Benefits of yerba mate tea you probably didn’t know about

why you should drink yerba mate tea everyday (Image via Unsplash / Jorge Zapata)
Why you should drink yerba mate tea every day? (Image via Unsplash/Jorge Zapata)

In recent years, a traditional South American beverage called yerba mate tea has gained widespread popularity. Known for its unique combination of caffeine, antioxidants and nutrients, yerba mate offers a myriad of health benefits.

In this article, we look into what's yerba mate and explore its numerous benefits, backed by scientific research.

Potential benefits of drinking yerba mate tea every day

1) Rich in antioxidants and nutrients

Loaded with antioxidants (Image via Unsplash/Matias Megapixel)
Loaded with antioxidants (Image via Unsplash/Matias Megapixel)

Yerba mate contains an array of beneficial plant compounds, including xanthines, caffeoyl derivatives, saponins and polyphenols.

These compounds act as antioxidants, helping combat free radicals and reduce the risk of various diseases. Moreover, yerba mate is a good source of essential micronutrients like vitamin C, thiamine and iron.

Although it may not significantly contribute to your overall intake, every little bit counts.

2) Boosts energy and mental focus

Mental focus and evergy (Image via Unsplash/Mila )
Mental focus and evergy (Image via Unsplash/Mila )

With a caffeine content similar to coffee, yerba mate tea can provide a natural energy boost, combating fatigue and improving mental focus.

Additionally, it enhances alertness without the jittery side effects often associated with other caffeinated beverages. Studies suggest that caffeine can improve attention, reaction time and overall cognition.

3) Enhances physical performance

Increases strength and stamina (Image via Unsplash/Fermin Rodriguez)
Increases strength and stamina (Image via Unsplash/Fermin Rodriguez)

If you're looking to improve your exercise routine, yerba mate may be the answer. Caffeine in yerba mate has been shown to increase muscle contractions, reduce fatigue and potentially enhance sports performance.

In fact, a study found that participants who consumed a capsule of ground yerba mate leaves burned 24% more fat during moderate-intensity exercise. This increased reliance on fat for fuel can translate to improved physical performance.

4) Protects against infections

Prevents infection (Image via Unsplash/Arseniy K)
Prevents infection (Image via Unsplash/Arseniy K)

Yerba mate tea possesses antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal properties, making it potentially beneficial in preventing infections.

Studies suggest that yerba mate extract can deactivate certain bacteria and inhibit the growth of certain fungi responsible for various skin conditions. While these findings are promising, further research is necessary to understand the extent of its effectiveness in humans.

5) Aids in weight management

Helps lose weight (Image via Unsplash/Towfiqu Barbhuiya)
Helps lose weight (Image via Unsplash/Towfiqu Barbhuiya)

For those seeking to shed a few pounds, yerba mate may be a helpful ally. It has been shown to support weight management by reducing bodyweight, belly fat and body mass index.

Yerba mate tea can increase the amount of stored fat burned for energy and decrease the total number of fat cells. Incorporating yerba mate powder in your daily routine can assist in achieving your weight-loss goals.

6) Regulates blood sugar level

Normalizes blood sugar level (Image via Unsplash/Sweet Life)
Normalizes blood sugar level (Image via Unsplash/Sweet Life)

Individuals with diabetes or those concerned about blood sugar control may find yerba mate beneficial.

Studies indicate that yerba mate may help lower blood sugar level and improve insulin signaling. By reducing the formation of advanced glycation end-products and enhancing insulin sensitivity, yerba mate can support better blood sugar control.

7) Supports heart health

Yerba mate tea improves heart health (Image via Unsplash/Annie Spratt)
Yerba mate tea improves heart health (Image via Unsplash/Annie Spratt)

Yerba mate's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties contribute to its potential protective effects against heart disease.

Animal studies report that yerba mate extract may provide protection against heart disease, while human studies have shown reduction in total and LDL cholesterol level.

However, more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions regarding its impact on heart health.

Yerba mate tea is a delightful and refreshing beverage with a host of health benefits.

From its antioxidant-rich nature to its potential to enhance energy level, improve mental focus and aid in weight management, yerba mate is a versatile drink worth exploring.

As always, it's important to consult your healthcare provider before making any significant dietary changes. So why not give yerba mate a try and experience the wonders of this traditional South American treasure?

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