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  • AEW Dynamite Live Results (November 29, 2023): Adam Copeland lays out former WWE star, The Devil's group attacks top star, Shots at CM Punk?

AEW Dynamite Live Results (November 29, 2023): Adam Copeland lays out former WWE star, The Devil's group attacks top star, Shots at CM Punk?

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedNov 30, 2023 03:05 GMT

Check out this week's AEW Dynamite live results right here.


03:05 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

That's it from us for the latest edition of AEW Dynamite. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda Wrestling for all the latest updates from the world of AEW and WWE. See you during AEW Collision next.

03:02 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

After a back-and-forth of counters, Swerve Strickland rolls up Jay White to pick up the win.

Swerve Strickland wins

03:01 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

After a back-and-forth, Jay White connects with the Blade Runner, but Swerve rolls out of the ring. White rolls up Swerve for a two-count.

03:00 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Towards the end, Swerve Strickland connects with a House Call and follows up with the Swerve Stomp. BUT only for a two-count.

02:59 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Jay White has an arm bar applied before Swerve snaps White's arm.

02:58 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The two stars exchange strikes and White is down on the mat. It was a ruse and White hits a chop block and follows up with an uranage for a two-count.

02:56 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Strickland connects with a vertical suplex and gets a two-count over White. The BCG leader drops Swerve Strickland down before the latter hits a discus lariat.

02:55 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

White drops down Strickland with a saito suplex multiple times. He hits a kick to the midsection and follows up with a chop. Swerve Strickland knocks down Jay White and hits a flatliner.

02:52 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Strickland connects with a backbreaker on White on the floor. Jay White dumps Strickland out of the ring and slams his shoulder on the apron and steel steps.

02:51 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

White makes his comback with a DDT and chops down Swerve in the middle of the ring. White mocks Strickland and connects with multiple strikes.

02:50 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

After a back-and-forth, Swerve Strickland dumps White on the barricades. He hits a stomp on White's spine on the outside.

02:48 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Jay White vs. Swerve Strickland

Both stars square off in the middle of the ring. Jay White comes in with shoulder tackles before dumping Swerve Strickland over the barricades. Swerve strikes back by slamming White on the barricades.

02:41 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Christian Cage tries to attack Adam Copeland, but The Rated-R Superstar is ready for him with a low blow. Copeland vows to win the AEW TNT Title  and tells Christian Cage to go f*ck himself.

02:40 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Christian Cage says he went on a trip of perfection before bringing up his past with Adam Copeland. He recalls all of their childhood memories. Cage points out how Copeland grew up with a single mother and how she wanted the duo to team up one more time.

02:36 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Christian Cage says they are not going to make it to Montreal and he is sorry. Cage says he was mad after Copeland's attack on Killswitch.

02:34 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

After some delay, Adam Copeland comes down to the ring.

02:31 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Christian Cage comes out to the ring with security surrounding him. He invites Adam Copeland to the ring.

02:30 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

We see Mariah may in a backstage segment and after some words she enters Tony Khan's office.

02:28 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The champion connects with a lariat to the back of the neck and stomps on Emi Sakura. She connects with the moonsault press for the win.

Julia Hart wins

02:27 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Julia Hart wears down Sakura with a sleeper hold before the Japanese star uses a surfboard. Emi Sakura misses a moonsault and Hart applies the Hartless. 

02:26 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Emi Sakura unloads wit chops on Julia Hart and follows up with a haymaker to drop down the champion. Sakura then hits a backbreaker on Hart in the middle of the ring.

02:23 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Sakura unloads with chops on the outside and connects with a neckbreaker inside the ring.

02:23 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The action spills to the outside and Sakura sends Julia crashing on the steel steps. She then follows up with a splash on the steps.

02:21 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Julia Hart (c) vs. Emi Sakura - AEW TBS Championship Match

No submission moves can win the match. Julia Hart batters Emi Sakura after some mindgames  and stomps on Sakura's back.

02:19 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Julia Hart will defend her title up next.

