5 Best Yoga Exercises for Cardiovascular Health

Yoga exercises are quite effective for cardiovascular health. (Image via Unsplash/Katie Bush)
Yoga exercises are quite effective for cardiovascular health. (Image via Unsplash/Katie Bush)

Practicing yoga regularly has often been advised for cardiovascular health. Yoga exercises help in managing blood pressure, controlling cholesterol levels, reducing stress, boosting blood circulation, and losing excess weight.

Poor cardiovascular health can be a result of several factors such as lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, high stress levels, and poor lifestyle choices, including smoking. Yoga exercises will help in relaxing your mind while effectively working on your body. This is why yoga exercises are recommended for the young.

Yoga Exercises for Cardiovascular Health

Here are the five best yoga exercises that you can include in your routine for improved cardiovascular health.

1. Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

The tree pose is one of the basic yoga exercises that you can include in your routine for cardiovascular health. This simple heart-opening pose will improve your posture and build your focus.

How should you do it?

Assume a straight standing position with your arms at the side. Bend your left knee to raise the left leg off the floor and position it on the inner thigh of the right leg. Bring your arms over your head in a ‘Namaste’ position with your hands completely straightened and palms joined to each other. Make sure that your back is erect throughout the position. Hold the vrikashasana pose for a few breaths before releasing. Bring your body back to the center position before repeating on the other leg.

2. Corpse Pose or Shavasana

The corpse pose is widely used as a relaxation pose in a routine. It is good for cardiovascular health as it reduces anxiety and improves the flow of breathing.


How should you do it?

Lie down on the floor with your back straight and arms beside your body. Close your eyes and extend your legs in the front until they are completely straightened. Try to relax your body and feel better awareness of its parts. Focus on even and deep breathing. Hold the corpse pose for a few minutes before releasing it by rolling over on the side.

3. Big Toe Pose or Padangusthasana

The big toe pose is a useful yoga exercise for better cardiovascular health as it improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure by reducing stress.

How should you do it?

Assume a straight standing position with your hands placed on your hips. Breathe out and bend your torso forward to hold onto the big toes with your palms. Push your belly inward and let your neck and head relax in this position. Make sure that your knees are straight throughout the movement to reap the full benefits of this exercise. However, you can also slightly bend them if you feel that your hamstrings are tight and uncomfortable. Hold the big toe pose for a few breaths before releasing. Repeat.

4. Mountain Pose or Tadasana

The mountain pose is a beginner level and effective yoga exercise for improved cardiovascular health. This pose strengthens the lower back and relieves tightness from the calf muscles.


How should you do it?

Assume a straight standing position with your spine erect and feet together. Bring both your palms together to interlock them. Now, stretch your arms over your head as they are completely extended. Gaze up before softly dropping your head on the shoulder. Hold the mountain pose for a few seconds before releasing and getting back to the starting position. Repeat.

5. Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukho Svanasana

The downward-facing dog is good for preventing venous blockage and works on your knees and shoulders.

How should you do it?

Assume the tabletop position with your palms on the floor just underneath your shoulders and your knees just underneath the hips. Now raise your hips off the ground and drive them back toward your heels. Straighten your legs as you drive your hips backward. Press onto your palms and twist the inside of your elbows toward one another. Hold the downward-facing dog pose for a few moments before releasing.

Bottom Line

Yoga exercises are efficient for enhancing your overall health and fitness despite the hectic schedules of a busy life. Besides cardiovascular health, the aforementioned yoga exercises offer other health advantages that include a flexible body, improved posture, stress relief, better digestion, and good mental health.

You can also incorporate healthy and wholesome foods into your diet along with yoga exercises for improvement in cardiovascular health. Including the above yoga exercises into your routine is a healthy lifestyle choice that will help you protect your heart and keep it humming.

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