AEW Dynamite Results: Dumpster match, Young Bucks destroyed by former WWE stars, Chris Jericho wrestled BCC member

Hangman Page and The Young Bucks are back on the same page after AEW Dynamite
Hangman Page and The Young Bucks are back on the same page after AEW Dynamite

This week's AEW Dynamite featured Chris Jericho facing Wheeler Yuta with a shot at Jon Moxley's title on the line. We also had a dumpster match between The Acclaimed and Gunn Club on the show as well as Orange Cassidy in action and a whole lot more.

Read on for full AEW Dynamite results:

Orange Cassidy vs. Jay Lethal on AEW Dynamite

Jay Lethal looked fantastic early on in this match. He dominated Orange Cassidy and looked multiple times to try and set him up for the Figure Four Leglock. Back and forth early on before Lethal took control.

Cassidy hit back with a Stundog Millionaire but Lethal but back with a backbreaker. Lethal then headed to the top rope looking for an elbow drop, but Orange Cassidy rolled away to the corner, much to Lethal's frustration.

Orange Cassidy hit a diving DDT off the top rope but seemed to hurt his knee on the way down. Lethal tried to take advantage but got hit with a Beach Break. Cassidy went for an Orange Punch but missed it. Lethal took advantage and hit a Lethal Injection to pick up the win.

Result: Jay Lethal def. Orange Cassidy


Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh came down to the ring after the match. Dutt called out Wardlow, who duly came out along with Best Friends to make the save before Lethal could do further damage to Orange Cassidy.

It ended with Wardlow accepting a challenge to defend the TNT Championship at Battle of the Belts 3.

Cole, O'Reilly, and Fish turn on The Young Bucks on AEW Dynamite

The Undisputed Elite were out next, along with The Young Bucks. Adam Cole took the mic and said he still wasn't physically cleared. He added that if he couldn't take part in the trios tournament, The Bucks couldn't either.

The Bucks looked a little confused, but before they couldn't react, they were jumped by Cole, O'Reilly, and Fish. The trios attack was quick and decisive, laying both Matt and Nick Jackson out.

As Cole looked to use a steel chair to do further damage, former AEW World Champion Hangman Page's music hit. Page cleared the ring before shaking Nick Jackson's hand.

Jon Moxley cut a short backstage promo. He said he didn't care who he faced next week, Chris Jericho or Wheeler Yuta, adding that when he entered the ring, his only aim was to hurt his opponent.

Dr. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter vs. ThunderStorm on AEW Dynamite

Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa started the match, but things broke down almost immediately. Both Jamie Hayter and Toni Storm came in, with Hayter tossing the former WWE star out of the ring.

Thunder Rosa was all over Baker, forcing her to tag out. Rosa and Storm then worked over Jamie Hayter in their corner. Baker tagged in and took control of the match for her team just as we headed to a commercial break. Hayter got in a couple of vicious shots from out at ringside. Baker followed it up with a Butterfly Suplex for a two-count.

Toni Storm then hit a DDT to Britt Baker out at ringside. Inside the ring, Hayter hit a double suplex to Toni Storm and Thunder Rosa. Rebel got on the apron as Storm went to hit Baker with a dive. Baker hit an avalanche White Noise before Hayter came and took Storm out with a clothesline. It wasn't enough for the three-count as Thunder Rosa broke up the count.

Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm followed it up with a double German Suplex before Toni Storm hit Britt Baker with a series of running hip attacks. Baker then pulled Storm into the way, and Storm accidentally took out Thunder Rosa. Hayter immediately took Toni Storm out with a lariat, and that was enough to pick up the win.

Result: Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter def. Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm


Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ren Jones on AEW Dynamite

Powerhouse Hobbs made short work of Jones, taking only a couple of minutes to finish off his opponent. Hobbs hit a running powerslam before hitting him with a strike across the back of his head, and that was enough for the win.

Result: Powerhouse Hobbs def. Ren Jones

Ricky Starks ran out after the match and got a few shots in before Hobbs took him down with a powerslam.

