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  • WWE NXT Live Results (November 14, 2023): Is the Judgment Day recruiting in NXT? 'Dirty' Dom helps out former main-roster star!

WWE NXT Live Results (November 14, 2023): Is the Judgment Day recruiting in NXT? 'Dirty' Dom helps out former main-roster star!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedNov 15, 2023 03:14 GMT

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03:14 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

The Judgment Day is omnipresent!

03:11 (GMT)15 NOV 2023


Tony D'Angelo and Stacks Lorenzo defeat Chase University (Andre Chase/Duke Hudson) by pin.
Lash Legend defeats Roxanne Perez by pin.
Trick Williams defeats Joe Coffey by pin.
The Brawling Brutes (Butch/Ridge Holland) defeat OTM (Lucien Price/Bronco Nima) by pin.
Gigi Dolin defeats Arianna Grace by pin.
Baron Corbin defeats Wes Lee by pin.

03:08 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Corbin attacks Lee after the win, bringing out Ilja Dragunov. Ilja goes for the Torpedo Moscow but Corbin catches him with an End of Days. Ilja grabs the mic and says Corbin made a grave mistake. 

He grants Corbin a title match at Deadline. I thought it was already made just not "official" for the show.

03:06 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Corbin climbs to the top, but Lee knocks him off the perch with a kick. Lee then goes for a Tope Con Giro, but Dirty Dom pushes Corbin out of the way to eat the move. Lee then attacks Dom but makes the ring before the ten count. He walks right into an End of Days for his efforts.
Result - Baron Corbin defeats Wes Lee by pin.

03:05 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Lee continues the barrage of offense, landing kicks, and a 619 with the help of the ring post. He hits a kick off the top buckle for a near fall. Lee ground Corbin with a stomp, but Corbin catches him and hits a Death Valley Driver for a close call. Baron goes for the End of Days, but Lee counters. Corbin then hits a Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker as Lee hits a somersault kick. 

03:03 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Corbin drops Lee with an around-the-world type clothesline. He then mounts Lee before landing punches to Lee's head. Corbin adds elbows to Lee's head in the corner. 

Wes moves out of the way as Corbin hits the ring post. Lee strikes the big man, knocking him from the ring. He hits a Suicide Dive that pushes Corbin over the announce table.

02:59 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Who knew that Jacy Jayne was a softie for dopes like Thea Hail and Andre Chase??

02:59 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Lee uses his speed to evade Corbin while landing guerrilla shots. Corbin falls out of the ring. Lee goes for a Suicide Dive, but Corbin catches him and hits the Deep Six on the outside.

02:56 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Corbin is wrestling shirtless for the first time in a long while. Maybe it's an anti-Vince decision. He decks Lee before slapping his chest. Lee battles back with a series of kicks. 

02:51 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

The two drive off in her car. After a video package recapping the rules of the Iron Survivor Challenge, it's revealed that JBL will pick the next two matches.

02:51 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Andre Chase is then barraged by the "media" about the Chase U scandal. Jacy Jayne rescues him.

02:50 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Mac interviews Eddy Thorpe, asking where he has been for the last few weeks. He says the Strap Match took a lot out of him, and needed time to recover. He's interrupted by Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, and Myles Borne. They say he's not as tough as he thinks because he hasn't faced them. Gulak's group also passively mocks Joe Gacy.

02:44 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Von and Stone watch the video package backstage. Stone invites Von to his house for dinner. 

Wagner says if she makes the pasta with those little sausages again, he'll have two plates of it but no asparagus.

02:42 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Grace grabs her tiara and sash after the loss and continues to play the beauty queen gimmick despite the loss. 

We then see a history of the relationship between Mr. Stone and Von. They started at the WWE PC together. Interesting tidbit.

02:41 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Gigi hits a crossbody for a near fall. Grace tries to get a quick pin as well. Grace hits a suplex for two. Gigi fights back with two different pinning combos. Grace then bashes Gigi's head into the mat. Gigi lands a flurry of moves, including an STO for a near fall.

Grace then tries to pin Gigi with her feet on the ropes, but the ref sees it. She complains briefly, allowing Gigi to hit her finisher, an abdominal stretch-type driver, for the win.

Result - Gigi Dolin defeats Arianna Grace by pin.

02:37 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Gigi's reaction to Grace before the match is hilarious. Grace hits a move before Gigi rolls her up. She then gives the Rascalz taunt to Grace (Dolin is engaged to Zach Wentz). 

02:34 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

This would be an interesting tag team...

02:31 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

We then get a vignette from Joe Gacy. It looks like he's on a rooftop. He says he focuses on the message rather than the people. He says he's not here to burn ships or be the biggest dog in the yard. He says that maybe he is unhinged before tossing his phone off the roof.

02:30 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Price dumps Butch on top of Ridge Holland. Ridge falls out of the ring. OTM hits a knee to the gut of Butch for a near fall. Nima goes for a move, but Butch responds with a knee. He kicks both men before going to the top.

