anxiety.

6. Camel pose: This pose opens up the chest and stretches the front of the body.

7. Fish pose: This pose is a great way to open up the chest and stretch the front of the body.

8. Pigeon pose: This pose is a great way to stretch the hips and release tension in the lower back.

9. Shoulder stand pose: This pose strengthens the shoulders and stretches the neck. It also improves circulation and reduces stress.

10. Headstand pose: This pose is a great way to strengthen the arms and shoulders.

What is the difference between yoga and restorative yoga?

There are several key differences between yoga and restorative yoga. For one, yoga is a physical practice that involves moving the body through a variety of postures, while restorative yoga is a much more passive practice that relies on props to support the body in a variety of positions. Yoga is also typically done in a group setting, while restorative yoga is often done alone or with just a few people. Yoga is often seen as a workout, while restorative yoga is more often seen as a way to relax and de-stress.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that involves moving the body through a series of positions, or "asanas." Yoga is often used as a form of relaxation and can be practised in a group or solo. Restorative yoga is a type of yoga that is focused on relaxation and healing.

Yoga is a great form of exercise for overall health and fitness, but it is not always the best choice for relaxation and healing. If you are looking for a more passive form of exercise that will help you relax and heal, restorative yoga may be a better option.

How often should I do restorative yoga?

Some experts suggest that practising restorative yoga once or twice a week may be beneficial. According to a study published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, practising restorative yoga once a week for eight weeks can significantly reduce stress and anxiety.