5 reasons professional wrestling fans should watch MMA

Wrestling fans can find a lot more fulfilment from watching MMA
Wrestling fans can find a lot more fulfilment from watching MMA

#2 Speaking without censorship

Most MMA stars don’t worry about speaking their minds, unlike WWE stars
Most MMA stars don’t worry about speaking their minds, unlike WWE stars

Compare any WWE promo to that of a top UFC star. Not only is it fake, because of the nature of professional wrestling (this cannot be helped), it also passes through many corporate filters to make it palatable for a mass family audience.

Conversely, UFC and other MMA promotions have no such restrictions at all. Sometimes the things that are said are so politically incorrect that they make us wince. Ultimately, they all serve their purpose and make us more interested in the match at hand.

When WWE was a company fighting to survive, they unleashed the Attitude Era. Now that they’re on top, the company has mellowed down. Sometimes, the nature of the programming is so weak and tepid that it’s an insult to intelligent adults.

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