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  • AEW Dynamite Live Results (1st June, 2022) - Moxley signs up for Blood & Guts after submitting Garcia in main event.

AEW Dynamite Live Results (1st June, 2022) - Moxley signs up for Blood & Guts after submitting Garcia in main event.

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJun 02, 2022 02:05 GMT

What will be the fallout after Double or Nothing?


02:05 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

02:05 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Great main event with a lot of counters off of counters. Truly a great showcase of technical wrestling. Thanks for joining us for this week's Dynamite!!

02:04 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Full Results for AEW Dynamite for 1 June 2022.
CM Punk and FTR defeat Max Caster, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn by pin.
Miro defeats Johnny Elite by submission.
The Young Bucks, ReDragon, and Hikuleo defeat Jurassic Express, Darby Allin, Matt Hardy, and Christian Cage by pin.
Wardlow defeats JD Drake by pin.
Toni Storm and Ruby Soho defeat Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter by pin.
Jon Moxley defeats Daniel Garcia by submission.

02:02 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Before the decision, Eddie Kingston ran down the ramp and almost tripped before stopping Jericho from interfering. Moxley also joins Kingston's team for Blood and Guts. The Hair vs. Hair match is set for June 15th at Road Rager.

02:01 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Garcia hits Mox with a piledriver but only gets two. He locks the former Champ in a Sharpshooter and leans back, but Moxley pulls him back. They return to their feet and slug it out. Moxley falls out of the ring and Garcia jumps on his shoulders. Moxley drives both men into a ringside table. He tosses Garcia back into the ring but Jericho runs down to the ring looking like a goof. Moxley finally hits Garcia with the Paradigm Shift before locking in the Bulldog Choke for the win.
Result - Jon Moxley defeats Daniel Garcia by submission.

01:59 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

As we return from the break, Garcia hits Moxley with a suplex off the top. He goes for a Sharpshooter but Moxley rakes the eyes. Moxley drops Garcia on the edge of the steel steps. That looked VERY painful. Garcia returns very quickly and Moxley hits him with a lariat. He puts him on the top turnbuckle and hits Garcia with a front chancery slam. He locks Garcia in a chokehold, but Garcia counters out. He puts Moxley in a Sleeperhold but Moxley counters out and locks in an armbar. Garcia counters out and locks Moxley in ANOTHER submission. It's broken with the ropes. Moxley gets a near fall and hits a German Suplex but it doesn't faze Garcia. 

01:55 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

01:53 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

The competitors go back and forth with some holds until Garcia headbutts Moxley. It opens up the cut on Moxley's forehead. He puts Moxley's legs between the ring post and the steel steps and hits a dropkick.

01:51 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Blood and Guts will take place in Detroit, Michigan on Dynamite on June 29th. Both men exchange some chops in the early stages.

01:48 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Daniel Garcia gets a weak intro while Moxley gets the King's treatment from Justin Roberts. Love that dichotomy. William Regal and Chris Jericho both join the desk for commentary.

01:45 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

01:44 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

01:44 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Storm and Soho try to celebrate, but Hayter blasts them both with the Owen Hart title.

01:44 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Storm hits Hayter with an Alabama Slam and Baker superkicks Storm. Ruby comes in but Hayter drops her. She makes the tag to Baker and she hits a Butterfly German Suplex. Ruby uses a brief distraction for a near fall but Baker puts Soho in the Lockjaw. Ruby counters and gets two, but Hayter breaks it up. Ruby gets another near fall and hits Destination Unknown on Baker for the shocking win.
Result - Toni Storm and Ruby Soho defeat Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter by pin.

01:41 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Britt has control of Ruby off the ad break, but Ruby hits a side suplex to make the tag to Toni Storm. Baker tags Hayter in and Storm hits her with a German Suplex. She hits a Tornado DDT and tries another one on the outside, but Hayter drops her. Ruby jumps off the top onto Hayter and Britt drops Ruby with a Sling Blade. Britt throws Hayter back in the ring alongside Storm. 

