5 compound exercises for weight loss and muscle strength

Here are the best compound exercises for strength and muscle! (Image via unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
Here are the best compound exercises for strength and muscle! (Image via unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

Compound exercises are a combination of two or more exercises that work multiple muscles at once. That's why they have such great results! If you're trying to lose weight and build muscle, compound exercises are an excellent choice. You don't need any equipment, although if you do have some dumbbells or resistance bands handy, it makes things much easier.

These exercises also take less time than traditional isolated exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions because they work many different muscles at once – so even though your heart rate will be high from these intense sessions, they won't take forever as other workouts do.

Including compound exercises in your workout routine will help you lose weight and build muscle. They target multiple muscle groups at once to burn fat, strengthen your core, and increase your metabolism. Here are five of the best compound exercises:

Best Compound Exercises For Weight Loss And Muscle Strength

1. Dumbbell Rows

This exercise is great for targeting your back. However, if you have a history of shoulder or lower back injuries, avoid this exercise and stick with dumbbell rows on an incline bench.

The row will build muscle in the upper back and arms (traps and biceps), while challenging your core to stabilize. What’s more, rows are also one of the best exercises for improving posture since they target many muscles throughout the body at once.


2. Pull-ups

Your muscles are stronger when you do exercises that work more than one muscle at a time. Pull-ups are a great example of this type of exercise. They work the muscles in your back and arms while also engaging your core to keep your body steady and balanced.

Pull-ups are easy to learn and don't require any equipment other than a bar or tree branch to hang from. If you can perform between 10 to 20 pull-ups, you'll meet the minimum strength requirement for many jobs. If you want to lose weight or gain muscle strength quickly, do two or three sets of pull-ups every day!


3. Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the best exercises you can do to build upper body strength and increase your endurance. You can do push-ups anywhere, whether you're at home or at the gym.

Doing a push-up on your toes instead of your knees will help you develop good form and get in better shape faster than just doing them from your knees. As always, make sure that you have good posture before starting out so that you don't hurt yourself by doing them wrong!

Push-ups are also beneficial for people who want to lose weight because they engage several different muscles throughout their body, as well as help build muscle mass in their chest area, which will help burn fat faster once they start losing weight due to exercise alone!


4. Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises to lose weight and build muscle. The squat is a compound exercise that uses multiple muscle groups, including your core, legs, and lower back. Squats help improve your balance, coordination, and posture, while also increasing strength in these areas as well.

The most effective way to do squats is on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast or after working out first thing in the morning.

5. Lunges

The lunge is a great exercise for building muscle and burning calories. To do a lunge, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place one leg behind you in a bent position. Bend both knees until they are at 90 degrees, and then step forward between the feet. Repeat on the other side.

Many people like to do lunges because they can be done without equipment, so there's no excuse not to get started! They're also easy to customize based on your fitness level or goals—if you want more of an upper body workout or less stress on your joints, try doing some modified versions that put more emphasis on knee extension (like holding dumbbells), or try holding dumbbells for added resistance as well as targeting additional muscle groups such as glutes and hamstrings respectively.


If you want to lose weight and build muscle, these are the best compound exercises for you. They work your entire body while helping you burn fat and get leaner. You don't have to spend hours at the gym doing cardio when you can use these simple exercises that target multiple muscles at once!

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