5 pro-wrestling moves that MMA fighters can't pull off

Akash C
Lesnar proved that MMA fighters can’t pull off the Shooting Star Press

#2 The Canadian Destroyer

The man who invented the Canadian Destroyer

You remember that piledriver I mentioned in the last slide? Well, that’s a pretty dangerous move. You know being categorically banned by the WWE and what not. Easy enough to execute, but difficult to pull off safely. The standard version of that is, of course, belly to back.

The Canadian Destroyer is basically that on speed. Invented by Petey Williams, he decided to add a flip to it. Actually, two flips. The move requires the Superstar performing the move to do a front flip while the opponent simultaneously does a backflip and then end with the piledriver portion of the move. It is absolutely bonkers.

Here, take a look:


Sure, I have no qualms in admitting an MMA fighter can execute a piledriver with some practice. The Canadian Destroyer, though? Forget about it. There’s no way someone is getting that level of power, athleticism and coordination unless they’ve been trained for years and years.

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