01:36 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

01:36 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

It seems like the faces in the tournament finals should have worn the pink and black, not the heels. That telegraphed the winners. Baker is wearing pink and black again tonight. Storm gets a near fall and tags Ruby in. They hit tandem kicks on Baker. Baker tags in the pin-fall taker, but Ruby kicks her. Hayter tags Britt back in and she hits Ruby with a neck breaker on the outside.

01:33 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Nair interviews Scorpio Sky and his cronies. They set up their match for Rampage. Up next is women's tag team action. I guess since Baker doesn't have a title now, they wanted to give her the Owen Hart belt. Britt Baker and Jaime Hayter take on Ruby Soho and Toni Storm, aka two former WWE stars that Baker beat in the tournament. 

01:31 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

After the win, Tony interviews the big man in the ring. Before he can say anything, Mark Sterling comes out with a lawsuit against Wardlow for attacking stadium security. Wardlow powerbomb the guy who handed him the paper.

01:29 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Drake goes for a chop but it doesn't faze Wardlow. Drake misses his cue as WarDog goes for a move too soon. Wardlow picks Drake up and drops him. He pulls down his singlet straps and hits two powerbombs for the win.
Result - Wardlow defeats JD Drake by pin.

01:25 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

01:23 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

I like how she fashions herself a nerd, but nerds don't have that type of haircut (an undercut). She says that streaks are made to be broken and that she will be the one to end Jade's. Jade says her usual line because she has to say s**t every time she shows up. She hands the mic to Stokely Hathaway. He hypes up Jade and denies her a title shot. Kiera Hogan steps up to Athena, but that brings out Anna Jay. red Velvet shows up which brings out the former alien. Note to people - the term "baddies" really means people found in rap videos shaking their posteriors, not what Cargill thinks.

01:19 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Tony Schiavione introduces Athena, but says Athea instead. Good start. Good start.

01:19 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Matt Hardy hugs Jungle Boy off the loss but Christian pushes him away. Lexi Nair interviews Swerve and Keith Lee, and Swerve introduces a bunch of people whose names you won't remember in five minutes. He says they are the people behind "his socials." 

01:17 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Christian spears Fish on the outside. The Bucks come in and hits about five superkicks. they go for the BTE Trigger, but don't hit it. After ReDragon hit a high/low on Hardy, they land the Meltzer Driver on Jungle Boy for the win. Guess that will give them a reason to go after the tag titles.
Result - Kyle O'Reilly, Bobby Fish, the Young Bucks, and Hikuleo defeat Jurassic Express, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, and Darby Allin by pin.

01:15 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Darby Allin comes in off the hot tag and he works over ReDragon. He sends Hikuleo out of the ring but then goes for a Coffin Drop. The big man catches him, allowing ReDragon to hit Chasing the Dragon on the outside. Matt Hardy comes in and bashes everyone's heads on the turnbuckles. As is usual, it's hard to remember who the legal competitors are in AEW Tag action.

01:13 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Off the ad break, Cage hits a double reverse DDT on the Bucks. He makes the tag to Luchasaurus, who lays waste to the Bucks and KOR. He tries to hit Nick with a chokeslam but Nick counters out and hits a spinning kick. After some interference, Jungle Boy hits a Canadian Destroyer on Matt while the dinosaur hits a standing moonsault for a near fall. After Hikuleo breaks up the pin, he and the dinosaur go at it for a few seconds. 

01:08 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Cage works on Matt Jackson, including a Tornado DDT for a two-count. he goes for a move off the top but Fish tries to distract him. Darby takes him out, allowing Jungle Boy to hit a Hurricanrana on the outside. things break down in the ring as everyone gets in the ring. Darby drops KOR with a Suicide Dive while Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus hit stereo moonsaults off the apron. The Young Bucks double team Cage. Nick hits a Torpe Con Giro on the tag Champs right before heading off to the commercial breaks.

01:05 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Jungle Boy has different trunks on than his usual brown-cloth-looking attire. He starts off against Kyle O'Reilly. KOR quickly tags Bobby Fish in and Jungle boy makes the tag to Christian. Christian reluctantly tags Matt Hardy in.

01:04 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Adam Cole joins commentary and is unhappy about sharing space with Tony Schiavione. Love it.

