The Japanese television series First Love was released on Netflix on November 24, 2022. The nine-episode show chronicled the lives of the show's characters Yae Noguchi and Harumichi Namik portrayed by Hikari Mitsushima and Takeru Satoh, respectively.
The show's story chronicled the journey of Yae and Harumichi, who grew up together during the 1990s and 2000s and gradually developed feelings for each other. However, due to different life choices and circumstances, they became separated. Fifteen years later, they reconnected and attempted to rekindle their romance.
Although Mitsushima and Satoh's characters were the main focuses of the show, First Love's cast also comprised several other talented actors without whose contributions the show wouldn't have been as successful as it is. Continue reading to find out who these people were and where you must have seen them previously.
The main cast of First Love
1) Hikari Mitsushima as Yae Noguchi
As previously mentioned, Hikari Mitsushima played Yae Noguchi, one of the two main leads in the First Love series. Yae was pretty normal as a kid and like everyone else had big aspirations concerning her life and career. But she also was in love with Harumichi Namiki. However, when the situation arose she chose herself.
Hikari Mitsushima is a Japanese actor, model, and singer. She is best known for her roles in films such as Love Exposure (2008), The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio (2009) and the television movie, Sayonara Bokutachi no Youchien (2011).
Rikako Yagi as young Yae
Rikako Yagi played the younger version of Yae Noguchi's character in the show. The audience may have seen Yagi in projects such as The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2016), Ichikei's Crow: The Movie (2023), and Sibling Intrusion (2024).
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2) Takeru Satoh as Harumichi Namiki
Takeru Satoh portrays Harumichi Namiki, the other of the two leads in First Love. Much like Yae, Harumichi was also a pretty normal kid with high career aspirations and dreamt of joining the defence forces. He was also in love with Yae, however, due to his dreams of the future he was forced to separate from her.
Takeru Satoh is a Japanese actor who is best known for his contributions to projects such as the Kamen Rider Den-O franchise (2007- 2018), Rurouni Kenshin (2014- 2021), and The Emperor's Cook (2015).
Taisei Kido as young Harumichi
Taisei Kido portrayed the younger version of Harumichi Namiki's character in the show. Kido is best known for his roles in films and shows such as Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito (2023), 9 Border (2024), and The Beginning of the Sea (2024).
Also read: Landman season 1: Full list of cast explored.
Additional characters in First Love
Additional actors in the show whose character portrayals deepened its plot further included:
- Kaho who played Tsunemi Arikawa
- Minami who played Yū Namiki
- Itsuki Nagasawa who played young Yū
- Akiyoshi Nakao who played Bonji Kawano
- Jiei Wakabayashi who played young Bonji
- Towa Araki who played Tsuzuru Kosaka
- Aoi Yamada who played Uta Komori
- Gaku Hamada who played Ōtaro
Also read: The Perfect Couple on Netflix: Full list of cast.
All episodes of First Love are currently streaming on Netflix.