6 Flat Stomach Exercises That Will Tone & Firm Your Entire Midsection

Here are the best exercises that will tone and firm your midsection! (Image via unsplash/Fortune Vieyra)
Best exercises to tone and firm the midsection (Image via Unsplash/Fortune Vieyra)

If you want a flat, toned stomach and don't mind sweating a bit, the following workouts are for you. These exercises can help tone your entire midsection, including the obliques and lower abs.

You will also improve strength and stability throughout your core while getting your heart rate up with light cardio work. If you have any injuries or pain in these areas, do consult a physician before beginning an exercise programme like this one.

Flat Stomach Exercises for Midsection

Here's a look at six such exercises:

#1 Plank

Plank is a full body exercise that targets the core, arms, and legs. It’s a beginner-level exercise and can be done almost anywhere to tone your entire midsection.

Planks are a great warm-up exercise for more advanced ab workouts, as they strengthen the muscles you use in those exercise. The plank involves holding yourself up on all fours with your feet together, and knees straight.

The body should form one straight line from head to heels with no sagging in the lower back or buttock area – this is where most people tend to let their form fall apart.


You don’t have to go all out here – hold this position for 30 seconds if it’s too difficult at first; build up slowly over time by increasing both the time spent holding the pose and how much weight (elevation) your body has while doing so till you get stronger.

#2 Side plank

It's a great way to target the obliques and abs. You can add it to your core routine by following these steps:

  • Lie sideways on your forearm with your feet stacked.
  • Engage your core, and slowly raise one leg up (optional), maintaining a straight line from head to toe.
  • Hold for 30 seconds before switching sides.

This exercise works the muscles in your abs, back, shoulders and glutes. It strengthens the spine and shoulder muscles and loosens tight hip flexors (which can cause lower back pain).


#3 Superman

The superman exercise is a fabulous way to work the lower back and glutes, two areas of the body that are often neglected.

It's done as follows:

  • Lie face down on the floor, with your arms extended above your head and legs straight out behind you (like Superman flying). Your feet should be about six inches off the ground in this position.
  • Lift both arms or legs simultaneously, inhaling as you do so.
  • Hold this position for several seconds (5-10) while keeping your core tight and focusing on squeezing everything together as hard as possible. Make sure to breathe continuously during this time; don’t hold your breath.
  • Slowly lower yourself back down till all the limbs are resting on their starting positions on the floor or on a carpeted surface where you’re exercising to complete one rep.
  • Complete 4-6 sets with at least a minute rest between sets for the best results.


#4 V-up

While it’s true that most sit-ups are not great for the back, v-ups can be a great option.

To do a v-up:

  • Lie on the floor with your arms at 45 degrees to your body and legs straight up in the air.
  • Bring both feet towards your chest till they touch and lower back down slowly (as slow as you can while still maintaining control).
  • Repeat ten times for three sets with 30 seconds rest between each set (total of 60 seconds).


#5 Lunge

Lunges are a great way to bring the glutes into play when training your lower body and midsection.

To do them:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and keep your back heel on the floor.
  • Step forward with one foot, bending that knee at 90 degrees and keeping it in line with your second toe.
  • Lower yourself till your front thigh is parallel to the ground (or as close as possible).
  • Pause there for a few seconds before returning to the standing position.
  • Repeat with the other leg, and continue alternating till you do 12 lunges per side for three sets (six per leg).

#6 Crunch

Crunches are one of the most popular exercises. They work the rectus abdominis, the muscle that runs along your stomach and is responsible for keeping it flat.

To perform a crunch:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Place hands behind your head, or hold on to dumbbells or weight plates held in each hand at arm’s length over chest level (or use movement-restricting devices).
  • Pull in your belly toward the spine as you lift your head and shoulders off the ground while simultaneously raising your feet off the ground till they're parallel with the floor.
  • Hold the position briefly, and slowly lower back down to the starting position by returning the hips towards the floor while lowering the legs back down till they're fully extended once again.


It’s time to get your abs into shape. The aforementioned six flat stomach exercises can help strengthen your core (which includes the muscles in your abdomen), as well as tone and firm your entire midsection.

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