Motorsports athlete Aishwarya Pissay said that playing on a PlayStation 4 (PS4) helps in her training. Speaking to Sportskeeda's Indranil Basu in an exclusive conversation, the 25-year-old from Bengaluru said that playing a rally game on a PS4 helped her simulate race situations, and track her mental training.
Pissay described how her coach sets up a PS4 rally game for her to practice on, then tracks her mental calmness.
"My mental training starts after I'm physically exhausted. My mental coach puts me under a situation where we play this game called Dakar on PS4. It technically replicates the same situation that we have in a race."
"So what he does is he connects us to a few devices that he has, and it shows a real-time thing of how my mind is working. Am I completely stressed, am I alert, or am I calm? What kind of state I am at? Am I not letting tiredness or fatigue affect me? Am I able to work efficiently?"
PS4 helps rally prodigy Aishwarya Pissay
Aishwarya Pissay has made a name for herself with her brilliant performances in motorsports. The 25-year-old from Bengaluru is a six-time National Road Racing & Rally Champion. She has also won the FIM Baja Rally World Cup.
For an athlete like her, mental balance is essential, as even a small mistake in motorsports could end her career.
Aishwarya Pissay has achieved much success in her career, but she has also faced many difficulties. In August 2017, Aishwarya picked up a collarbone injury in a practice session. Although the damage was serious, Pissay recovered and went on to win the National Road Racing and Rally Championship.
Aishwarya Pissay mentioned that she also practices meditation regularly to improve her mental balance.