6 Easy Full Body Calisthenic Exercises for Women

Calisthenics exercises that women can include in their workout routine. (Image via Unsplash/Caley Vanular)
Calisthenics exercises women can include in their workout routine (Image via Unsplash/Caley Vanular)

Calisthenic exercises are low resistance exercises that rely on an individual's bodyweight to train effectively. These are versatile workouts that can be done without the use of any equipment and with different rhythms based on an individual's fitness level.

The incorporation of full body calisthenic exercises in workout routines provide numerous benefits. They include building strength of the muscles, improved coordination, burning calories, greater flexibility, reduced fat percentage, and enhanced muscular endurance.

Full Body Calisthenic Exercises for Women

We have curated a list of the six best full body calisthenic exercises women can include in their workout routine:

1) Jump Squat

Jump squats are one of the most popular calisthenic exercises women can incorporate in their workout routine. This plyometric exercise helps in developing explosive strength in the body by targeting multiple muscle groups, such as the core, back, and legs.


How to do it?

Start with your feet shoulder-distance apart and slightly bending your knees. With a neutral spine and tucked-in chin, hinge your hips, and bend your knees to descend into the squatting position.

By bringing your arms behind your body, jump explosively into an upward movement. Gently land on your feet while bringing your arms back into the front. Repeat.

2) Jumping Jack

Jumping jacks are one of the most efficient full body calisthenic exercises women can include in their workout routine. This exercise provides numerous benefits, such as burning a high number of calories, strengthening muscles, building endurance and stamina, and more.


How to do it?

Start off with your feet together and both arms on the side. Keep your back neutral, face forward, and core engaged throughout the exercise.Jump with both legs, and bring them towards their sides while swinging your arms and bringing them to shoulder height. Bring your hands and legs to their starting position. Repeat.

3) Crunch

Crunches are a dynamic calisthenic exercise women can do regularly to reduce belly fat and get accentuated six-pack abs. It's also an ideal exercise for beginners, helping in building core strength.


How to do it?

Lie down flat on your back on the ground with knees bent and feet apart at hip distance while pressed onto the ground. Position your arms across your chest in a criss-cross manner with tightened abs. Raise your upper body off the ground before bringing it back to the starting position. Repeat.

4) Burpee

Burpees are one of the most efficient full body calisthenic exercises women can do to burn calories and target several muscles in the upper and lower body. This exercise effectively torches fat and boosts cardio fitness.


How to do it?

Start off by standing in an elongated position before descending into a squat position with bent knees and a straight back. Bring your hands to the ground, and kick your feet backwards such that your body is in a push-up position. Complete one push-up before doing a frog jump to get back to the starting position. Repeat.

5) Push-Up

Push-ups are one of the most common and easy calisthenic exercises and can help strengthen and tone the body.


How to do it?

Assume a tabletop position on the ground before extending your legs backwards. Bring your body towards the ground, and just as it's about to touch the ground elevate your body towards the ceiling by extending your arms. Repeat.

6) Lunge

Lunges are one of the most common and excellent calisthenic exercises that can help strengthen muscles and correct muscle asymmetry.


How to do it?

Start off in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart. Step one foot forward with a big stride. Lower your body by bending the rear leg and touching it to the floor. Bring your body to the starting position before alternating sides and repeating. Make sure your core is engaged during the movement.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned full body calisthenic exercises are fairly simple and versatile, and can be easily done by beginners. These workouts entail several benefits, including torching fat, building strength, increasing flexibility, burning calories, improving coordination, and boosting body stability.

These low-resistance exercises are fairly simple and recruit several muscle groups across the body.

You can also add weight to some of these exercises for an added challenge and intensity. Doing these workouts with minimal breaks in between can maximize the benefits along with enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness.

Considering the numerous benefits of calisthenic exercises, you should incorporate them into your workout routine.

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