01:03 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Time for 10-man tag team action as the Young Bucks, ReDragon, and Hikuleo take on the Matt Hardy, Darby Allin, Christian Cage, and Jurassic Express. 

01:01 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

00:56 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

00:56 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Out next is the Jericho Appreciation Society. Menard and Parker bark at the crowd as usual. Jericho basks in the group's win at Double or Nothing until Eddie Kingston comes out with Willy Regal. He says he hasn't heard from Mox and Danielson. Regal says that the group wants the JAS in Blood and Guts, but Jericho says no way. Ortiz shows up while the other goons attack Kingston. He cuts a piece of Jericho's hair off, enraging the icon. Jericho eventually accepts the Blood and Guts challenge but ups the ante with a Hair vs. Hair match between himself and Ortiz.

00:49 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

It still boggles my mind that a group featuring 2.0 and Hager beat Moxley, Danielson, and Santana and Ortiz. 

00:48 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

00:46 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Miro drops Elite with a spinning Uranage, leading to the setup for the pump kick. Elite evades it and hits a roundhouse kick. He lands some strikes in the corner and a kick off the ropes. He hits a standing shooting star press but Miro kicks out after one. Elite goes to the top but Miro moves and hits the pump kick. He pumps himself up and locks Johnny Elite in Game over to pick up the win.
Result - Miro defeats Johnny Elite by submission.

00:41 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Miro stomps Elite for what seems like forever. He almost hits ref Bryce Remsburg, which would be an upgrade. He drops Elite with a throw right before the commercial hits.

00:40 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Miro mentioned that his heart is broken, and I thought that it could have been the setup for his wife, CJ Perry. I guess she's content taking modeling pics instead.

00:39 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Up next is Johnny Elite fighting a member of the AEW roster on an open contract. It ends up being the return of the Redeemer, Miro. He says he's no longer working for his God but wants to take over his home.

00:33 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

00:33 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

"I want you to fire me," MJF. "I don't want to wait until 2024." After he says that, he's bleeped for a few seconds, his mic is cut, and the show goes to commercial. WOOOOOOWWWWWW.

00:32 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

MJF continues that he's held to a different standard because he has to carry the company on his back. He says that everyone in the back wants his spot and they can have it because he doesn't want to be here (AEW) anymore. He goes on that he's the second minute-to-minute draw, but the guy in the back (Tony Khan) doesn't recognize it because he's too busy paying ex-WWE guys instead. 

00:27 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

MJF says he's still hurt from Double or Nothing, but he's here to talk. He addresses that a lot of important people are here tonight with Forbidden Door on the horizon. MJF indirectly references Tony Khan and the issues they have had recently. He adds that he doesn't get any respect even though he's created moment after moment for AEW. 

00:24 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Up next is MJF. Wonder what he'll be allowed to say . . . .

00:23 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

00:22 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

One good thing about seeing Tana is that he won't be fighting the same five people on alternate weeks.

00:22 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

The winners celebrate in the ring after the match. Punk gets a mic and says he's never done drugs in his life but 'this feeling after the match must be what it feels like.' He says he wouldn't be here if his road was not riddled with mistakes. Dax talks next, saying that he has done the things that Punk said he hasn't done. He says that only his wife and daughter, who are in the crowd, are the only things that matter to him more than wrestling. Dax puts the locker rooms of ROH, NJPW, and AEW on notice. Punk addresses Forbidden Door, the upcoming PPV between NJPW and AEW. Hiroshi Tanahashi comes out after Punk says "who ya got for me?"

00:17 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

Back from the break and Caster attempts to put Dax in a Sharpshooter. Dax counters out and makes the tag to Punk. Punk slips on the top rope as he enters the ring. Punk and Cash use some tandem offense to neutralize Colten and Caster. The Champ hits a flying elbow off the top on Austin. He gestures for "Go To Sleep" until Billy Gunn gets u[ on the apron. It allows Austin to get a roll-up for two but then Punk tosses him into Billy. The Champ hits GTS on Austin, sending him into FTR as they hit the Big Rig for the win.
Result - CM Punk and FTR defeat Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, and Max Caster by pin.

00:12 (GMT)2 JUN 2022

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