AEW Dynamite Results: New champions, WWE legend turns heel, Hair vs. Hair match, New members join Jericho Appreciation Society

Christian Cage turned on his longtime ally Jungle Boy on AEW Dynamite
Christian Cage turned on his longtime ally Jungle Boy on AEW Dynamite

We got one of the best episodes of AEW Dynamite this year, headlined by an incredible ladder match between Jurassic Express and The Young Bucks for the tag team championships. What happened after that bout was also shocking.

We also had Miro in action against Ethan Page, Chris Jericho versus Ortiz in a hair vs. hair match, and a lot more. Read on for full AEW Dynamite results.

Chris Jericho vs. Ortiz on AEW Dynamite (Hair vs. Hair match)

Ortiz started the match by taking down Chris Jericho with a clothesline. The latter went for a Lionsault, but Ortiz got the knees up. Jericho tried to hit a hurricanrana from the middle rope, but his opponent reversed it into a powerbomb. The Wizard hit back with a suplex from the apron onto the floor.

Chris Jericho was on top when we returned from the commercial break. Ortiz continued to fight, taking Jericho down with a desperate clothesline. He whipped Jericho into the corner but was almost caught in the Walls of Jericho.

Ortiz tried a roll-up but only got a two-count. Jericho hit a Codebreaker of his own but couldn't put Ortiz away. Jericho then locked in the Walls of Jericho, but Ortiz managed to reach the bottom rope.

A brawl broke out at ringside between the Jericho Appreciation Society and Santana, Eddie Kingston, and Wheeler Yuta. Kingston came up behind the referee and hit Jericho but with his spinning elbow but couldn't put him away.

Fuego Del Sol then came out and hit Ortiz with a baseball bat. That was enough for Jericho to take home the win.

Result: Chris Jericho def. Ortiz on AEW Dynamite


It turned out to be Sammy Guevara dressed up as Fuego Del Sol as he reunited with Jericho and Hager. Ortiz then cut off his own hair.

Wardlow vs. 20 Plaintiffs on AEW Dynamite

The security guys had the ring surrounded and tried to swarm Wardlow. He powerbombed one plaintiff into the rest of the group out at ringside. Wardlow then pinned and submitted two guys at the same time.

Mr. Mayhem then hit a series of spinebusters and pinned a group of plaintiffs at the same time. He then dished out powerbombs and pinned three more plaintiffs. Wardlow then stacked four more plaintiffs and eliminated them. More powerbombs from him.

He then caught one of the plaintiffs in midair and powerbombed him into a pile of his colleagues before pinning the stack for the win.

Wardlow wins on AEW Dynamite


Dan Lambert then implored MMA legends Matt Hughes and Tyrone Woodley, who were at ringside, to attack Wardlow. They got into the ring but ended up tossing Mark Sterling at Mr. Mayhem, who ended up eating a powerbomb.

Will Ospreay vs. Dax Harwood on AEW Dynamite

Following the match between United Empire and FTR/Trent on AEW Ramage last week, Will Ospreay faced Dax Harwood of FTR in singles action on Dynamite.

Ospreay dominated the early stages of the match, although Harwood kept fighting back intermittently. The NJPW star locked in an Octopus Hold at one point, but Harwood broke free with a hip toss.

Harwood hit back with five German Suplexes in a row, which got a standing ovation from the fans. The two stars headed to the top rope, where the FTR member attempted a superplex. Ospreay countered it in midair into a crossbody. Harwood replied with a roll-up for a two-count.

Ospeay then forced Harwood to roll out to ringside and took him out with a dive. Back in the ring, Harwood went for a powerbomb, but Ospreay broke free and went for the Oz Cutter.

Dax Harwood blocked it and hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Ospreay and Harwood then traded headbutts before trading strikes. Harwood took Ospreay down with a lariat, but the latter hit back with a powerbomb of his own for a two-count. He followed it up with the Oz Cutter, but it still wasn't enough to put Dax away.

Will Ospreay then caught Dax Harwood in the back of the head with a running elbow strike to pick up the win.

Result: Will Ospreay def. Dax Harwood on AEW Dynamite


United Empire came down to the ring after the match. Trent and Cash Wheeler tried to come down to help, but the numbers were against them. Orange Cassidy's music then hit, to a huge ovation from the fans. He walked down to the ring to face off against Will Ospreay.

Jon Moxley and Hiroshi Tanahashi get interrupted on AEW Dynamite

Jon Moxley took the mic and told Hiroshi Tanahashi that he had been chasing the latter across the globe and was finally getting his hands on him at Forbidden Door. The duo were interrupted by Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, and Tay Conti.

