5 Total Body Strength Exercises for Seniors

Total-body strength exercises are essential for everyone (Image via Pexels @Wellness Gallery Catalyst Foundation)
Total body strength exercises are essential for everyone/ (Image via Pexels/Wellness Gallery Catalyst Foundation)

Total body strength exercises are essential for everyone, including senior citizens. While strength exercises are beneficial, senior citizens can especially benefit from them and have a stronger and healthier body.

Strength training can improve muscle strength and mass, preventing all kinds of chronic pain and injuries, falls, pain, and other age-related issues. Below, we will discuss some simple total body strength exercises for seniors that you can easily do in the comfort of your home.

Total Body Strength Exercises for Seniors

Check out the following five total body strength exercises for seniors that you can easily perform at home:

1) Lat Pull with Band

This is a fun exercise that's quite simple and easy to learn (although it might not be easy to perform).

One of the better total body strength exercises, this one helps strengthen the back muscles. IT strengthens the lat muscles either side of the back, and you can use it to perform pulling movements like opening doors or lifting things.


  • Holding a resistance band over your head with both hands, you can either stand or sit. To ensure that the band is taut, your hands should be wider than shoulder width.
  • To change the tension, you might need to move your hands. Make sure the abs are contracted, and back is flat.
  • Keeping the left hand in place, pull the elbow down toward the rib cage by tightening the muscles on the right side of your back.
  • Press up again on the right side for 12 repetitions.
  • Do 12 reps on the left side, and switch sides.

2) Bicep Curl

Bicep curls are an important exercise in every strength workout routine. Curls work the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles in the lower arm and the biceps muscles in the front of the upper arm.

Every time you pick up something, which happens frequently in daily life, you use these muscles. Hence, they're one of the most essential total body strength exercises for seniors.


  • Holding dumbbells in each hand, stand with your feet about hip-width apart (5-8 pounds for women, 8-15 pounds for men). As an alternative, you can employ a kettlebell.
  • Contract your biceps, and curl the weight up towards your shoulder while keeping the palms facing out. As you curl the weights up, try to keep the elbow still.
  • Reverse the weight's descent while maintaining a slight elbow bend. Hold the weight steady. As you curl the weights, maintain a fixed elbow position.
  • Perform 12 reps.

3) Wall Push-Up

Push-ups are one of the most effective strength exercises you can include in your routine. They work out the arms, chest, shoulders, and back, and get more difficult with each rep.

Wall push-ups are one of the ideal total body strength exercise for seniors, as they're easier to perform than traditional floor push-ups but can still strengthen the muscles.


  • Stand with your feet under your hips at arm's length from a wall.
  • Place your palms on the wall at shoulders distance between them.
  • When your nose touches the wall, begin to lean your body towards it while bending your elbows. Make sure the hips don't sag and that the back stays straight.
  • Repeat by pushing back to the starting position.
  • Every day, perform a minimum of four sets of ten repetitions.

4) Step-Up

Step-ups are a simple and effective exercise that's a beneficial total body strength workout for seniors.

Step-ups help strengthen the muscles that support the knee and work out the quads, hips, glutes, and calves. You might want to skip this one if you suffer from knee problems.

You can also check out these best yoga exercises for seniors.


  • The exercise can be performed on a stairwell with handrails or, if you have one, on a step for exercise.
  • Step up with your right foot while standing at the bottom step of a staircase.
  • Step your left foot up the stairway to the right of you before stepping it back down to the ground (hold onto a rail if you need to).
  • Step up and down with your left foot, keeping your right foot on the step the entire time.
  • Step up with your right leg while keeping your left foot on the step after completing 12 repetitions on that foot.
  • Put one set of 12 repetitions on each leg.

5) Bird Dog

This is a simple and straightforward core workout and efficient total body strength exercise for seniors. It helps strengthen the core, improves stability, and promotes a neutral spinal alignment. It can also reduce lower back pain.


  • Start out on your hands and knees, keeping the back straight and abs tight.
  • At the same time that the left leg is raised and straightened till it's parallel to the floor, raise the right arm up till it's level with the body.
  • Lift the left arm and right leg this time, and hold for a few seconds before lowering. Repeat on the other side.
  • For 12 reps, continue switching sides.


Performing strength exercises regularly can help seniors stay fit, healthy, and happy. The aforementioned total body strength exercises for seniors can help you stay strong and fit.

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