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  • AEW Collision Live Results (October 14, 2023): WWE legend confronts Adam Copeland, The Rock namedropped, multiple title bouts, major debut, big return

AEW Collision Live Results (October 14, 2023): WWE legend confronts Adam Copeland, The Rock namedropped, multiple title bouts, major debut, big return

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedOct 15, 2023 02:07 GMT

Check out this week's AEW Collision live results right here.


02:07 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

That's it from us for the latest edition of AEW Collision. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda Wrestling for all the latest updates from the world of AEW and WWE. See you during AEW Dynamite next.

02:03 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Post-match, chaos ensues. The heels attack Bryan Danielson, but FTR and Adam Copeland come in for the save. Copeland spears Nick Wayne to end the night.

02:01 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Big Bill distracts the referee and Ricky Starks hits Danielson with the tag team title belt. Christian Cage takes advantage and pins Bryan Danielson.

Christian Cage retains

02:00 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Christian Cage goes for a spear once again, but Bryan Danielson hits the Busaiku Knee for a two-count. Very close there. Danielson applies the LaBelle Lock.

01:59 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

The BCC member stomps on the TNT Champion, but Cage responds with a spear and follows up with a Killswitch for a two-count.

01:58 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Bryan Danielson returns with kicks, but Christian Cage once again takes down the challenger by attacking his arm. Cage looks for the spear, but Danielson gets a two-count with a kick.

01:56 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Danielson connects with the running knee in the corner, but Cage sunset flips the challenger for a two-count. Cage hits a frogsplash after a cheap shot to the eye and gets a two-count.

01:55 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Bryan Danielson gathers momentum and hits a dive to the outside. Christian Cage softens the blow. Danielson with a knee from the top rope and he gets a two-count.

01:53 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Both men are on the turnbuckles and Danielson drops Cage. The American Dragon follows up with a headbutt. Cage is busted open.

01:51 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Danielson gets inside the ring with the fans' help but is dumped out of the ring once again. Christian Cage has Bryan Danielson's right forearm trapped and then slams his arm on the commentator's table.

01:48 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

The two stars battle on the apron and Captain Charisma drops Danielson with a hammerlock slam.

01:47 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

After a back-and-forth, Bryan Danielson falls awkwardly on his right hand and Christian Cage takes advantage. Cage is dumped out of the ring, but he stops Danielson's suicide dive.

01:44 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

The American Dragon retaliates with chops of his own. Danielson applies a surfboard-like submission move before Cage escapes out of the ring again. The BCC member slams Cage on the barricades and hits a Busaiku Knee-lite.

01:41 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Danielson looks for the LaBelle Lock, but Christian Cage escapes out of the ring. Captain Charisma re-enters the ring and shoves Danielson on the ropes. He hits a vicious chop in the corner. And another.

01:38 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Christian Cage (c) vs. Bryan Danielson - AEW TNT Championship Match

Both men square off in the middle of the ring to start off. Christian Cage takes down Bryan Danielson and gets a two-count shortly after. Danielson applies a headscissors before Cage reaches the ropes.

01:31 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

01:28 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

We see a video package hyping up Mistico's AEW debut.

01:26 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Miro cuts a promo on his wife and says he'll attack every man to "protect" CJ Perry. We see Miro laying down Action Andretti.

01:24 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Keith Lee vs. Turbo Floyd

Turbo Floyd gets a cheap shot, but Keith Lee hits a blackbody drop. He hits a pounce and follows up with his finisher for a squash win.

Keith Lee wins

01:21 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

We see a vignette of Rush and his faction members.

01:18 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Kyle Fletcher is in the backstage area and he says Mark Davis' injury gives him the chance to compete in singles matches. He challenges Kenny Omega to a match.

01:16 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Post-match, Statlaner wants to help Skye Blue, but Willow Nightingale comes in and helps Blue.

01:15 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Blue hits an avalanche powerbomb on Statlander, but the champion counters with a powerslam. After a back-and-forth, Kris Statlander hits the Saturday Night Fever to retain her title.

Kris Statlander retains

01:13 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Blue drops Kris with a DDT for a two-count.

