Why Valorant's new "Cascading Pick" system is a necessity for its competitive health

Valorant's new "Cascading Pick" system is a necessity (Image via Sportskeeda)
Valorant's new "Cascading Pick" system is a necessity (Image via Sportskeeda)

Valorant's developers have recently revealed that they will be implementing the 'Cascading Pick' system to counter the instalocking issue plaguing the game. During the Twitch live stream of Episode 4 Act 1's launch, Valorant's designer John Walker revealed the cascading agent pick feature for the future.

Cascading Pick systems are very common in multiplayer games. Riot has also implemented this system in their other title, League of Legends. In this system, players get the chance to pick their agent in a randomized order and they will be given 20 seconds each to select their agent. If Riot implements the Cascading Pick system in future updates, it will aim to tackle the instalocking issue that players are frustrated with.


Cascading Pick system in Valorant will force players to try out different agents in the game:

Valorant is Riot's first 5v5 tactical shooter game. Since its release in June 2020, the game has seen immense growth in its early life cycle. The unique combination of gunplay and agent abilities sets the game apart from other FPS titles in the market. Valorant's simple yet nuanced gunplay also attracts a lot of players to the game.

With the increasing popularity of the game, Valorant developers often receive several complaints regarding the toxicity in the game. A common issue players face is that toxic players instalock any Duelist in the Agent selection queue.

Developers believe that the system of cascading picks will prevent instalockers from denying other players a fair shot at an agent and every player will have their fair share of chances to pick agents.

However, many in the community believe that it will be a disadvantage for the players who are picking at the end as they may be forced to pick an agent with whom they are least comfortable. Some also think that it will be a problem for new players and will increase the number of queue dodges.

Riot has already introduced 19 agents in the game. These agents are divided into four categories, namely Duelist, Sentinel, Controller and Initiator. Each set has at least four or five agents on their roster. A player just needs to learn at least one agent from each category to efficiently play the game.

As per the new system, a new player needs to win at least 20 Unranked matches to enable the competitive queue. Hence, the player needs to play at least 20 games at the start, which is a decent amount of time to learn three or four agents efficiently. With time, players can increase their proficiency with other agents as well.

Riot has already received some mixed reactions from the community regarding the potential implementation of the Cascading Pick system in Valorant. It will be interesting to see if the developers re-think their decision once again before implementation and come up with some other approach or end up sticking to their guns.

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