FPL chip strategy guide: when to use your chips

FPL chip strategy guide from now until end of the season
FPL chip strategy guide from now until end of the season

With six more Gameweeks left in the season, it's time for FPL managers to start planning ahead when to use their various FPL chips so that they can get the most out of it and move up the ranks.

In this article, we'll be creating our ultimate FPL chip strategy guide and we'll be taking a look at when the next blank and double Gameweeks will be.

When are the next FPL blank and Double Gameweeks

Gameweek 33, 36 and 37 are the next big double Gameweeks, whilst Gameweek 34 and 35 will be the smaller Gameweeks.

Possible Double Gameweek 36 fixtures

  • Manchester City– Newcastle(H), West Ham(A)*
  • Liverpool– Spurs(H), Aston Villa(A)
  • Chelsea– Wolves(H), Leicester City(H)
  • Arsenal– Leeds(H), Tottenham(A)
  • Tottenham– Liverpool(A), Arsenal(H)
  • Crystal Palace– Watford(H), Everton(A)
  • Everton– Leicester(A), Crystal Palace(H)
  • Leicester– Everton(H), Chelsea(A)
  • Aston Villa– Burnley(A), Liverpool(H)
  • West Ham– Norwich(A), Manchester City(H)*

Possible Double Gameweek 37 fixtures

  • Everton– Brentford(H), Watford(A)
  • Norwich– Wolves(A), Leicester(A)
  • Watford– Leicester(H), Everton(H)
  • Chelsea– Manchester United(A), Leeds United(A)*
  • Wolves– Norwich(H), Manchester City(H)
  • Leicester– Watford(A), Norwich(H)

One thing to note is that Manchester City could double in Gameweek 36 or 37 it all depends on if they lose to Liverpool in the FA Cup semifinals, and if West Ham United go on to reach the Europa League finals. If that happens, the West Ham game will be moved to Gameweek 37.

For blank Gameweeks, Gameweek 33 would be a blank for Leeds United, Aston Villa, and Wolverhampton Wanderers. Blank Gameweeks all depend on how far teams go in cup competitions so it’s one to keep an eye on.

What teams should you target in the coming weeks

Burnley look like the team to target as they have the most double Gameweeks coming up with fixtures that aren't too difficult - Burnley are likely to have three double Gameweeks from gamweek 31-35 and these double Gameweeks fall in Gameweek 31, 33 and the last one is likely to fall either in Gameweek 34 or 35.

Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur, Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Leicester City assets are also ones you should be bringing into your teams.

FPL chip strategy: When should you play your Free Hit

There are so many good times to use the Free Hit chip. You could play it in either of Gameweeks 33, 37 or 38.

If you have two free hits left, the best time to play your Free Hit chip would be in Gameweek 33 and Gameweek 38.

Gameweek 33 is going to be ideal as you'll be able to make enough changes to get in assets who double - as the likes of Liverpool and City won't be doubling that week, you might want to make a few tweaks to your team.

Gameweek 38 would also be a good time to use the Free Hit chip because in Gameweek 38, we'd have an idea of the teams with a lot to play for and we could then make the needed changes and bring in FPL assets from those teams.

If you have just one free hit, the best time to use it would be Gameweek 38. The last Gameweek is always difficult to predict and teams who have nothing to play for might make a few changes and rest some of their better players, a free hit is the best way to get past this.

FPL chip strategy: When should you play your Bench Boost

The two best times to use the Bench Boost are Gameweeks 33 and 36. Gameweek 33 would be a good time to play the Bench Boost if you've been planning in advance.

However, the most ideal time to play this chip is Gameweek 36. In Gameweek 36, you'd need little or no planning as 10 teams would be doubling. That way you won't have to make many changes and you'll be ready for the Gameweek.

FPL chip strategy: When should you play your Wildcard

Gameweek 32 is the right time to play your Wildcard chip. Playing this chip in Gameweek 32, allows you to plan and get assets that would double in Gameweek 33. It also allows you to set up a good team that will take you from Gameweek 32-36, before you make use of your Bench Boost and Free Hit in 38.

FPL chip strategy: When should you play your Triple Captain

Honestly, by now you should have used your triple captain chip on MohamedSalah in Gameweek 26. However, if you haven't, Gameweek 36 or 33 would be another great time to use the Triple Captain chip.

In Gameweek 36, you could use the Triple Captain chip on either Salah, Trent Alexander-Arnold or Andrew Robertson. In Gameweek 33, you could use the Triple Captain chip on James Maddison or Bukayo Saka.

If you really have to choose between the two Gameweeks, Gameweek 33 would be the best time to use the chip and that's simply because the optimal time to use the bench boost is Gameweek 36 and using a triple captain chip then would just not be the best strategy.

FPL Chip strategy guide from now till the end of the season

  • Wildcard in Gameweek 32
  • Free hit in Gameweek 33 and 38, if you have the two Free Hit chips available. If you don't then Free Hit in 38
  • If you don't Free Hit in 33 then Triple Captain in Gameweek 33 and
  • Bench Boost in Gameweek 36

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