Tex Mex Motors season 2 premiered on Netflix on November 22, 2024. At the end of the premiere episode, Rob "Rabbit" Pitts and Scooter Wreyton drove all the way to Chihuahua, Mexico, hoping to find a '52 Chevy Fleetline in good condition. However, when they arrived at the location, they found an old rusty car instead.
While Rabbit expressed disappointment in his fellow castmate, Scooter was enraged, feeling that they had been screwed and that his contact Carlos Cabe Tejeda had lied to them. He wasted no time calling the dealer to confront him on the situation.
"My contact lied to us. I need to make a phone call," Scooter said before dialing the number.
Tex Mex Motors star Scooter and Rabbit finds a 1947 Indian Chief motorcycle instead of a '52 Chevy Fleetline
Rob "Rabbit" Pitts and Scooter Wreyton were disappointed after finding an old rusty car instead of a new '52 Chevy Fleetline. They had expected to find a turnkey vehicle, but Rabbit acknowledged that it had always been a "long shot."
"We came 250 miles to Chihuahua because one of my contacts promised me that there was a '52 Chevy Fleetline in good condition. I'm starting to suspect that we got screwed," Scooter said in his confessional.
At the start of Tex Mex Motors season 2 episode 2, the duo was greeted by the owner of the junkyard, Santiago. Confused over the situation, Scooter asked the owner if the good-conditioned '52 Chevy had been placed elsewhere. However, the owner explained that it was the only car he had been instructed to show them.
Scooter reached his boiling point and called the contact to confront him about the mixup.
"Hey, you owe me-- Because the car is a piece of junk and no good. Bastard, it has no transmission, no seats, nothing! Rabbit and I hauled our a**es all the way to Chihuahua, spent all this time and money. And we have nothing to show for it," Scooter told the deal on the phone.
His contact admitted that he hadn’t seen the car in person but had been told that the vehicle was "good to go." Despite the confusion, he informed Scooter that the garage also had a classic Indian motorcycle that could be of great value to them. He also mentioned that he would have bought it himself if he had the money.
Realizing that classic Indian motorcycles were "worth a fair amount," Scooter agreed to take it instead. However, Rabbit reminded his fellow Tex-Mex Motors cast mate that they don't have a motorcycle show. Despite this, Scooter convinced Rabbit, assuring him that "there’s potential for everything" in the deal.
Scooter was highly impressed when the garage owner led them to the rusted 1947 Indian Chief, a bike whose original price ranged from $9,000 to $14,000.
"Indian Motorcycles was America's first motorcycle company, beating Harley-Davidson to the punch by a full two years. They were also the first to produce the V-twin engine, which, back in the early 1900s, was a bit like strappin' a rocket to a bicycle," Rabbit explained.
The Tex Mex Motors star added that Mexico's own Pancho Vill used the Indian's legendary speed to conduct motorcycle raids during the Mexican-American War in El Paso. With its iconic skirted fenders, left-hand throttle, hand-operated gear shift, and foot-pedal clutch, the motorcycle was labeled as a "beefy bad boy" of the time.
Tex Mex Motors duo decided to take both the 1947 Indian Chief and the rusted '52 Chevy Fleetline, paying $6,500 for the pair.
Tex Mex Motors season 2 episodes are available on Netflix.