6 Best Calf Raise Variation Exercises for Women

Calf raise is an excellent exercise for the legs. (Photo via Pexels/Anna Shvets)
Calf raise is an excellent exercise for the legs. (Photo via Pexels/Anna Shvets)

Calf raise is an amazing way to work on the calves, which run from the back of the knees to the ankles and consist of two major parts - the gastrocnemius and soleus. While the gastrocnemius is the larger part of the calves, the soleus is the smaller part and lies just beneath the gastrocnemius.

Calf raises are a simple exercise and are beneficial to developing strength in the legs. Strong calf muscles help us walk, run, stand, and jump while also reducing the chances of ankle pain and injuries. These workouts also improve athletic performance, joint strength, and mobility.

Fortunately, there are several variations of calf raises you can do if you want to add variety to your leg day or have specific fitness goals.

Calf Raise Variation Exercises for Women

Here's a look at the five best calf raise variations women can do to boost their leg strength:

1) Weighted Calf Raise

Here’s how to do this exercise:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart, and hold weights in both hands. You can hold kettlebells, dumbbells, or heavy water jugs if you're working out at home.
  • Keep your arms on your side, and do not move them throughout the workout.
  • Press onto your toes, and lift both heels off the floor at the same time.
  • Lift as high as you can so that you can fully contract your calves.
  • Lower your heels down with control, and return to the initial standing position.
  • Aim for at least three sets of five to eight reps.

2) Standing Calf Raise

Here’s how to perform it:

  • Stand upright keeping your feet hip-distance apart. Make sure your toes are facing the front.
  • Squeeze your calves, and raise your heels as high as you can.
  • Lower your heels back down at a controlled pace, and return to the standing position.
  • Repeat this variation for three sets of ten reps.

3) Seated Calf Raise

Here’s how to do this variation:

  • Sit straight on a chair or bench, with your feet together on the floor.
  • Hold a light-to-medium weight dumbbell in both hands, and rest them on top of your knees.
  • Keep your core engaged, and raise your heels off the floor as high as possible.
  • Return your heels back to the floor, and repeat.
  • Aim to do this variation for at least three sets of eight to ten reps.

4) Calf Raise on a Step

Here’s how to do this exercise:

  • Stand tall on the edge of a step or any elevated platform.
  • Keep the front half of your feet on the elevated surface and your heels hanging off the edge.
  • Press on your toes, and lift your heels up.
  • Slowly lower your heels as low as you can with control, and repeat the exercise.
  • Try to do this exercise for three sets of ten reps.

5) Donkey Calf Raise

Here's how to do it:

  • Stand straight on a low height step, with the balls of your feet on the edge.
  • Bend down at your waist so that your back is flat, and hold something in the front, such as a sturdy chair for support around your waist height.
  • Without moving or bending your knees, lower your heels to the ground as low as you can, and hold for a one-count.
  • Raise your heels as high as possible, and squeeze your calves at the top of the movement.
  • Lower your heels to the ground.
  • Perform three sets of ten reps.

6) Single-leg Calf Raise

Here’s how to do this variation:

  • Hold a dumbbell in your left hand by your side, and rest the ball of your left foot on a step, bench, or weight plate.
  • Cross your right ankle behind your left. Hold onto something for support, and slowly lower your left heel towards the floor.
  • Raise your left heel as high as you can, and give your left calf muscle a good squeeze.
  • Pause for a second, and lower your heel to the starting position.
  • Complete an equal number of reps on both sides.


Incorporate the aforementioned exercises in your weekly leg routine to target your calves from every angle. If you're a beginner, start slow without weights, and focus on your form. As you become more confident and strong, try to add weight, and increase your reps gradually.

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