5 nasty pro-wrestling gimmick matches that even MMA fighters would be afraid of taking part in

Akash C
No MMA fighter would step into this sort of a match without thinking twice! 

#2 Inferno Match

This looks like fun, doesn't it?

This one actually comes to us from a more mainstream promotion in the form of the WWE. As one might guess from the name, this one has to do with fire.

A speciality match for Kane, which was first debuted during the original Kane vs. Undertaker feud, it's shocking to think Vince McMahon concocted something this extreme even if it was back in the attitude era.

The concept of this match is simple enough. The ring is basically set ablaze and the only way to win is to do to your opponent what has already been done to the ring – i.e set him on fire. As tough as MMA fighters are, I don't expect to see them lining to up to take part in inferno matches anytime soon.