Common Cold During Pregnancy? Try These Cold Remedies for Pregnancy

Why do we need cold remedies for pregnancy? (image by senivpetra on freepik)
Why do we need cold remedies for pregnancy? (image by senivpetra on freepik)

During pregnancy, women often catch a cold and are not allowed to take medicines, hence, cold remedies for pregnancy come to the rescue. As expecting mothers are devoid of energy during pregnancy, getting sick is the last thing they want. However, there exist various amounts of safe and effective home remedies to manage cold symptoms without relying on over-the-counter medicines.

Women must keep their unborn babies safe inside their bodies and to do that they avoid heavy medications. In this article, we will further discuss the cold remedies for pregnancy that do not tamper with the health of both the expectant mother and the developing baby.

Cold Remedies for Pregnancy: Limitations of Cold and Flu Medicines

Medicines can be harmful to pregnant women (Image by freepik on freepik)
Medicines can be harmful to pregnant women (Image by freepik on freepik)

Before knowing the cold remedies for pregnancy, one should be aware of the use of cold and flu medicines with proper precautions. Mothers who are expecting always wonder if these medicines are a fit for their personal situation.

Taking advice from a professional and experienced gynecologist is essential as they will diagnose the condition and will give you the desired advice. Cold and flu medicines consumed during pregnancy can lead to complications as it can be hard for the baby or the important components inside the body of the expectant mother.

Home Remedies for Cold During Pregnancy

Resting is very important for expecting mothers to avoid sickness (image by freepik on freepik)
Resting is very important for expecting mothers to avoid sickness (image by freepik on freepik)

These cold remedies for pregnancy are very important for an expectant mother and are as follows:


As cold remedies for pregnancy, hydration is important for the body. It is a simple remedy yet very effective for expecting mothers. Incorporating your diet with herbal tea, soups, and hot coffee shows great results. These drinks make sure that the expectant mother stays hydrated during the pregnancy.


One of the effective cold remedies for pregnancy is giving an adequate amount of rest. Taking proper rest is essential for an expecting mother as it contributes to both, better immunity as well as overall health. Sufficient sleep at night for at least 8-9 hours and daytime naps should be added to your daily routine for the betterment of the mother and the baby.

Nasal Congestion Relief

Cold remedies for pregnancy include addressing specific discomforts such as nasal congestion. Saline nasal sprays can be used in such cases to pave a clear way for nasal passages and lower the risk of congestion. Steam inhalation and humidifiers are effective ways to deal with cold symptoms during pregnancy.

Ginger and Honey

An optimal solution for cold remedies for pregnancy is ginger and honey. Ginger and honey have extensive anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and when taken with warm water proves to be the best remedy to treat cold symptoms for pregnancy.

Cold Sore Treatment While Pregnant

Cold sore treatment for expecting mothers needs careful attention. Certain measures can help pregnant women and their unborn babies and they are as follows:

1. Cold remedies for pregnancy can comprise creams especially containing docosanol or benzyl alcohol is a safe approach to treating cold sores for expectant mothers. Consulting a healthcare professional will be a better option as they can give appropriate advice according to the individual’s demands of the body.

2. Customized Lip balms containing sunscreen are proven to be good for expecting mothers as it is essential to protect their lips from exposure to sun which can lead to dry lips. Lips balms will not only help in keeping the lips protected from sun rays but will also protect them from other cold sores.

3. Sometimes, situations can be severe and need proper medications instead of cold remedies for pregnancy. Healthcare professionals suggest antiviral medications to treat cold symptoms during pregnancy.

Consulting a doctor and giving them the exact information about your confidence will give them an idea and they will provide an appropriate treatment plan.

In a nutshell, we can say that expecting mothers should be very careful every step of the way and it is essential to take constant advice from healthcare professionals as they are not allowed to take medicines during pregnancy.

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