Best booty workouts for a bigger, firmer butt

Booty workouts will not only give you an amazing looking butt, but also improve your overall stability (Image via Pexels @Daniel Torobekov)
Booty workouts not only give you an amazing looking butt, but also improve overall stability. (Image via Pexels/Daniel Torobekov)

If you're into fitness, you will know that booty workouts are essential and not just for that toned, big butt everyone seems to be after. Booty workouts, when done in a focused way, can not only beautify but also strengthen your rear.

The glutes form the largest muscle group in the human body and play an important role. There are three muscles that make up the powerful glutes: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.

These muscles are renowned for their curvaceous appearance, but they also aid in locomotion, posture, speed, and leaping. However, glutes, like most other body parts, come in a wide range of forms and tones. Moreover, there are strategies to increase the size of the gluteal muscles if they aren't as large as you would like them to be.

There are many kinds of booty workouts you can do. Butt lifting exercises, butt workouts at home, butt workouts with weights, and booty band workouts are all variations of the basic beginner butt workout that should be a part of everyone's exercise routine.

Booty workouts for a bigger, firmer butt

Stretching the glutes is as important as exercising them. (Image via Pexels/Cliff Booth)
Stretching the glutes is as important as exercising them. (Image via Pexels/Cliff Booth)

Booty workouts can give you a firmer butt. However, if you do them correctly and upgrade, while including enough protein in your diet, you can also build a bigger butt. Here are a few such exercises:

1) Glute bridge

Glute bridge is one of the best exercises to work out the glutes (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)
Glute bridge is one of the best exercises to work out the glutes (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)

Any list of booty workouts is incomplete without this basic exercise. The glute bridge is a safe and effective exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, abs, and improves hip stability.


  • Place your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Arrange your hands palms down at your sides.
  • Holding this position requires you to tighten your abs and glutes.
  • Press your feet firmly into the ground, and raise your hips off the ground. Keep your body in a straight line from head to knees.
  • Hold for five seconds, and lower your back to the starting position.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps.

2) Single leg deadlift

Deadlifts are great for working out the glutes and hamstrings. (Image via Pexels/Cottonbro Studio)
Deadlifts are great for working out the glutes and hamstrings. (Image via Pexels/Cottonbro Studio)

This is one of the best booty workouts that can also help boost balance. It can strengthen the glutes and hamstrings and test your equilibrium and abdominal strength as well.


  • Grasp a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Position your palms in front of your thighs.
  • Put your weight over your right leg, and bend it slightly. Use your abdominal muscles.
  • Start by bending at the hip.
  • As you bend at the waist, let the weights fall in front of you so that the palms are facing each other. As your left leg extends behind you and right foot stays put, the torso should fall toward the ground.
  • Bend your left knee slowly till the thigh is almost parallel to the floor.
  • Bring your leg back to the starting position gradually.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps on each leg.

3) Banded side step

Working out with a resistance band works the glutes. (Image via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)
Working out with a resistance band works the glutes. (Image via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)

This is one of the best resistance band glute exercises you can do. Both the glutes and hip flexors benefit from the banded side step exercise. Combine banded side steps with another lower body exercise, like squats or lunges, to get a real burn in the glutes.


  • Spread your feet to a distance of about shoulder-width apart.
  • To improve leg and core strength, wrap a resistance band around the ankles or under your knees. The outside of the legs and glutes should feel the resistance.
  • Drop your bottom about a leg's length by bending the knees.
  • Simply release the tension in the band by stepping to the right with your right foot, and re-center yourself. Repeat.
  • Do ten shimmy-steps to the right, and ten to the left. Do three sets per side.

4) Donkey kick

One of the best booty workouts to do, the donkey kick is often underestimated in its role for the glutes. It's excellent for targeting and firming your rear end, as it concentrates solely on the glute muscles (all three of them).


  • Get down on all fours to begin. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping your hands flat on the floor in front of you and knees hip-width apart.
  • Holding your breath, brace your abs, and lift your right leg off the ground while keeping the knee bent and foot flat.
  • Put some weight on your glutes, and lift your foot up towards the ceiling. Hold your breath, and give it your all right at the peak. Keep your hips and pelvis pointing down.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps for each leg.

It's true that butts come in a wide range of sizes and shapes, just like the rest of the human body. There are those that are inherently bigger or more rounded.

However, there are ways to expand and improve the shape of the butt, if you wish to do so. You can improve the size, shape, and firmness of your posterior by engaging in a variety of booty workouts.

However, success won't be immediate. If you want to shape and firm your butt but aren't sure which exercises to do, consult a professional trainer.

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