01:12 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Skye Blue is in control during this part of the match. Kris Statlander makes her comeback with a leg sweep and he gathers momentum. Big boot. Statlander gets a two-count with a blue thunder bomb.

01:09 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Statlander hits an uppercut in the corner, but Blue stops her and hits a neckbreaker. The action spills to the outside and Skye Blue shoves Kris onto the ring structure. The challenger gets a two-count.

01:07 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Kris Statlander (c) vs. Skye Blue - AEW TBS Championship Match

Both stars square off in the middle of the ring. Kris Statlander and Skye Blue exchange some ground-based moves before Kris applies a side headlock takeover. The champion scoop slams Blue.

01:04 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Matt Menard, Cool Hand Ang, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia lay out a challenge for The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn.

01:03 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are in a backstage segment. Anthony Bowens and Gunn question Max Caster's relationship skills. They tell him to be nice to people. The former JAS confront the trios champions.

01:01 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Boulder climbs up the ropes, but Fletcher catches and drops him. Kyle Fletcher gets the win with a dragon sleeper on Boulder.

Kyle Fletcher wins

01:00 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Fletcher takes out Boulder with a dropkick in the apron. He follows up with a dive through the middle rope. Boulder stops his momentum with a slam.

00:59 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Kyle Fletcher vs. Boulder

Boulder overpowers Kyle Fletcher in the initial stages of the match. Fletcher comes back with some strikes, but Boulder throws him in the ring.

00:57 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

We see Nick Wayne in a backstage segment. He has a sitdown interview with Jim Ross and his mother.

00:56 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

00:54 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

We see a video package of Dustin Rhodes hyping up his return. He vows to win the DDR and wants to win MJF's AEW World Title.

00:52 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

White says Juice will win the Dynamite Diamond Ring and he'll be officially crowned the AEW World Champion at Full Gear.

00:51 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Juice Robinson puts MJF on notice and vows to pawn The Devil's Dynamite Diamond Ring. White says he has only himself to blame. The Switchblade says MJF shouldn't have attacked backstage.

00:48 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Post-match, Jay White gives Juice Robinson a diamond ring and Robinson takes a strike at Daniels with it.

00:47 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Christopher Daniels drops Juice and follows up the double-axe handle. Daniels gets a two-count shortly after. Towards the end, Juice Robinson hits a cannonball and follows up with the Juice is Loose for the victory.

Juice Robinson wins

00:43 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Daniels goes for a crossbody, but Juice Robinson dodges it. Juice then hits a splash in the midsection and follows up with some hard strikes.

00:42 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Daniels is dumped out of the ring and Bang Bang Gang get a few cheap shots in. CD whips Juice on the barricades and slams him on the steel structure. Daniels with some vicious kicks.

00:40 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Juice Robinson vs. Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels chases Juice Danielson out of the ring in the initial stages of the match. The two then have a brief period of back-and-forths before Juice slams Daniels on the ropes.

00:36 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

We see a vignette of Danhausen.

00:32 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

CJ Perry is in a backstage segment and she wants AEW stars to be her client. Action Andretti comes in and seemingly teases an alliance with Perry.

00:30 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

After a back-and-forth, Samoa Joe connects with the Muscle Buster on Willie Mack to retain the ROH World TV Title.

Samoa Joe retains

00:28 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Mack hits a few splashes in the corner and follows up with a cannonball for a two-count on Joe. The champion gets a two-count after a series of moves, including a senton drop.

00:26 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

The action spills to the outside and Joe hits some hard chops. Mack responds with chops of his own. Inside the ring, Samoa Joe gets a two-count. Willie Mack makes his comeback with a dropkick.

00:23 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Willie Mack - ROH World TV Championship Match

Both men try to get the other down, but Samoa Joe overpowers Willie Mack. Joe then unloads with right hands. Mack arm whips Joe down and hits a plunge shortly after.

00:21 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

Samoa Joe makes his AEW in-ring return for the first time after Grand Slam. Also, it is the Collision debut for Willie Mack.

00:19 (GMT)15 OCT 2023

We see a video package of MJF raising awareness and educating people about anti-semitism.
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