Jericho announced that Guevara and Conti were now in the JAS and said that the only reason Moxley won the title shot at Forbidden Door was that he wasn't on Dynamite last week.

Lance Archer and Desperado attacked Moxley and Tanahashi from behind. JAS reached the ring and joined the beatdown.

Ethan Page vs. Miro on AEW Dynamite

Ethan Page did his best to avoid Miro and frustrate the latter in the opening stages of the match. The gameplan worked initially, and Page worked over Miro's left arm and shoulder.

As the match spilled to ringside, Miro took back control of the match. Back in the ring, Page got distracted briefly and ate a dropkick from Miro. The Redeemer then went after Dan Lambert at ringside. Page blindsided Miro with a flying shoulder tackle.

The two stars traded strikes before Page sent Miro crashing into the steel steps. Miro got back in it quickly, and knocked Dan Lambert off the apron. The former WWE Superstar then locked in the Game Over for the submission win.

Result: Miro def. Ethan Page on AEW Dynamite


Britt Baker vs. Toni Storm on AEW Dynamite

Britt Baker and Toni Storm exchanged strikes before Baker was forced to roll out of the ring and back off. Storm chased her out of the ring, but Baker capitalized and sent her head-first onto the apron.

Storm hit back and took control of the match. Back in the ring, both stars went back and forth before Rebel distracted the referee while Jamie Hayter pulled Storm out of the ring. Thunder Rosa came out to even the odds.

Toni Storm took back control of the match and rocked Baker with a hip attack in the corner. It looked like Baker was injured, but she was playing possum and rolled Storm up for a nearfall.

She then put on her glove and got ready for the lockjaw. Storm countered and hit a German Suplex. She then hit the Storm Zero to pick up the win.

Result: Toni Storm def. Britt Baker on AEW Dynamite


Toni Storm is now the number one contender for the AEW Women's Championship.

Stokeley Hathaway was backstage with Tony Schiavone and announced that Jade Cargill was going to have an open challenge for the TBS Championship. Willow Nightingale then came up and accepted Cargill's open challenge.

Jay White attacks Hangman Page on AEW Dynamite

Hangman Page was out next. He said that even though Kazuchika Okada was no longer the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, he still wanted to challenge Okada.

Adam Cole came out and said that Okada would not be at Forbidden Door, and he would be the one to challenge the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion, his good friend Jay White.

White then sneaked up to Hangman and hit him with the Blade Runner. White then announced that he already had a 2-0 record against Hangman and wouldn't put his title on the line against him. He then told Cole that it wouldn't be him either.

Jurassic Express (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Ladder match for the AEW Tag Team Championships)

Luchasaurus took control of the match early on for his team. The ladder came out only a few minutes into the match as The Bucks tried for a quick victory. Jungle Boy hit Matt Jackson with an incredible springboard hurricanrana to stop him from climbing the ladder.

The two teams continued to hit each other with everything they had. The Bucks set up a ladder in the corner and tried to toss Jungle Boy into it. The latter climbed up the ladder and hit a springboard off the top rope, and wiped out both Bucks.

The Bucks then set up a table at ringside and tried to suplex Jungle Boy off it. Luchasaurus stopped then, and Jungle Boy hit Matt Jackson with a hurricanrana and sent him through the table.

On the opposite side of the ring, another table was set up. Jungle Boy charged at Nick Jackson, but he was powerbombed through this table. Nick Jackson then hit Luchasaurus with a 450 Splash through another table.

The Young Bucks were in complete control at this point. They stacked tables on top of tables at ringside as Schiavone declared on commentary that the Bucks had "lost their minds".

Back in the ring, Luchasaurus cleared house. With two ladders now set up in the middle of the ring, both teams climbed to the top. Jungle Boy was the first one knocked off. The Bucks then powerbombed Luchasaurus into a ladder. Nick Jackson then hit Luchasaurus with an elbow through a table at ringside.

It was briefly two-on-one after this as Jungle Boy fought off both Bucks. The Young Bucks tried to hit a BTE Triggler while on the ladder but were pushed off. Luchasaurus tried to climb the ladder, but The Young Bucks sent him crashing through the double-decker tables set up at ringside.

The Young Bucks then took out Jungle Boy with a BTE Trigger and climbed the ladder to and retrieved the belts to become the new AEW World Tag Team Champions.

Result: The Young Bucks def. Jurassic Express on AEW Dynamite


Christian Cage was helping Doc Sampson take Jungle Boy out of the ring. He suddenly hit a helpless Jungle Boy with the Killswitch. He then took two chairs out from under the table and hit the young star with a con-chair-to as his mother and sister looked on.

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