NIma meets him. Butch goes for a Sunset Flip Bomb, but Nim holds on. Ridge tags in as Butch hits a moonsault on Price. Ridge hits a powerbomb on Nima, and the Brutes hit a tandem DDT for the win.

Result - The Brawling Brutes defeat OTM (Lucien Price/Bronco Nima) by pin.

02:28 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Nima and Price neutralize Butch in the corner with a clothesline. Butch responds by slapping both guys. He hits a DDT to even things up. Ridge and Lucien come in. Ridge hits clotheslines to drop OTM. Another Uranage in a match tonight. That's at least five or six.

02:25 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Butch immediately tries to pull Lucien Price's fingers off of his hand. He stomps on his elbow, forcing Price to flee. He and Ridge go for the 10-beats. 

Bronco falls down and hits a Uranage on Ridge on the ring apron. Price hits a stomp on Butch. Nima has done his pose about four times in the first minute of the match.

02:23 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Lexis King comes by to talk with Baron Corbin. They complement each other. Corbin congratulates him for sowing discord between Trick and Carmelo Hayes. Corbin asks him how he got "it" done, meaning the attack on Trick, but King doesn't outright admit fault but seems to enjoy the results. He'll be watching the main event tonight.

02:21 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

It was hard to tell if Melo was trying to truly help Trick or carefully planning his spots. Vic and Booker had differing views.

02:17 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

During the match, the timely moves by Hayes helped Coffey land a move. They were subtle but well-timed. As Trick celebrates his win, Melo looks at the graphic longingly as if he wants to join. Or he's jealous of Trick. 

We then see Wes Lee walking around backstage. Ilja Dragunov encounters him. They exchange pleasantries as Ilja was the last person Wes faced before he "took a hiatus" from NXT. Ilja asks Wes to leave a piece of Corbin for him. Wes says he will but that Ilja needs to look out for many other guys gunning for him.

02:15 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Trick lands shots to Coffey's gut. He adds a pancake and a side Scissor Kick to drop Coffey. He goes for his finisher, but Coffey blocks it. Trick hits a Uranage for two. Mark Coffey gets up on the apron, but Trick decks him. Wolfgang does the same as Hayes tries to pull Wolfgang down.

It forces Trick to fall over the ropes. Coffey takes advantage and hits a Suicide Dive. He lands his finisher, but Trick kicks out. Trick hits a jumping knee to pick up the win.

Result - Trick Williams defeats Joe Coffey by pin.

02:12 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Trick hits a back bodydrop and a neckbreaker to even the odds. They trade shots until Coffey hits a bodyslam for a two-count. Back to a rest hold.

02:11 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

A lot of the same in Gallus matches - rest holds, a few moves, more rest holds. Coffey has Trick neutralized in the middle of the ring.

02:06 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Joe uses a Test of Strength to overpower Trick early on. Trick battles back with a few bodyslams and a dropkick. Coffey returns fire with a shoulder block. 

They both attempt a backslide until Trick lands a pop-up punch on Joe. Joe hides behind Gallus, getting the upper hand on Trick. Booker T says Coffey is "good to the last drop." Ugh

02:02 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

We see a 'moments ago' segment of Kiana James celebrating how she helped cost Roxanne Perez her shot at the Iron Survivor. The women argue with Jaida Parker and Izzi Dame, saying that Perez deserved what she got after leaving James with a scar at Halloween Havoc. Karmen Petrovic speaks up, but Arianna Grace cuts her off for not apologizing for telling her to shut up. It leads to a match between Gigi Dolin and Ariana Grace tonight. 

We then pivot to Mac Mitchell asking Bron Breakker if he regrets what he did to Von Wagner and Mr. Stone. He says he isn't remorseful. He's approached by Dijak, who claims that he is the one man that Bron can't "break." He then says if he qualifies for the Iron Survivor match, Dijak must stay out of his way, or he'll be looking for "retribution." Ouch...

01:56 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

It took three women for Lash Legend to beat Roxanne Perez.

01:56 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Mac Mitchell interviews Trick and Carmelo. She reminds both guys that Trick accidentally punched Melo last week. Trick says 'accidents happen.' He says that a lie detector determined that he's telling the truth. 

It was news to Mac Mitchell. They say "Lexis King is gonna get his" before Melo says he'll be by the ring to back up Trick for his match with Joe Coffey. Trick walks off while Melo gives a sniveling look of disapproval before walking off.

01:53 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Xia wants a "level playing field" for next week, as if Lyra has a Meta Four type group. She then must pick "the right tea leaves" before consumption. Li says the leaves eventually boil down and break down, which will happen to Lyra next week. 

Xia must be confusing Lyra with Seth Rollins or something. She tells Lyra to consume the tea, but Lyra respectfully declines. Since she refused, Xia says she will be brutal next week. 

01:51 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

We then see the pre-taped "Tea Ceremony" featuring Lyra Valkryia and challenger Xia Li. She gives her a ceremonial shirt. She also claims the ceremony is a way to show respect to the opponent before the battle. 

01:49 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Dar might have bitten off more than he can chew . . .

