Exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit: A few best ones to try

There are several exercises to keep an aging body fit and strong. (Photo via Pexels/Anna Shvets)
There are several exercises to keep an aging body fit and strong. (Photo via Pexels/Anna Shvets)

Looking for some good exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit? Well, we are here to help you with that. In this article, we’ll discuss a few of the most effective exercises that can help prevent muscle loss as you start to age.

Various studies suggest that loss of strength and muscle is one of the major causes of health problems among older adults. Loss of muscle increases the risk of falling, enhances dependence, and also takes a toll on mental health.

The good news is that by practicing certain exercises, you can easily slow muscle aging and stay fit and strong.

Exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit: A few easy ones to try

The following exercises are sure to keep your muscles strong and prevent any kind of mobility or flexibility issues.


Push-ups are one of the best exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. (Photo via Pexels/Keiji Yoshiki)
Push-ups are one of the best exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. (Photo via Pexels/Keiji Yoshiki)

Push-ups are one of the best exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. It strengthens the upper body, while also working on core strength and endurance.

This exercise stretches the upper body muscles, including the chest and shoulders, and can be effectively beneficial for people with upper body flexibility issues. There are several variations of push-ups, however, if you have body pain or flexibility issues, then start with a knee push-up.

To do this exercise, get on all fours with your hands on the floor at a shoulder-width distance with your legs extended behind. Keep your lower back flat and ensure that your body is in a straight line. From there, lower your body while keeping your elbows close to your upper body.

Split squats

Split squats are among the most effective lower body exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. Practicing this exercise regularly not only builds lower body strength but also improves your muscle endurance and boosts your overall mobility. On top of it, this squat variation doesn’t put much stress on the joints and works on your balance as well.

Performing this exercise is relatively easy. Start by standing on one foot a few feet in front of the other and ensure that both knees are positioned at a 90-degree at the bottom. Place your arms on your waist and keep an upright position. Now lower yourself straight down and press with your front heel. Make sure your front knee doesn’t go beyond your toes.

Farmer carries

Farmer carries are among some good exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Farmer carries are among some good exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

For people with weak grip and forearm strength, practicing farmer carries can be beneficial. Not only does this exercise improve grip strength, but it also targets the core and works as a great full-body workout.

To correctly do this exercise, hold a dumbbell with one hand, stand straight and keep your chest up. Maintain this position and walk forward a few steps. Return to the start and repeat. Switch hands and continue.


Rows are also an amazing exercise to work on your arms and upper back. A strong back keeps all kinds of back pain at bay and also promotes good posture. You can perform rows at home using a resistance band or you can use the cable machine at your gym.

To perform this exercise, set the cable or resistance band to your chest height and hold the handle with a tight grip. Take a step back and stand upright facing the cable. Now start pulling your shoulder blade towards your midline and initiate the row movement without moving your torso. Switch sides and repeat the exercise for a few reps.

Other than these strength training movements, there are several other exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. These include:


Walking is an easy weight-bearing exercise that helps keep your muscles and bones strong and functioning well. Bones can become weak with age, and putting some light pressure on them through a few minutes of walking every day can potentially help them stay strong. It can help with weight loss, too.

Overall, walking can improve the entire functionality of your body.


Yoga is also among the most productive exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. Yoga is a low-impact workout that helps improve strength, posture and flexibility, all of which can deteriorate with age.

Not only does yoga offer physical benefits, but regular practice of certain poses is sure to improve your mental health and prevent stress and anxiety as well.

The best thing about yoga is that it's suitable even for absolute beginners – all you need is a yoga mat and a good trainer. You can learn some basic yoga poses online, too.

Yoga is one of the best low-impact exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. (Photo via Pexels/Vlada Karpovich)
Yoga is one of the best low-impact exercises to keep an aging body strong and fit. (Photo via Pexels/Vlada Karpovich)

Aim to perform the aforementioned exercises a few times a week and see how they work for you. Just keep the movement slow and controlled and make sure that your form is correct. You can also work under a certified trainer to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your workout.

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