02:19 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

We see Top Flight and Action Andretti in a backstage segment. Penta, Komander and El Hilo Del Vikingo confront them and challenge for a match.

02:15 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

After a back-and-forth, The Brothers and Zay hit a triple offense and gets a two-count. The action spills to the outside as Top Flight and Action take out The Hardys. They pick up the win with Dante getting the pinfall over Zay.

Top Flight and Action Andretti win

02:12 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Zay stomps on Action on the outside and isolates the latter. Action Andretti makes his comeback with a series of moves and tags in Dante Martin. He takes care of Zay and hits a springboard for a two-count.

02:08 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Matt Hardy takes out Andretti on the apron. Jeff Hardy stomps on Andretti in the corner before hitting a faceplant for a two-count.

02:07 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The Hardys and Brother Zay vs. Top Flight and Action Andretti

The two teams have a back-and-forth before Jeff Hardy and Action Andretti battle in the ring. Brother Zay and Darius Martin have a battle before Dante Martin is tagged in.

02:04 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The Hardys and Brother Zay are in action against Top Flight and Action Andretti.

02:02 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Wardlow connects with another powerbomb before the referee calls for the bell.

Wardlow wins

02:01 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Fox makes his comeback with a 450-splash, but gets only a one-count. Towards the end, Wardlow connects with two-count power bombs and follows up with a huge senton.

01:59 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Wardlow vs. AR Fox

AR Fox comes in with some hot offense, but Wardlow stops him. Wardlow sends Fox flying to the other corner of the ring. The action spills to the outside and Wardlow is in control.

01:53 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

MJF vows to defeat Samoa Joe before the lights go out.  The Devil and his partners attack MJF before Joe saves MJF. The Devil challenges Joe and MJF to a title match and MJF accepts.

01:48 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

MJF hypes up Joe's TNA run before bringing up his run in WWE and him not winning a world title there. MJF praises Samoa Joe and thanks him.

01:46 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

MJF comes out and speaks about his match against Samoa Joe. He says he respects Joe because he didn't come in AEW to line up his pockets. Shot at CM Punk?

01:44 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

We see a Toni Storm backstage promo. RJ City says Storm will defend her title next week. Storm says she is not worried and tells RJ to remove her shoes.

01:42 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Rush hits a chop before Briscoe connects with the Froffy Bow for a two-count. Rush again dumps Mark in the corner and follows up with the Bulls Horn for the win.

Rush wins

01:41 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The two stars are on the apron and they exchange chops. Mark Briscoe charges towards Rush, but he is dumped on the floor.

01:39 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Mark Briscoe gets a two-count with a SPEAR!!!!! He gets another near fall shortly after.

01:39 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

After a back-and-forth, the two stars exchange chops and strikes in the middle of the ring. Mark Briscoe is down, but he connects with an exploder suplex. Rush hits a belly-to-belly in the corner.

01:36 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Rush may have suffered a leg injury and the doctor checks in on him. Mark attacks him, but a hobbling Rush responds in the corner.

01:35 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

The commentators namedrop Cactus Jack after the elbow drop.

01:34 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Both men exchange chops on the outside. Mark Briscoe is slammed on the barricades before Briscoe slams Rush on the barricades. Mark Briscoe hits an elbow drop on the floor.

01:32 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Rush hits a kick to the spine and stomps on Mark Briscoe. The latter sends Rush to the outside and hits a diving rope through the ropes.

01:31 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Rush vs. Mark Briscoe

Both men charge at one another before Mark Briscoe drops Rush with a big boot. Briscoe hits few chops and Rush retaliates shortly after.

01:28 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Sting and Ric Flair appear. The Icon brings up their match at Greensboro and thanks The Nature Boy for putting him on the mat. Flair cuts a promo and says he is honoured to be alongside Sting.

01:25 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Tony Schiavone is in a backstage segment. He says Sting's final match will be at the Greensboro Coliseum.

01:21 (GMT)30 NOV 2023

Eddie Kingston cuts a promo ahead of his match against Bryan Danielson. The latter fires back by saying he is not here to make up the numbers. Danielson wants to win the whole tournament.
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