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  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (17th June, 2022): Riddle vs Roman Reigns

WWE SmackDown Live Results (17th June, 2022): Riddle vs Roman Reigns

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJun 18, 2022 02:02 GMT

What will happen when Vince McMahon appears for the first time since stepping down as Chairman?


02:02 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

02:02 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

02:02 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

02:01 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

02:01 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Brock Lesnar's back and wants his title back. It looks like we may have the big match for SummerSlam set, if not sooner. Thanks for joining us tonight, folks! 

01:58 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Roman Reigns tells The Bloodline to leave the ring. Brock offers a handshake to the Tribal Chief. Reigns, foolishly, accepts it, and is met with an F-5. The Usos run in and suffer the same fate as their cousin. Paul Heyman is in shambles as the dynasty he's built is crumbling around him. 

01:56 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Reigns grabs a mic and says there's no one left. He said two years ago that he's here to wreck everyone and leave. Well, he just wrecked Riddle and now it's time to leave. Before that, though, he demands Minneapolis acknowledge him. 

Before he can leave, though, he's stopped dead in his tracks by the returning Brock Lesnar! 

01:53 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Riddle plays possum, and Roman's arrogance leads to his spear being turned into an RKO! 1-2-no! Roman kicks out at the very last possible moment! Riddle follows with the Floating Bro and sets up for one more RKO. Reigns blocks, and sends Riddle into the ropes. 

As Riddle bounces off for a springboard maneuver, he's cut in half by a hellacious spear! 1-2-3! 

Roman Reigns defeats Riddle via pinfall. 

In his first defense since WrestleMania, Roman Reigns again proves his dominance over the entire WWE Universe. 

01:50 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

After hitting the DDT, Riddle goes for the RKO. Roman blocks and drops his challenger with the Superman Punch. Riddle, though, is just able to kick out! 

01:49 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Riddle counters a Superman Punch with a flash knee to the nose and follows with a Randy Orton-esque snap powerslam. Roman avoids the draping DDT only to be dropped on the table with a back suplex. 

01:48 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:45 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Roman spikes Riddle with a uranage, then pulls a page out of Randy Orton's book with a backdrop onto the announce table. 

01:43 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Riddle catches Roman with a kick to the jaw and follows with a series of forearms in the corner. An exploder suplex dumps Reigns, but the champ puts his knees up to block the running senton. Riddle still hits the Floating Bro to get a nearfall. 

01:42 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:41 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Reigns has taken over since the break, pounding the challenger into the mat and following up with the driveby dropkick for a two-count. 

01:37 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Riddle forces Reigns to the floor and hits a springboard Floating Bro. The former RAW Tag Team Champion is on fire in this title bout! 

01:36 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Riddle wastes no time, rushing Roman Reigns the second the bell rights. A hurricane of kicks and punches land on the Isle of Relevancy, but Reigns puts it all to a stop with a single uppercut.

01:30 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:30 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:30 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:29 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Riddle makes it to the ring first. The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions, and Paul Heyman are all out next. The Bloodline is united with no Sami Zayn in sight. Can Riddle dethrone Reigns tonight? 

01:25 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Kayla Braxton introduces new Intercontinental Champion Gunther to an interview but is shooed away by Ludwig Kaiser. Ludwig runs down the lineage of the title, praising those from around the globe to capture it, but insulting every American that's ever held the title. Ludwig promises that no American will ever hold the championship again. 

01:23 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

We hear that Max Dupri is out next. However, he's backstage verbally tearing into Adam Pearce for failing to provide the right acoustics and lighting for his clients. So it looks like we won't be seeing Max Dupri's special client this week. 

01:20 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

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01:19 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:18 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Lacey Evans is at the commentary desk as well, scoping out the competition for Money in the Bank. Shayna escapes a slam and takes out the leg, following with a running knee to the jaw. She synchs in a sleeper, but Rodriguez backs her into the corner repeatedly. After that, Baszler is planted with the Texana Bomb. 

Raquel Rodriguez defeats Shayna Baszler via pinfall. 

Raquel Rodriguez has qualified for the MITB ladder match. 

01:15 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Raquel Rodriguez and Shayna Baszler are out next, as we look to see who is next to qualify for the women's Money in the Bank ladder match. Rodriguez dominates Shayna early with sheer brute force. However, Shayna avoids a boot on the apron, tying Rodriguez's leg up in the ring post and creating a weakness to target. 

01:11 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:08 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Sami Zayn is seen outside Roman Reigns' private locker room when Kayla Braxton sneaks up on him. She asks if there's any ill will between him and the Tribal Chief and the Bloodline. Zayn denies the possibility but is afraid to confront Roman. 

01:07 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:07 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

01:06 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Pearce makes the decision. Sheamus is in! The Celtic Warrior hugs Pearce before rubbing it into McIntyre's face. McIntyre attacks Sheamus, and after he finishes, Pearce says he is also in the match. So after last week, even though they failed to qualify, both men have been added to the Money in the Bank ladder match. 

01:03 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Pearce says that both Drew McIntyre and Sheamus failed to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match last week when they brawled to a no contest. Even so, both men have demanded to be put in the match. They both double down. Drew McIntyre says if he doesn't get added, someone will be getting hurt. Sheamus says that he's been able to cash in the contract, while Drew has only been cashed in on. 

01:00 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:57 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:56 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:53 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Shanky nearly caves Kofi's chest in with a monstrous chop, and utterly dominates the WWE veteran. However, when Xavier Woods pulls out the trombone, Shanky begins to dance. Jinder furiously tags himself in, sending Shanky to the apron. However, as Jinder turns around he's met with Trouble in Paradise!

The New Day defeat Jinder Mahal and Shanky via pinfall. 

Even after the match, Shanky can't help but dance to the music of the New Day. 

00:51 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

The former WWE Champion Jinder Mahal starts things off with the King of the Ring Xavier Woods. Mahal's unable to keep up with the speed of Woods and is met with an impressive springboard dropkick. Kofi tags in, leading to a double sliding bulldog. Mahal decides to bring in Shanky once he's overwhelmed. 

00:46 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:45 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Before the next match, Natalya is interviewed ahead of her SmackDown Women's Championship bout at Money in the Bank. Nattie says that the Sharpshooter is the most dangerous submission in WWE history. She says they could ask her how it felt, but she's at home nursing her wounds. 

She continues to brag about her submission game and vows to be the first to make Ronda Rousey tap out at Money in the Bank. 

00:39 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:38 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:38 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

To make it worse, as the New Day walk to the ring, they're also laughing at Corbin. The multi-time tag team champions are in action next as they take on Jinder Mahal and Shanky.

00:37 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

After the match, Corbin takes a microphone and goes after Pat McAfee, who has been tearing into him on commentary ever since he joined the team. Corbin says he needs to watch his mouth, because the next time he makes a negative remark, Corbin will drag him over the table and tear him apart. 

McAfee, refusing to back down, grabs the microphone and leads the crowd in laughing him out of the building. 

00:34 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:34 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

00:33 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Madcap picks up a mic and laughs at Corbin before walking off to wrap up that stipulation. 

00:31 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Madcap turns things around when he catches Corbin with the Punchline! But he's not going for the pin, as he hits one final Punchline before putting Corbin down for good! 

Madcap Moss defeats Happy Corbin via pinfall. 

Madcap is now 3-0 against Happy Corbin and has earned the last laugh. 

00:30 (GMT)18 JUN 2022

Corbin plants Moss with the Deep Six, but it's not enough to get the win. Madcap escapes a powerbomb, only to be hit with a spine-popping chokeslam. 
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