Matt Hardy vs. Christian Cage on AEW Dynamite

Matt Hardy was all over Christian right as the match began, but his momentum didn't last long. After tossing Christian outside the ring, Hardy followed him. Christian hit Hardy with a cheapshot before battering Matt Hardy against the steel steps.

Back in the ring, Matt Hardy hit back with a superplex, but Christian kicked out at two. Both legends traded strikes before Matt Hardy hit a backdrop. He followed it up with repeated punches in the corner followed by a double axe handle off the middle rope. Matt Hardy also hit a Side Effect, forcing Christian to roll away. Hardy got on the apron and hit a second Side Effect on the hardest part of the ring.

Matt Hardy set up Christian on a table at ringside. He then went for a running elbow drop from the apron but crashed through wood after Christian rolled out of the way. Back in the ring, Christian hit the Killswitch, and that was enough to put Hardy away.

Result: Christian Cage def. Matt Hardy


Luchasaurus was walking down to the ring after the match when Jungle Boy tried to blindside Christian. Christian dodged the attack and ran out of the arena.

Ethan Page was out next and upset with fans for not buying his merch. He also didn't seem too happy with his spot. Stokely Hathaway came out and offered Ethan Page his card, seemingly adding another name to the faction he was building.

The Acclaimed vs. Gunn Club on AEW Dynamite (Dumpster match)

Anthony Bowens was all over Austin Gunn as the match began, but he quickly turned the tables, slamming the lid of the dumpster onto him. Gunn Club then powerbombed Bowens into the dumpster. The Gunns then launched Caster into the dumpster but couldn't close it on time.

The Gunns continued to dominate the match as Bowens got tossed into the dumpster again. Austin Gunn failed to close the lid again. Austin and Bowens brawled on top of the dumpster. Gunn tossed Bowens off into a pile off trash cans.

Colten Gunn suplexed Bowens onto the entrance ramp. Austin then set Bowens up on a table and climbed the stage. Bowens got down and hit Colten Gunn with a trash can. Caster was up on the stage behind Austin Gunn and tossed him into the dumpster.

Bowens then set up Colten Gunn on the table as Caster hit the Mic Drop elbow from the stage. The Acclaimed then tossed Colten inside the dumpster and closed the lid for the win.

Result: The Acclaimed def. Gunn Club

After the match, Bowens and Caster pushed the dumpster off the entrance ramp, sending it crashing off the stage.

Chris Jericho vs. Wheeler Yuta (AEW Dynamite main event)

Wheeler Yuta started off by flicking Chris Jericho on his broken nose. Jericho was soon forced outside the ring, and Yuta followed, tossing the former world champion into the barricade. Angelo Parker grabbed Yuta's foot as he tried to get back into the ring, leading to Parker and Minard being tossed out of the arena by the referee.

Jericho tried to use the distraction to roll up Yuta but only got a two-count. Yuta headed to the top rope, but Jericho cut him down and sent him crashing to the mat. The Wizard dominated during the commercial break, only for Yuta take back control when we came back from the break.

Both men went down after a midair collision. Both men traded palm strikes as they got back to their feet. Yuta followed it up with a triple German suplex.

Chris Jericho managed to lock in the Walls of Jericho, but Yuta crawled over to the bottom rope. The veteran looked frustrated and charged at Yuta, who sent him crashing out to ringside. Yuta replied with three tope suicidas in a row before heading to the top turnbuckle and hitting a crossbody.

Jericho reversed a lariat and hit a backbreaker. He went for the Lionsault, but Yuta got the knees up. Yuta headed to the top rope, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker on the way down. Yuta somehow kicked out at the last second.

Yuta locked in the Regal Stretch on Chris Jericho. Jericho managed to grab his baseball bat. The referee took it away, and as her back was turned, Jericho hit Yuta with a low blow.

Jericho went for the Judas Effect, but Yuta dodged it and tried to roll the veteran up. Jericho then locked in the Liontamer and forced Yuta to tap out.

Result: Chris Jericho def. Wheeler Yuta

Chris Jericho had the hold locked in until Jon Moxley made his way down to the ring to chase Jericho off. Jericho took a mic and promised to "stretch the ***t out of" Jon Moxley in their title match next week.

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