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  • AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door II Live Results (June 25, 2023): Sting wins first-time ever match against WWE legend, Top champion dethroned, Major heel turn

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door II Live Results (June 25, 2023): Sting wins first-time ever match against WWE legend, Top champion dethroned, Major heel turn

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJun 26, 2023 04:10 GMT

Check out the live results from AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door!


04:10 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

04:06 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

04:01 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

That's it from us for the live coverage of AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door. Stay stuned to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the latest updates from the world of AEW and WWE. See you on AEW Dynamite next.

03:58 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

The former WWE star drags Okada arm and unloads with some strikes. Kazuchika Okada struggles to reach the ropes, but ultimately taps out.

Bryan Danielson win

03:55 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Bryan Danielson wastes some time doing the "Yes" chants and Kazuchika Okada capitalizes by hitting the Rainmaker for a two-count. Both stars avoid each other's finishing moves before Danielson locks in the LaBelle Lock.

03:52 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Bryan Danielson fakes an injury in the ring, but as Okada goes for the Rainmaker, he counters with the Busaikuu Knee.

03:50 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Danielson goes for a tope suicida on Okada, but the latter catches him and looks to hit the Rainmaker. However, Danielson counters with a dropkick and follows it up with the Yes kicks. Okada makes his comeback with a Tombstone Piledriver.

03:46 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

After a back-and-forth between the two stars, Okada looks to hit a stomp, but Bryan Danielson locks in a juji-gatame on The American Dragon. Okada reaches the ropes leading to a rope break.

03:40 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Okada looks to hit a neckbreaker, but Danielson counters it. Kazuchika Okada hits a dropkick and sends Danielson to the outside. He then hits a crossbody on Danielson in the crowd.

03:38 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Danielson has Okada pinned down on the match, but the Japanese star makes his comeback after dropping The American Dragon on the mat.

03:35 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Okada takes down Danielson with a dropkick before the action spills to the outside. After a back-and-forth at ringside, Danielson gets the upperhand and hits a jumping knee on Okada's arm. He gets a two-count shortly after.

03:32 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Bryan Danielson vs. Kazuchika Okada

Both stars squared off in the middle of the ring. Kazuchika Okada and Bryan Danielson exchange submission moves.

03:27 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

We have the main event up next. Bryan Danielson vs. Kazuchika Okada.

03:24 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Minoru Suzuki locks the rear naked choke on Sting and looks for the Gotch-style piledriver, but Tetsuya Naito stops him with a baseball slide. Towards the end of the match, Sting and Naito teamed up to pun Minoru Suzuki for the victory.

Sting, Darby Allin, Tetsuya Naito win

Post-match, Jericho attacks Naito, but Sting chases him off.

03:21 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Things break down between Jericho and Sammy. The Spanish God hits a 630-splash on Sting on a table at the ringside area. Jericho has Naito locked in the sharpshooter, but Sting comes out of nowhere and applies the Scorpion Death Lock.

03:19 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Guevara missed the Scorpion Splash on Allin and Naito and Chris Jericho are tagged in. The heels have the babyfaces locked in rear naked chokes before Allin takes Sammy out with a dive. He looks to do the same on Jericho, but The Ocho counters with the Judas Effect.

03:16 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Sting and Jericho have a face-to-face, but the heels break it up shortly after. Chaos ensues, however, Jericho and co. dominate The Icon. Darby Allin is tagged in and Sammy Guevara hits the Spanish Fly for a two-count.

03:14 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Suzuki locks Allin in a sleeper before the latter escapes and tags in Sting. Chris Jericho wants the tag and after some hesitation, Suzuki tags him in.

03:11 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Naito unloads with a series of moves and tags in Darby Allin. Minoru Suzuki is tagged in. Suzuki hit a measured right hand on Allin and comes back with a chop.

03:09 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Sting, Darby Allin, Tetsuya Naito vs. Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Minoru Suzuki

Sammy Guevara and Tetsuya Naito start the match. A bit of showmanship from both men before Guevara takes down Naito with a dropkick.

03:06 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

We have a six-man match up next as Sting, Darby Allin, and Tetsuya Naito take on Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, and Minoru Suzuki.

02:57 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Will Ospreay hits the V-Trigger and One-Winged Angel on Kenny Omega, but only got a one-count. Ospreay gets another nearfall after hitting the Tiger Driver. He then connects with the Hidden Blade and Storm Breaker to win the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship.

Will Ospreay win

02:53 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Towards the end of the match, Don Callis hands Will Ospreay the screw driver and the latter uses it to good effect. He connects with the Hidden Blade and Storm Breaker, but Omega reaches the bottom rope.

02:51 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Don Callis makes his way to the ringside area once again. Omega with some vicious knee strikes on Ospreay.