01:46 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Backstage, a few tag teams talk about being #1 Contenders for the tag titles. Tony D and Stacks come in to celebrate and step on Humberto and Angel's aspirations. Boa and Dante Chen are seen in the background, both with their faces painted. 

We then pivot to Lyra Valkyria watching footage of Xia Li with PC coaches Robbie Brookside and Johnny Moss. They tell her to avoid her kicks as well as other tidbits of advice. She then receives an invitation from Xia for a Tea Ceremony.

01:43 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Legend recovers to hit a backbreaker to her knees. Lash whiffs on a handstand clothesline. Jakara comes back out to distract the ref, allowing Kiana James to come out and hold Roxy in place for Lash to land a big boot. She hits a powerbomb for the win.
Result - Lash Legend defeats Roxanne Perez by pin.

01:41 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Lash bodyslams Roxy twice before landing an elbow for two. Roxy kicks Lash's knee, but Lash catches her and locks in a Torture Rack variation. Roxy counters into a choke, but Legend sends her into the corner. Perez moves out of the way as Lash hits the ring post. Roxy hits a Suicide Dive on the outside. She rolls Lash back into the ring before landing a flying Crossbody. She adds Pancake type move for two.

01:39 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Lash misses a big boot off the bat. Perez almost gets an Octopus but she is overpowered by the bigger Legend. A dropkick sends Legend to the outside. Roxy goes for a move off the ropes, but the ref sees Jakara Jackson grabbing Roxy's leg. He ejects the rest of the Meta Four.

01:33 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Gable says they have the next challenger, in what we thought, Otis. Dar accepts the challenge for next week. Maxxine reminds them that the challenger has won tag team gold on all three brands. Gable says it's him and not Otis before headbutting Dar onto the couch.

01:31 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Gable says Noam is lucky for still having the cup after last week's sham of a match. Tozawa says the cup would be his if the rest of Meta Four weren't ringside. Lash barks some words, and Otis likes it. It grosses her out hilariously. Everyone tosses insults until Master Gable says "Shooooosh" to everyone. Noam says no one in NXT could beat him and that it's "tough at the top" while faking tears.

01:27 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Noam shows that the Heritage Cup is locked up in a plastic case so no one can steal it. He welcomes Alpha Academy to the ring for the show. 

01:26 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Baron Corbin and Dominik Mysterio converse backstage. He congratulates Dom and the Judgment Day for retaining titles last week. Dom offers help if Corbin "needs a hand," but Corbin says he's got it.

01:23 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Two-time champs Tony D'Angelo and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo

01:20 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Lita appears next to reveal her choices for the Iron Survivor matches. She picks Roxanne Perez and Lash Legend for the women's match. For the men, it's Trick Williams and Joe Coffey. 

01:19 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Chase and Tony D exchange punches until Chase hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep. He hits the Chase U Stomp, but the rest of the students walk out. Tony D hits a Spinebuster after exchanging roll-ups.

The Family hits Badda Bing, Badda Boom on Chase for the win. It must have been a quick swap when it looked like Tony D was hurt at the last PLE.

Result - Tony D and Stacks Lorenzo defeat Andre Chase and Duke Hudson by pin.

01:17 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

He hits a spinning neckbreaker on Tony D before dumping Stacks in Tony D's lap. He goes to the top and hits a flying crossbody for two. Stacks makes the tag to Tony D, and they hit a German Suplex/Uppercut combo for a close call. Stacks gets a near fall off a roll-up. Chase battles back with an Enzuigiri. 

Duke pulls Tony D off the apron after Tony D makes the tag. He goes for a move on the outside, but Tony D sends him into the steel steps. Andre Chase hits a Cannonball on Tony D off the apron. Chase goes to the top, but Tony D recovers. Stacks tags in, and they hit the old Power and Glory finisher off a Superplex and Flying Crossbody for two.

01:13 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Duke battles Stacks in the ring until Duke hits a Uranage for a two-count. After that pin attempt, the camera shows some Chase U students from the crowd walking out. Stacks lands a kick that sends Duke to the outside. He adds an elbow off the apron. 

He rolls Duke in for a near fall. Stacks tags The Don in as more students walk out. Chase seems more worried about the students leaving than Duke in the ring. He manages to tag in off the hot tag.

01:08 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

Stacks and Tony D neutralize Andre, landing a knee drop on his arm off the top. We get more blind tags with Duke Hudson sending Stacks into the ropes. 

Andre Chase nearly falls over after getting leapfrogged. Chase U falls to the outside, allowing Tony D to send Stacks over the ropes and onto Chase and Duke via a hip toss.

01:07 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

The crowd offers some uncharacteristic boos for Chase University. Andre starts against Stacks. Chase gets a near fall of some counters. He almost gets Stacks again, but he barely kicks out by three. Chase goes for the Chase U Stomp but holds back when he doesn't have the crowd's backing. 

Stacks makes a blind tag to Tony D, and Duke Hudson makes on to Chase. Duke hits a big boot for a near fall. He quickly tags Andre Chase back into the match.

01:03 (GMT)15 NOV 2023

The fans in the Chase U section of the crowd are sad and shaking their heads as Chase U makes its way to the ring.
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