Swap Your Coffee for This Fall Spice for Enhanced Brain Health, Study Suggests

This fall spice can help improve your brain health (Image via Pexels / Studio Naae)
This fall spice can help improve your brain health (Image via Pexels / Studio Naae)

As the autumn season rolls in, so does the demand for the beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) from Starbucks. This seasonal beverage has become a cultural phenomenon, evoking warm memories and cozy feelings associated with fall. Surprisingly, recent research suggests that this fall spice not only satisfies your taste buds but also enhances brain health.

While coffee has long been a go-to for its energizing properties, it also brings along potential drawbacks like jitteriness and disrupted sleep patterns. Yet, this fall spice is a natural and gentle alternative that promotes cognitive function without inviting the side effects associated with coffee consumption.

Fall Spice: The Power of Nostalgic Foods

Evokes nostalgic memories and moments (Image via Unsplash / Sincerely Media)
Evokes nostalgic memories and moments (Image via Unsplash / Sincerely Media)

According to many experts online, the popularity of pumpkin spice goes beyond its taste. It's connected to our emotions and memories. This fall latte is marketed as an autumn ritual and is only available during this time of year, creating a sense of exclusivity and association with fall.

When we consume a PSL or even see news of its return, it triggers the hippocampus and amygdala in our brains. These regions are responsible for learning, memory formation, and emotional regulation. The cascade of memories and emotions infused with pumpkin spice creates a sense of happiness and comfort.

Pumpkin-flavored treats, including the iconic PSL, are famously known to evoke certain nostalgic memories. We are naturally drawn to these foods because they remind us of joyful and comforting moments.

It provides a sense of comfort (Image via Unsplash / Shaun Holloway)
It provides a sense of comfort (Image via Unsplash / Shaun Holloway)

The hippocampus uses dopamine pathways to transform short-term memories into long-term ones. This creates a reward mechanism in our brains that encourages certain behaviors, such as consuming pumpkin-flavored foods.

How Specific Comfort Food Can Impact Our Brain?

Reduces negative emotions and feelings (Image via Unsplash / Dario Mendez)
Reduces negative emotions and feelings (Image via Unsplash / Dario Mendez)

Although research on pumpkin flavors' specific comfort properties is limited, studies have shown that comfort foods can reduce negative emotions and increase happiness levels.

The familiar and soothing nature of these foods makes them a go-to choice during times of stress and uncertainty. However, it's essential to acknowledge the potential negative consequences of emotional eating. Emotional eating has been linked to obesity and other health risks.

While traditional pumpkin-flavored treats may contain high levels of fat and sugar. It's important to note that pumpkin itself offers several health benefits. Pumpkin, being a natural source of beta-carotene and vitamin A, can boost vision. This also helps to level-up your immune system. Additionally, it is low in calories and high in fiber, making it filling and satiating.

Healthier Swaps You Can Try This Fall

Can use plant-based milk (Image via Unsplash / Diana Polekhina)
Can use plant-based milk (Image via Unsplash / Diana Polekhina)

If you want to strike a balance between your love for fall spices and your health goals, there are alternative options. You will get the same delightful flavors minus the excessive sugar and calories. Instead of whole or low-fat milk, swap it for plant-based milk like almond or soy milk. You can also skip the whipped cream to significantly cut down on calorie and fat intake.

When it comes to baking with pumpkin, there are ways to make healthier choices too. Opt for a graham cracker crust instead of the traditional butter-based crust to substantially reduce the calorie count. Also, use applesauce for oil in pumpkin pie recipes. This can help lower the fat content without compromising on taste.

While the PSL holds a special place in many people's hearts, it's worth considering healthier alternatives. By understanding the psychology behind pumpkin spice and exploring the health benefits of pumpkin itself, you can make informed choices for your brain health. Swapping your coffee latte for fall spices that provide similar flavors can help you strike a balance between indulgence and well-being.

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