5 Things you did not know about Germaine de Randamie

Know the woman who defeated Holly Holm in controversial fashion

#4 Fans believed she wouldn’t make it in MMA

Aren't you glad she never listened to them?

We just mentioned Germaine De Randamie's historic run in Muay Thai and also in kickboxing. However, de Randamie had bigger dreams and wanted to scale the summit even in the realm of MMA.

While she expected to be serenaded with encouragement, the same supporters who had once had her back became her biggest detractors after this decision. Not only were they critical of her changing disciplines, they wanted her to excel at what she was exceptionally good at. Her fans told her that she wouldn’t make it in MMA. Boy, were they wrong!

She used this criticism as her motivation and entered her first MMA fight. This is the first time she would be defeated in anything she’d attempted, and this just fuelled her on to succeed even more. Germaine de Randamie stuck to her guns and became the legend we know her to be right now.

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