Joe Rogan tries psychedelic "Mad Honey" from the Himalayas

Joe Roga tries psychedelic honey from Nepal
UFC commentator and comedian Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is a self-described "psychedelic adventurer" and has often spoken about his use of powerful psychedelics like DMT and psilocybin mushrooms.

Rogan hosted Will Sonbuchner a.k.a. Sonny Side, founder of popular food and travel YouTube channel Best Ever Food Review Show, on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience. Sonbuchner brought a jar of psychedelic honey called 'mad honey' that he had acquired in Nepal for both of them to try.

Joe Rogan was eager to try the honey at first, but after Sonbuchner described the effects of taking too much, the stand-up comedian was more apprehensive. The YouTuber recounted a story a man from a village he visited in Nepal told him:

"He goes 'I did it 20 years ago and that's the last time. I took a lot, and I couldn't walk for 24 hours.' Okay, that's pretty extreme."

The filmmaker then described the experience his brother had after taking six teaspoons of the honey, which turned out to be far too much. His brother detailed the experience as his trip progressed via text with Sonbuchner, and said the following:

"I said, 'Why don't you text me the effects during the evening, so I'll know what to expect when I do it?' He said, 'Feels good. Warm. Warm breath. My body is on fire in a very positive way. It's weird. So far good. Might get nauseous. Take less. I can't tell. Not good.'"

Watch the video below from 7:10:


Joe Rogan is amazed that Hadzabe tribe in Tanzania smoke weed

Joe Rogan is a well-known advocate of cannabis and smokes fairly regularly on his podcast.

In the same episode with Sonbuchner, the famous YouTuber shared several stories about his experience with the Hadzabe tribe who reside in Tanzania. The tribe is one of the last hunter-gatherer communities left in Africa, and life in the tribe revolves around hunting.

Of all the facts about the Hadzabe tribe that Sonbuchner listed, one in particular caught the attention of Rogan. The YouTuber stated that various tribes trade certain items, with cannabis being one of them, which took the podcast host by surprise.

Rogan said the following:

"Really? They get high over there?"

Watch the video below from 2:40:


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