During Shylily’s most recent Twitch stream, the Orca VTuber discussed something that goes on at TwitchCon parties that seldom gets brought up. Several people in the past have admitted to being “roofied” at these parties, but it doesn’t get discussed often. For those who do not know, being “roofied” means someone slips something into another person’s drink, typically GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyrate), with the purpose of sexually assaulting them.
Several convention attendees opened up about it in the past, but it doesn’t get brought up nearly often enough. The Orca VTuber Shylily discussed it briefly on her stream, and despite refusing to give names, she did talk about the issue ahead of TwitchCon San Diego 2024:
“There’s a big reason why people don’t know.”
Shylily discusses people being allegedly “roofied” at TwitchCon parties
(Clip begins at 2:08:41)
In her most recent Twitch stream, ShyLily warned people from going to TwitchCon unless they have a significant budget for it. It just wasn’t worth it, in her eyes, considering the odds of you finding the streamer you want to meet being slim to the price of going to a more important danger, being “roofied”.
Before the clip began, the streamer cited figures in her estimation being 200 out of 1,000 people being roofied, due to lax security. To her, it simply wasn’t worth it. The VTuber was asked for names, but she refused to say.
However, the Orca VTuber would offer her thoughts on why people don’t discuss the fact that they were taken advantage of at a party for such a big event as TwitchCon. In her eyes, it’s because people feel shame, or are taken advantage of in those situations:
“Who’s gotten roofied? I will not speak of any names. Maybe that’s why it’s being kept on the down-low. I feel like the people that have gotten roofied, they, they really only ever tell their stories to the friend circle, because, it’s a moment where you feel taken advantage of, and preyed upon, and it’s really embarrassing and what not.”
In ShyLily’s opinion, people don’t want that sort of information to be public knowledge, and while it isn’t anyone’s business, if they don’t want to disclose that. However, it's something people should be aware of, so they can take better care of themselves at those kinds of parties:
“I feel like many people don’t like talking about that in public, it’s no one's business, but I also think it’s s**ty because there’s a big reason why people don’t know.”
In her eyes, admitting to being roofied opens people up to even more people being predatory, and that’s quite scary. The VTuber would talk about it for a bit longer, stressing how important it is to never leave your drink unattended - not just Twitch parties, but anywhere.
It’s important if someone is going to an event, whether there’s alcohol or not, to never leave your drink unattended. Whether it’s open or not, some people look for that sort of thing, to spike drinks.