5 Powerful HIIT Jump Rope Exercises to Lose Weight

HIIT jump rope exercises enhance your overall fat burn and energy output. (Image via Pexels/ Koolshooters)
HIIT jump rope exercises enhance your fat burn and energy output. (Image via Pexels/Koolshooters)

HIIT jump rope exercises have practically unlimited benefits. This type of training is better than traditional steady-state cardio workouts in terms of cardiovascular conditioning and fat burning.

HIIT jump rope exercises enhance fat burn and energy output by alternating periods of high intensity activity with lower intensity exercise as a recovery.

When performing HIIT workouts, you can use a variety of training techniques, including bodyweight exercises, sprinting, kettlebells, barbells, and more, to avail optimum benefits.

Best HIIT Jump Rope Exercises

Jumping rope is a challenging, all-body workout. The muscles in the legs help you jump; the core keeps you balanced, and the arms turn the rope.

Why is intensity important? That's because it plays a crucial role in boosting metabolic output and burning fat both during and after exercise.

Additionally, it explains why traditional steady-state exercise is less effective in promoting muscle growth and fat loss. HIIT jump rope exercises should only be performed a couple of times a week in addition to your regular strength training regimen, as they're quite intense.

With only a rope, an interval timer (or app), and a stability ball, the following five HIIT exercises - which are quick and effective - can be performed. Let's get started:

1) Basic HIIT Jump Rope


To complete this HIIT rope workout, you must jump for 30 seconds at maximum intensity (skipping as quickly as you can), followed by 30 to 90 seconds of recovery.

During the high intensity phase, you can alter your jumping technique by sticking to conventional jumps, high knees, or even double jumps.

2) Jump Rope and Core HIIT

This circuit combines core exercises for an efficient HIIT workout that tones and burns fat.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Jump rope for 30 seconds with high knees.
  • Take a ten-second break. Do mountain climbers for 30 seconds..
  • Take a ten-second break. Jump rope for 30 seconds with high knees.
  • Take a ten-second break. Do stability ball push=ups for 30 seconds
  • Ten a ten-second break. Jump rope for 30 seconds with high knees.
  • Take a ten-second break. Do plank for 30 seconds
  • Take a ten-second break.
  • Do 2-3 passes of the above.

Reduce the time between sets for a more difficult workout.

3) Single Foot Hop

Jumping the rope with just one leg is significantly more difficult than doing with both feet. You will see a big improvement in a short period, as this is a more difficult jump rope exercise that will test your balance and leg strength.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Try leaping ten times in a row while bouncing first on one leg and then the other.
  • Take your time to rest to prevent any injury from excessive hopping, as bouncing on one leg might add additional stress to the knees.

4) Double Under

One of the hardest and most popular jump rope variations is the common CrossFit exercise. That entails whirling the rope swiftly such that it goes twice beneath your feet in a single jump.

Contrary to popular belief, high-jumping is not a requirement for double unders. Instead, it can be done from quicker rope spinning. The biceps and shoulders benefit from the increased speed on the rope, giving the upper body a more thorough workout as you jump.


Here's how to do it:

  • By forming sets of a few singles, try to get one double under at a time.
  • Doing singles will be crucial in assisting you in obtaining two or three consecutive double unders, as these would demand a lot of strength.

5) Cross, Double and Upper HIIT Jump Rope Exercise

This exercise programme combines advanced jump rope maneuvers with upper body toning exercises. For beginners, high knees or regular jumping should be used in place of the foot cross and double under.


This routine includes the following exercises:

  • Double-unders for 20 seconds
  • Ten second break. Pushups for 30 seconds
  • Ten second break. Crisscross jumps for 20 seconds (cross your feet, alternating sides, for each rep)
  • Ten second break. triceps dips for 30 seconds
  • Ten second break. 20 double-unders followed by 10 seconds of rest
  • Shoulder-tap pushups for 30 seconds. Ten second break
  • Crisscross jumps for 20 seconds. Ten second break. 30 pike pushups in a row

Perform three reps of this circuit.


HIIT exercises should be challenging, but use rational thinking first. Form and correct movement are important at all times.

These workouts burn fat like no other, consumes a ton of calories, and is easier on the joints. In other words, it's time to ditch the monotonous, protracted treadmill workouts and join the jump rope craze.

So, if you're learning about functional fitness for the first time, slow down, and concentrate more on how the exercises are done.

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