5 reasons why UFC fighters should have WWE-style managers

Managers have powerful roles in the lives of fighters

#4 To cut the perfect deals for them and helping them grow

Teddy Long knows the business for sure

One of the primary roles of a manager in the UFC is to also help the fighter sign with the UFC. In order to ensure that the contract is exactly what was promised to them, a manager has to peruse it down to the last detail, to ensure that the contract isn’t dodgy, contrary to the promise made.

In addition to that, the manager oversees the contract negotiations and tries to cut better deals for the fighter to ensure his/her longevity in the business. A manager from the WWE-oeuvre would ideally be perfect if put in charge of UFC Superstars.

Most UFC fighters such as Khabib Nurmagomedov, who aren’t proficient speakers of the English language, often find it difficult to negotiate terms and conditions which are laid out in front of them.

Often during predicaments, WWE-style managers would not only carve out the perfect deals for them, but would also go a step further in ensuring that the fighter has been provided the best ecosystem conducive to his/her growth in the sports industry as usually the sports industry is beset with people who employ deceptive ways to gain an upper hand.