A man was reportedly removed from a Delta Airlines flight for wearing a shirt that featured former US president Donald Trump showing the middle finger while donning sunglasses in the color of the US flag. The black t-shirt also said, "Hawk tuah spit on that thang,” in reference to the viral R-rated video online.
Reddit group r/delta first shared the video on Saturday morning, August 31, which showed the man wearing the Trump t-shirt getting removed from the plane at Sarasota Bradenton International Airport.
Once the video went viral, netizens took to X to express their agitation about the incident.
“Petition to boycott Delta Airlines”, said one X user.
Many netizens voiced a similar sentiment.
“Time to boycott @Delta thank you for the heads up!!!” another X user wrote.
“Last I checked, we were the land of the free, not the land of 'if you support Trump, you're grounded.' This isn't just un-American; it's a new low in political pettiness. When did expressing your political preference become a boarding pass issue? #FreedomOfExpression”, one user wrote.
“I hope that ended up in a lawsuit”, said one user.
However, other netizens opined that it might actually be offensive.
“It's a bit more than 'just a trump shirt' lol”, said one user.
“Are you sure it's not because of the double middle fingers?” asked another X user.
“Adults set the example for children. That is not setting a good example” said another X user.
"I'm getting kicked off because of my shirt," - the anonymous man wearing the Trump t-shirt said in the video

According to a viral Reddit video, a man wearing a Donald Trump t-shirt with the phrase "spit on that thang," which referred to the viral "Hawk Tuah" girl, was made to leave a Delta Airlines aircraft. The allegation and video of the man being forced to leave the plane were initially uploaded on Reddit.
As he carries his bags down the aisle of the aircraft, the man donning the Trump-themed attire is heard on the video saying,
“I’m getting kicked off because of my shirt.”
The man continued accusing a flight attendant named Wendy of reporting him to the authorities. He said.
“And this is her reporting — stupid-a*s Wendy.”
As per Times Now World, an airline employee informed him, as he was settling in to board the plane, that there had been a complaint about his t-shirt and that he would either have to change it or risk being kicked from the aircraft.
After agreeing to wear the Trump t-shirt inside out, he eventually boarded the aircraft. However, just before the takeoff, he received word that he would not be permitted to fly and was instructed to get off the aircraft.
The original Reddit poster u/SKBeachGirl wrote,
“Next thing I know, right before takeoff, a Delta employee comes on the plane and escorts him off the flight, he had flipped his shirt back to the decal side.”
Later, on August 31, the New York Post picked up the story and posted an article on their website. However, as of right now, no official source has confirmed the incident; only the Reddit article and the video of the event exist.
On the other hand, as per Delta’s Contract of Carriage,
"In Delta's sole discretion for the passenger's comfort or safety, for the comfort or safety of other passengers or Delta employees, or the prevention of damage to the property of Delta or its passengers or employee" the airline can remove passengers from its flights.
It further stated that a person may be expelled if their "conduct, attire, hygiene, or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers,” among other actions and circumstances.
Meanwhile, the man's identity hasn’t yet been revealed, and neither Delta nor its representatives have commented on the incident.