02:49 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

After a back-and-forth, Omega gets a two-count after hitting the Liger Bomb. Ospreay responds with a top rope Oz Cutter for a two-count.

02:48 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Kenny Omega hits the V-Trigger, but Will Ospreay recovers and counters with a thrust kick. He then hits a sky twister press on the outside.

02:46 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Will Ospreay looks to hit the Oz Cutter, but Kenny Omega puts his knee just in time to avoid the move. He hit a couple of snap dragon suplexes and follows it up with the poisonrana.

02:44 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Ospreay hits some kicks and chops. Kenny Omega tries for the same, but he has no energy. Ospreay hits a headbutt to take down The Elite member once again.

02:43 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Will Ospreay locks in the sharpshooter and Kenny Omega almost taps out. Ospreay quickly transitions to a cross face before Omega finally makes it to the ropes.

02:40 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Will Ospreay counters with a powerbomb, but gets taken with German suplexes. Ospreay gets the two-count after a Spanish Fly on The Cleaner.

02:38 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

The Cleaner chokes Will Ospreay with the Canadian flag and follows it up with a V-Trigger at the ringside area. He slams Ospreay's arm on the steel steps and looks to use the steel steps as a weapn. He hits a vicious DDT on Ospreay on the steps.

02:35 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Will Ospreay looks to hit the V-Trigger and connects with it. Ospreay takes the Canadian flag (like Shwan Michaels did) and disrespects it before Omega makes his comeback.

02:31 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Kenny Omega is busted open after some vicious shots on the table. "Still a w*nker" chants from the crowd for Ospreay.

02:28 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Omega makes his comeback and takes Ospreay down with some kicks. The United Empire leader responds with a shooting star press on the ropes and follows it up with the Oz Cutter.

02:25 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Ospreay hits a dive to the outside and sends Omega crashing onto the steel steps. He hits a big backbreaker for a two-count on The Cleaner. Will Ospreay unloads with some chops and follows it up with a suplex for a two-count.

02:23 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

The two stars have a back-and-forth before Omega takes Ospreay down with a hurricanrana. He then hits a crossbody for a two-count. Don Callis pulls Kenny Omega's leg, but got ejected from ringside.

02:18 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay - IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship Match

Both men square off in the middle of the ring to start things off. Kenny Omega targets Will Ospreay's arm in the early stages of the match.

02:13 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Our next match for the night is Kenny Omega defending the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship against Will Ospreay. Don Callis accompanies Ospreay to the ring.

02:09 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Willow connects with the Pounce, but Storm rolls out of the ring. Storm pulls the referee in front of her to stop Willow's offense and takes a cheap shot. She then hits the Storm Zero for the pinfall victory.

Toni Storm win

02:07 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Storm and Willow battle in the ring before the latter takes her down with a slam. Willow Nightingale then applied the Indian Deathlock and hits some chops for good measure. Toni Storm targets the knee to get out of the submission move.

02:05 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

However, Willow retaliates with a death valley driver on the apron and follows it up with another in the middle of the ring for a two-count. Ruby Soho and Saraya are ejected from ringside.

02:04 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Toni Storm wears down Willow in the middle of the ring. The latter reverses with a back body drop. She unloads with a forearm strike and a big boot. A distraction from The Outcasts allows Storm to get the advantage.

02:01 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Willow takes care of Saraya and Ruby Soho on the outside, but Toni Storm takes her down with a hip attack. The heels get the upperhand with some cheap shots at the ringside area.

02:00 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Toni Storm vs. Willow Nightingale - AEW Women's World Championship Match

Both stars have a back-and-forth during the initial stages. Willow Nigthingale hits a scoop slam and follows it up with a dropkick.

01:57 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

We have Toni Storm in action next against Willow Nightingale.

01:54 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

After a back-and-forth between the two teams, Ishii gets a two-count on Wheeler Yuta. However, a cheap shot from Claudio allows him to get the upperhand. Chaos all around and sequence of moves end with Ishii hittin a lariat. Ishii hits the brainbuster on Yuta for the pinfall victory.

The Elite, Tomohiro Ishii, and Eddie Kingston win

01:48 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Kingston saves Moxley from getting superkicked and Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count shortly after.

01:47 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Takeshita hits a forearm strike, but gets triple-teamed by The Elite. The Young Bucks look to hit the BTE trigger, but Takeshita manages to escape from it.

01:45 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Hangman Page and Takeshita collide in the ring and The Cowboy hits a lariat. He then follows it up with a throwaway slam and is unloading on BCC. The Elite take out Shota Umino.

01:43 (GMT)26 JUN 2023

Moxley and Kingston clash in the ring before taking each other down. Ishii looks to fight Takeshita, but Umino attacks him from behind. Double-team move from Takeshita and Umino for a two-count.
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